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Disable Activation Email

  • @vanmurray


    I’m getting spammed and have identified that they are using bots to create member accounts, then using the activation email to validate (typically with .info domains).

    Does anyone know how to disable sending the activation email in a plugin? WPMU 2.9.2, BP

    I have adapted the manual-member-approve plugin written by Matt Kern to work with BuddyPress and I have added the ability to “activate”, “send activation email”, “delete from wp-signup”.

    Basically just doing a manual approval process since spammers are easily identifiable, but I want to disable the automatic sending of the activation email…

    Thanks in advance.

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  • @codeispoetry


    Just subscribing because I’m also interested in a solution to this.



    i don’t have the thread on hand but andy posted up a solution with filters/hooks to disable the email and change the user status



    Andy’s solution was for WP, but it didn’t work for WPMU. For WP, there’s this plugin: We’ve been working on an MU solution in this thread: However, haven’t quite gotten it to work right.




    Just bumping old thread if someone still find the solution. šŸ™‚

    You can disable sending activation email to new registrant by adding code below into your theme/child theme functions.php

    `/* disable sending activation emails */
    /* place this in your child theme’s function.php */
    add_filter( ‘bp_core_signup_send_activation_key’, create_function(”,’return false;’) );`

    Or I also put the code above on Pastebin:

    Budi Nusyirwan




    If somebody still need to disable activation email, the following function works fine for me:

    // Change the text on the signup page
    add_filter( ‘bp_registration_needs_activation’, ‘__return_false’ );

    function my_disable_activation( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta = ” ) {
    // Activate the user
    bp_core_activate_signup( $key );

    // Return false so no email sent
    return false;
    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_user_notification’, ‘my_disable_activation’, 10, 4 );
    remove_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_blog_notification’, ‘bp_core_activation_signup_blog_notification’, 1, 7 );
    add_filter( ‘wpmu_signup_blog_notification’, ‘__return_false’ );

    Thanks to @cnorris23 for it!

    Hope it helps to someone šŸ™‚



    The last function has a bug, it activate the user after registration, but it’s still sending the activation key email using WP multisite, so it can be very confusing for the users, because they’re already active.

    Any ideas to stop sending the activation key email?




    Ok, you can disable sending activation email to new registrant in WP multisite + BP installation by adding code below into your theme/child theme functions.php

    // Change the text on the signup page
    add_filter( ā€˜bp_registration_needs_activationā€™, ‘__return_false’ );

    function my_disable_activation( $user, $user_email, $key, $meta = ā€ ) {
    // Activate the user
    bp_core_activate_signup( $key );

    // Return false so no email sent
    return false;
    add_filter( ā€˜wpmu_signup_user_notificationā€™, ā€˜my_disable_activationā€™, 10, 4 );

    //Disable new blog notification email for multisite
    remove_filter( ā€˜wpmu_signup_blog_notificationā€™, ā€˜bp_core_activation_signup_blog_notificationā€™, 1, 7 );
    add_filter( ā€˜wpmu_signup_blog_notificationā€™, ‘__return_false’ );

    // disable sending activation emails for multisite
    remove_filter( ā€˜wpmu_signup_user_notificationā€™, ā€˜bp_core_activation_signup_user_notificationā€™, 1, 4 );
    add_filter( ā€˜wpmu_signup_user_notificationā€™, ‘__return_false’, 1, 4 );

    Cheers! šŸ˜€



    Great šŸ™‚ Many thanks @_dorsvenabili and @bukrie to share a way to do it but it doesn’t work for me, with WP 3.5.1, BP 1.7.2, TwentyTwelve šŸ™ then do you know if now something is new about this, thank in advance

    at wp-login.php page, there is the following “ERROR: Your account has not been activated. Check your email for the activation link.”

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