BuddyPress-Kaltura Media Component for Video, Image & Audio Uploading
Is it possible to theme that player?
Guess not, since I cant find anything about it on the documentation.
I would love to use this plugin but it’s not 1.1 compatible am I right?
Keep up the work, can users upload media via mobile (android or iphone) the way the net is going is mobile?
Looks great – I already tried it in a testinstall! When the theming for 1.1 is fixed it will be even better.
Some ideas (don’t know if that is possible with Kaltura):
– New media will be logged in the activity-stream (I think it’s important to draw people…)
– Media also available in groups
– Admins can choose which upload-options are available (for my case, I would only want upload and webcam, because the other “providers” have sometimes adult-stuff on them – not very good for a site for young-people)
-other stuff was already mentioned… (comments, etc)
But over all: It looks VERY promising and I look forward to it!!!
Great Vick.. then I’m sure going to use this plugin!
Or another question, because kaltura is the engine behind the plugin: Are there any other languages available (in my case german)? Didn’t find it on the kaltura-website…
Looks great — I await a release that’s good to go with 1.1.2 with anticipation!
Whao, it looks GREAT!, would anyone tried and could tell me is it quota aware for user’s upload?
mobile support may not available as if now because of the kaltura dependency. But we may work on it and may release it as far feature.
Definitly to upload contents, youshould have partnerID from kaltura ,also there are bandwidth and space limitations.
But not to worry…Using KalturaCE (Kaltura Community Edition;Kaltura’s Open Source Solution), you can configure “your own Media Server” !!! and Buddypress-Kaltura Component provides flexibility to configure itself with either kaltura.com or your own KalturaCE.
@Michael Berra
Your first two suggestions are technically feasible and we will try to include this features within a month.
Regarding the third suggestion you made :
As long as you are using Kaltura Server, and you being an admin of uploaded content, you have full control over media content being uploaded!
And once you have KalturaCE @ your own server, its all up to you
thanks for all your encouraging feedbacks and comments.
Is it possible to use Kaltura in groups and other components if needed.
There must be a way to implement kaltura in other components so people are able to develop based on the kaltura plugin. Similar to the wire, forum components and so on.
yes offcourse kaltura can be implemented in groups and various other components.
Kaltura provides wonderful API so that you can configure it with any component of BuddyPress.
Hi All,
We (rtCamp) are very pleased the way we are getting response.
Thanks a lot!
Please raise any issue or feature suggestion on issue tracker http://www.kaltura.org/project/issues/2443
Our team is working on this component and ASAP, new features/upgrades will be available.
@vick717, Again job well done and the progress on this media is great and the future.
Maybe, when most features and wishlist are done,it could be the default media plugin !!
look forward to the features etc !
@vick717, As for the mobile solution maybe in time ,you could release an API so that twitter clients can implement it !
Am not sure it can be done…
It would be really good to see some sort of integrated video commenting – I believe that, for certain use cases, video commenting could be extremely useful but, so far, it has been hampered by clueless implementations (Seesmic, Viddler) which forced users to jump through registration hoops before they can actually record their message, killing the medium before it even had a chance to catch on.
As far as I can see, Kaltura does not currently offer any sort of video commenting but I think it would be a really could fit with the way in which you are trying to push the communal aspects of video.
Where do you get your ID to enable this plugin? Am I just totally missing this?
Hey all,
Much awaited Buddypress 1.1.x compatible version of this component is out…
Please check out http://www.wpveda.com/buddypress-kaltura-media-component-for-buddypress-version-1-1/ for more information
Added Two New Widgets :
1. Recently added Photos
2. Recently added Videos
Job well done… keep up the work
I love this and have implemented the KalturaCE server on my server but when I try to activate the plugin, I get a “missing KS” error. Is this something normal or is there something else I need to do to activate on a KalturaCE server?
Thanks for all you do.
I would suggest posting this question on the link kapil provided above as well.
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15 years, 4 months ago
Hi All,
Our (rtCamp) developers released a new open-source buddypress component which adds missing media features like audio, video & image uploading. Media features as of now uses Kaltura open-source video solution for hosting.
Kaltura offers self-hosted server setup also in case you want to keep data on your server.
More details can be found here:
We are working on adding more and more features to the Kaltura.
Please give us your feedback & suggestion.