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Configuring W3 Total Cache with BuddyPress

  • Bowe


    Hi guys,

    I’ve just installed W3 Total Cache with a CDN provider and so far it seems to work great. But I would like to know how BuddyPress could benefit from it’s powers. Normal page caching creates non updated activity streams since the content remains cached.

    1: So page caching does not work, without disabling caching of certain folders/files. Does anyone know which folders should NOT be cached to let the stream work properly?

    2: Can I use database caching, since the plugin config says: “Caching database objects may decrease the response time of your blog by up to 100x” Can BuddyPress cause this kind of decreased performance?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • symm2112


    If you figure out how to get it working let me know. I tried activating it but wasn’t able to due to a fatal error but wasn’t able to troubleshoot yet.

    I’ve left page caching off for now, as I’m uncertain too. Database caching is what, I assume, it calls object caching. Object caching reduces the number of queries BuddyPress has to make dramatically.



    Database caching seems to work fine for me as well.. So I’ll try and experiment with the page cache. since BuddyPress is highly dynamic, most parts can not be cached very wel.. But I imagine caching the directory pages for 10 mins could prove useful? I don’t know how much that’ll help though :)

    Caching the front page for non-registered users might be a good idea

    Pedro Miguel


    I have w3 total cache installed

    I have almost all options enabled and works well…

    I also create a subdomain to make a “CDN” and now my blog is A on Yslow and more than 90 on google page speed.

    Its good Idea to cache pages to non-logged users. (dont worry crawlers still get non cached pages).



    I just installed W3 Total Cache with the default settings on a single buddypress install.

    Anyone figured out the best settings. I’m asking cause this thread is a week old so new insights may be at hand :-)



    I have all my site files going to Amazon s3. Have pretty much everything activated and works good. One plugin that I installed was javascript in footer and it made the pages load twice as fast.



    I can’t even load the plugin on my site because it fails to activate due to a “fatal error” The dev asked for me to go to debug on the plugin but since I can’t even activate it, of course that’s not an option :(



    I have also installed W3tc but I am having issues with the Ajax not working when the javascript is minified. Is anyone else seeing this?

    And on the page caching… are you including or excluding any particular pages or just using the default settings?



    @drummergirl I’m seeing this too have had to go without minify. how is everyone getting it to work?

    any help here



    @drummergirl I’m seeing this too have had to go without minify. how is everyone getting it to work?

    any help here



    any help



    I gave up on it…even with just database caching, the extra files it installs prevented sign-ups on my site. Time to figure out xcache…

    xCache and W3 Total Cache are totally different kettles of fish.



    Any recent updates on the best configuration for W3 Total Cache – still looking…

    Round World Travels


    when I log out the cache page shows I’m still logged in and I don’t see the login form, anyway to correct this. Also the forum rss feed and buddypress links feed don’t work for me when minify is activated.



    anything new here? I’m getting the logout thing too. Otherwise. its working pretty good for me so far, besides an issue with switch_to_blog function.

    Ben Hansen


    @GUAP same problem here



    Started with the guide for BP-Tricks.. but due to the nature of BuddyPress some stuff are bound to cause trouble.. like database and page caching :-)



    I’m also experiencing issues with both login and logout not showing the user being logged in in the top bar (even thouch caching for logged in users has been disabled). Has anyone been able to determine the optimal settings for buddypress + w3 total cache yet?

    Having the same logout issue as well. Mine seems to be specific to the homepage only – strange…?

    The Badger


    Anyone found a solution for this? My site, has this very issue. If you go to Account > logout you are logged out but the menubar still appears as though you’re logged in until you visit a page and then it refreshes… how frustrating!

    I’m sure there must be some queries to exclude from caching order to get around this – W3TC is pretty clever!



    Any update on this problem?

    I also love some advice on cache plugins for buddypress, in particular how to configure W3TC. Strange that the W3TC plugin creator does not help out here. (Or have I missed that?)

    I’d love some help on this, too!

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