This could be a plugin causing a problem. Try to disable all other plugins, keeping buddypress only and see what happens.
Also, if this doesn’t help then we’ll need more information about your setup. Please see this thread for the details we’d need:
I found that global.js was loading twice for me.
once at buddypress>_inc>global.js and once at theme>includes>js>global.js
I dont recall putting my global.js file in my theme but I can be flighty sometimes 
@natetheaverage this thread is more than a year old. Pls start a new topic for your issue.
Could very well be that you have BP Template Pack plugin activated which enqueues global.js and your own theme enqueues the same global.js in its functions.php file, hence two global.js showing up.
14 years, 2 months ago
Status updates, comments on other profile, and forum post notifications always post twice. Why is this happening?