Login to the WPMU backend, navigate to “Appearance > Custom Header”.
The menu colors are driven by the .css file, located here:
* Section “ul#nav li a” (no quotes) controls color of non-active menu tabs
* Section “ul#nav li.selected a” (no quotes) controls color of active/selected menu tabs
color = tab text color
background = tab background color
* Section “#wp-admin-bar .padder” (no quotes) controls top bar of color above header
Now, if I can determine how to get the active header tabs to change for static pages, I’ll be happy. Any ideas? 
Regards… Tom
[My 1st BP post]
I’ve altered fishbook to get active header tabs to change for static pages. you need to edit the styles.css file like this:
find the nav css. look for the line that says “ul#nav li.selected a {” and change it to “ul#nav li.selected a, ul#nav li.current_page_item a {“
I tried this but then when I click on a static page it does not even show in the menu???