Why have you written to replace the member-themes directory??
You can change the name of facebuddy theme directory 
is that under gpl? <– if yes i’ll add styles for the bpdev-autosuggest plugin
@ sgrunt..good attempt keep up the work.
@nicolagreco, Regarding cbook theme,any update on mine or email reply ?
Wow that’s neat.
Any demos? I couldn’t find one after 2 seconds so I got lazy and figured I’d ask.
hi john…no, any demo for now sorry: i’ve included a lot of screenshots for helping. BuddyDress is wordpress and not wordpressmu for now.
i’ve made some changes to the loader.php to correctly add the stylesheet. We’re still in beta but i think that we’re going to see the light!
member theme doest work…please help
@sha_munira explain better your problem..
what does not work? how did you installed it?
I have the same problem and i fallowed the exact instructions.When i select the theme from the admin it doesn’t show up.I see the default theme for bddypress.
could someone give instructions on how to install?
i put home theme in themes directory
and member themes in member-themes directory
then activated home theme.
facebuddy home theme is loading, but i get default buddypress member theme.
do i have to activate member theme?
any suggestions?
yawn….early morning in Italy. If you first activate the facebuddy home theme, and then select site admin>buddypress>select theme>facebuddy it does not load? i seee that here all works: http://wordpress-blog.nl/
please be sure to have downloaded the latest version of the zip (it was uploaded yesterday)
Yes is the last one…But the member theme doesn’t work.Can you check it out and give a solution?We will drink the coffee together then.
yes a big big coffee! tell me: do you do not see Facebuddy in the list of member themes available here: Site admin > Buddypress > Select theme > ?
obviously the facebuddy member-theme folder should have this path: wp-contentmember-themesfacebuddy member-theme
still there andrei? i’d like to know if you still have problems
thank you i reinstalled the theme again and now is working
good work my friend, please then show me the link to your website, and put it in the comments of buddydress.com too, so people can see working website!
note: after a segnalation of Andy Peatling i’ve just reupload the file changing the folder name from facebuddy member-theme to facebuddy-member-theme, because the white space could be a problem
hi sgrunt,
i still get the default member profile after activating even with the newly uploaded version.
any ideas?
hi decisionc, after activating the facebuddy home theme, have you activated the facebuddy member theme from Site admin > Buddypress > Select theme > ? Can you see facebuddy in that list?
Site admin > Buddypress > Select theme > Facebuddy
is activated.
mmmmh…the home theme is facebuddy or another theme? it’s important that facebuddy is both home and member theme. I’ll change this today, using base.css although that site-wide.css
hmm, home is facebuddy. home is working fine. members page reverts to buddypress default.
It actually reverts to the completely unedited bp member default. what i mean is that the logo “Social Network” still appears, even though in my slightly modified buddypress default theme, i removed the logo.
i have latest versions of wpmu and bp installed, if that helps.
ok please do this, i hope this works until i’ll rename all css: could you try to copy the css/site-wide.css content of your facebuddy home theme and past it into the css/custom.css of your facebuddy-member-theme? It’s an hack and i’m sorry: today i’ll fix everything. This happens because in my original intent i wanted to work on sitewide files but it was an error.
maybe it’s more simple in this way:
“copy the css/site-wide.css file of your facebuddy home-theme and past it into the css folder of your facebuddy-member-theme renaming it in: custom.css”
please let me know if it works for you
great!!!! today i’ll fix and reupload the zip file. Please then tell us the address of your website here and in the buddydress.com comments, so people can see working websites with the new theme
update: reuploaded file just now