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BuddyPress Share It button live

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  • @mercime


    Hi @modemlooper, uploaded your plugin in test install (BP on WP 3.0.1 multisite subdomain upgraded from WPMU 2.9.2).
    – In admin’s activity panel, the list which should come out when the Share button is clicked on is already there listed vertically, and twitter, facebook, etc button images are not showing up. Clicking on each no-image social area does bring up respective login pop-ups.
    – In group’s activity panel, clicking on Share button in group header does not open up the social buttons, and the same vertical list with no button images happens here as well. Clicking on each no-image social area does bring up respective login pop-ups.
    – I then disabled all WP and BP plugins except BuddyPress and Share It plugin, cleared cache but same behavior shows in the test install. I still have the mu-plugins working but those are tested in many WPMU/MS installs and deal with security.
    – On another note, I’ve tested so many BP plugins in this test install I’m surprised it’s turning out this way, so will be checking your plugin in virgin install tomorrow. Crossing my fingers.

    Thank you.



    Something must be wrong on your setup. I’ve added the plugin to 3 different sites without fail.

    EDIT: oops the plugin folder is named wrong in the repo from my dev copy. fixed in repo should get an update notice.



    I installed it on test site with wpmu 2.9.2 and bp installed and when I try to activate Buddypress share it its showing
    “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”
    Is this compatible with wpmu 2.9.2?




    @mercime Is this not something to do with wp 3’s menu’s. A while back I installed a theme and the menu’s listed vertically, when they were meant to be horizontal.. Google’d it and found that you had to add the ‘pages’ in a menu in the admin’s menu settings.. Was a while ago so don’t quite remember though maybe this is causing some conflict?

    Edit: bleh, just read modemloopers ‘edit’. Soz bout that.



    @mvvspr You know I didn’t try it on wpmu as I dont have an install. My test site is WP multi site and it works.



    @nit3watch it was a file path problem. The plugin’s js and css was not being called.



    Having problems with the share link opening up



    In IE getting this .js error

    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1
    Char: 1
    Code: 0




    Had the same behavior as @mercime, but the file path corrections cleared that up. It works just fine on my install.

    I’ve also got global forums by @Brajesh going on the same install. Any way we can get the Share buttons showing there too?



    @nit3watch @pcwriter – indeed, it was a file path problem in version 1.0 of the plugin. Corrections in version 1,01 resolved that. Re-activated all other BP/WP plugins in test install and all are working well together.

    Thank you @modemlooper.



    @Antonrsa try and see if it’s conflicting with another plugin by deactivating them and trying it



    @pcwriter it’s a premium plugin and I don’t have so there is no way for me to test it and add action to place buttons



    @modemlooper – I changed the naming in the js file and it’s working now. Didn’t seem to like jq



    @modemlooper I had a need for buttons like this for another area of my website. The javascript was the key element I was missing. Thanks!



    @Antonrsa what version of WP and BP? I was using jq as thats what BP has chosen to call js



    WP normal 3.0.1 and the the latest bp



    Must have been another plugin conflict because it works on a fresh install with that config.




    Hey, first of great plugin with huge potential. Just an FYI, I’ve tested your plugin and there seems to be a problem with it and the “load more” button. I’ve confirmed it to be happening only when your plugin is loaded. Basically, for me, when your plugin in is activated and the load more is selected on the activity page the load more content does not show up and the “load more” text disappears. I.E. none of the other updates load when pressing the load more button and the button itself disappears. This is not something easily seen when loading your plugin as all else appears to work ok for me…. Can anyone else confirm this for me/modemlooper… Does your “load more” button cease to function with this plugin installed?

    BP WP 3.01




    Works fine on test site, default theme current BP and WP. Did you try deactivating other plugins?



    @modemlooper Great plugin, so far no problems with WP 3.0.1 and BP!
    Thanks for this!



    @modemlooper I’m using the group email subscription along-side your share it plug-in. When you click the email one, the drop-down/window appears over the ‘stuff’ below and when yours is clicked it pushes everything down.

    I would like to make the 2 open the same ( as the group email one ). I dont know js and tried playing around but I cant come right. Think you could help me out? what might also be nice for other ppl is to have a option to select either js file?

    Let me know, thanks.



    @nit3watch It’s a CSS issue. Try something like this. Not tested in all browsers.

    div#item-header #item-meta div.share-buttons-group {
    position: absolute;
    margin-top: 40px;

    Though @boonebgorges should fix his plugin to fit nicely with header buttons instead of a line of text. ;)

    Screen shot 2010-09-09 at 11.15.45 AM



    @modemlooper not the css, im talking about the drop down menu, when you click “Get email updates” there’s a drop down that doesn’t expand the div, it ‘drops down’ over what would be ( in the image above ) covering “Email Options”.

    ‘Your Share’ button’s drop down expands the div, I would like it to do the same as the group email one, just open over things..

    Soz the 1st post wasn’t very clear.



    JavaScript has nothing to do with that. The js only toggles a hidden attribute. So you have to add or change CSS so that div is not relative to the surrounding code.



    thank modemlooper, didn’t know about that. works..

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