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Buddyvents – New Events Plugin

  • Boris


    Hey All,

    last sunday I found out that a recent project needed an events plugin. Being not too happy (for various not really relevant reasons) with the current solutions I quickly whipped one up. You can have a look here:

    Every member can publish an event, but if you’re also a group admin you can attach an event to one of your groups. Coordinates get automatically geocoded from the location. Event activity gets displayed on the events page and an event can be edited and features an overview page of all members.

    The messages component is needed as that handles all the invitations. It also needs the friends plugin for the autocompletion to invite members to work.

    There’s a bit more so if you want to have a play, go ahead…

    Here’s a feature list:
    * Events can be created by any user
    * Events can be attached to a group, if the event creator is a group admin
    * Event Privacy that includes group integration
    * Activity stream integration
    * Friends component integration (used for invitations)
    * Event comments
    * Events search
    * RSS Feeds for groups and users
    * Geocoded locations for events
    * Google Maps v3 overview of all events
    * Adds basic information like address to groups
    * Sidebar Widget
    * Support for BP-Moderation
    * Calendar integration
    * Restrict number of attendees
    * Recurrent events (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly)

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  • Boris


    Data that has been entered does not get lost now when event creation fails and I’ve added autosuggest to the locations field as well. Both autosuggest fields (invitations and locations) are being handled by an AJAX call now. Altogether it’s a bit slower now because of the database calls it needs, but for large communities it’s just not feasable to fetch all locations and all friends beforehand.



    If I try to invite friends by clicking ‘Edit” button, I have this error : “Your event could not be edited. Please try again!”

    About inviting system, it would be awesome your plugin support the “Invite Anyone” plugin.

    Thanks for your work.




    I’ll have a look. It works on my local system. Anyways, I have added a page where users can invite their friends if the event is public and it’s not attached to a hidden or private group. It’s not been tested very well, so it’d be great if you want to give it a go



    I have moved the invitations onto their own page, so it’s not part of the event creation process anymore. After an event has been created the event admin is forwarded to the invitations page. If the event is public anybody can invite their friends. If it’s private only the admin. Same if the event is attached to a group and the status of that group is either hidden or private.

    Our shop is finished now and I haven’t actually noticed any related problems when I moved from to 1.2.6. It should be fine running it on either version, so the plugin will be available by tomorrow evening.



    1- if I create an event with autosuggest map is not working. see event:
    2- if I edit an event location autosuggest is not working.

    Future request:
    possibility to click the event image with zoom effect to the original image size. like this :



    Yup, there are some problems with the autocomplete for locations. Mainly it’s the comma, which is a delimiter for a new autosuggest entry and that messes up things quite a bit. Looking for alternatives at the moment

    I didn’t include the autosuggest on the edit page. Don’t see the point really. The event location won’t change that much, but you’re welcome to change my mind.

    I’ll probably leave the images the way they are. At the moment the original image doesn’t even get saved. Just a 150×150 and a 50×50 thumb. I could put some more filters in place that let you write a new upload and display routine.



    sounds good.



    For now I have removed the autocomplete for locations as it was making too much trouble. Instead the location field gets prepopulated with the group address if the event is attached to a group.

    French translation should be ready tomorow.

    Hi @travel-junkie, you wrote the shop is ready. Where to find it? I’m hungry of your plugin :-)



    My brother set up the shop with Magento and he thought it was ready until he played around with the paypal sandbox again and that didn’t work. Magento can be difficult at times (understatement of the year that is), but it makes annoying things, like tax stuff, a lot easier. You can find my email address here:

    Send me a mail and I’ll get the plugin to you today!



    any info about the price?


    I’ve just send FR translation by email found on this website :



    Hi @travel-junkie!

    I am very interested in your plugin, but am wondering about one thing: will it be possible to embed the events map in another place (for example the front page?) . I don’t need any fancy plugin option or anything to do this, just some code that I could paste into my theme…



    It’ll be 40 Euros net (47.60 gross). You’ll need a valid european VAT number or be situated outside the EU to get the net price (German customers will always have to pay the gross price). First we were gonna make it 25 for a single domain license, but the 40 grant you use for unlimited (own) domains. The code is GPL, so once you have it you can do whatever you want with it, but support is only given to users of the plugin who actually bought it.

    Support will only be given on our forums at We have set up a hidden forum there where you will get access to after the plugin has been purchased. We’re also working on integrating Magento (our shop) and BuddyPress, but at the moment we’ll have to do that manually, so the whole registration process might take a bit longer than it should take.

    The version of this release is 1.0 beta and you’ll receive support until we tag the plugin as 2.0, after which the plugin will have to be purchased again (depending on the added features we might raise the price, but existing customers get 50% off).

    That’s about it :)



    The plugin uses normal templates. There’s a block of code in the map template you can just copy/paste wherever you want and the map will show up there.

    Cheers, got them and included them already. You’ll get a discount for that! Contact me by mail and we’ll sort things out.



    one more question.. is the plugin available in germen language or only in english?



    The plugin can be fully translated, but I haven’t gotten round to translating it into German yet. To be honest, it’s quite low on my priority list, cause I only need it in English.



    Notice to anybody interested in purchasing Buddyvents (price info can be found here:

    You can find my email address here: (no point in spreading my email address to all four corners of the virtual world, me thinks)

    Pop me a mail and I’ll get a freshly printed copy to your inbox in no time.

    We’re experiencing some problems with our shop :( Magento is a seriously awesome CMS for ecommerce, but getting it to run on a sub-domain (actually, sometimes, just getting it to run at all) might actually give you brain damage.

    Anyways, the plugin is available, but for now we’ll have to do things the good ole-fashoned way… manually :)



    I have just uploaded the latest dev version (v1.1) to

    This includes categories, that are definable by the site admin in an all shiny ajax backend. It includes category pages and planned are also feeds for categories.

    The start of the calendar can now be set to either monday or sunday and the sorting of events on the calendar has been improved and should make a larger amount of events more readable.

    I haven’t written an upgrade routine yet, so I swiped the event database tables of the testsite clean. Will probably be available within a week.



    @Travel-Junkie Is the time/date picker friendly for US? For example is it available in the format month/day/year and a 12 hour clock? Please let me know asap.




    There’s no option you can turn on or off, but it can all be done through template files and filters or actions.



    @Travel-junkie. Thanks for the fast reponse. Unfortunately I dont know Php. If you are willing to email where to make the changes in the appropriate files and what code to replace it with, I would then go ahead an purchase it today.



    We have a support forum at where we answer all support questions related to Buddyvents, so once you purchased the plugin you’d get access to the forums and get all the info you need to adjust Buddyvents.

    How can I test this plugin? I need to buy it? Is there any way to get my money back if I see it does not fit my needs or does not work as expected?

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