Only if you do it after Links is 1.0
@MrMaz given how far along Erwin is, I’m not sure it’s the best use of your valuable time.
@Peter I def misunderstood your requirement. A MeetUp type of admin only event manager may or may not be doable with bp-events. While it would be cool and useful, for sure, I think the majority of BP admins are desparate for an event system that is user centric as that is a clear community builder/driver. It still may be as simple as making event permissions admin only and adding some of hte extra features you desire.
@David You could use that plugin, but think of all the social media benefits you’d be missing out on e.g. “John Doe is attending EventX” or “John Doe added a picture to EventY”
@peterverkooien you could easily do that with bp-events. You just need to find where all the links are that mention “Create Event” and wrap that in an if ( site_admin ) statement. Than only you will be able to create events. That’s why it is nice to use components that use the BuddyPress framework, since they are more extensible.
Ballpark release was mid-march……erm…..it is mid-march, still no change to the trunk in SVN? Is work being done? Is Erwin still using the SVN trunk version?
I have no information… but based on the history of it’s development… I would say… don’t hold your breath. Which is not to say I don’t think it will ever come out. I’m sure it will. Eventually. But I wouldn’t count on any projections about release dates.
Our whole project is centred around events. In fact, we decided for Buddypress because of bp-events. Unfortunately, we can not contribute to the development in any non-symbolic way. Thus we are sitting, waiting, wishing … – like so many. Seeing this plugin work will be such a blast!
Pity I have no coding experience but have plenty of time and would love a great events plugin for BP.
I’ve been thinking about making a GSoC proposal for event handling — while my initial idea about the features required by the plugin was based on college festival websites (such as http://tryst2010.in – by yours truly) could you give me an idea of what you all — @zeitweise, @takeo, and others — expect from an event management plugin?
I’ll be posting my proposal link here in a few days/hours (depending on how long I can stay awake!)
For any events plugin there needs to be a few standard features.
1. Custom avatar for event
2. Embeddable maps
3. upcoming events widget
4. An invitation and RSVP system
5. An automatic purging and deletion schedule.
6. I would add an upcoming events rss feed
Should be integrated with groups but also have a global directory listing / calendar.
this is good news and the jquery fullcalendar plug … @mikepratt ~ thanks for tracking erwin down on it, bp-events was ahead of it’s time http://svn.wp-plugins.org/bp-events/. @kunalb this would make an ideal Gsoc project ~ events management for WP including ticketing management would put it over the top. For those of you interested in a fork of existing code, may I suggest ~ http://svn.wp-plugins.org/the-events-calendar/ & http://svn.wp-plugins.org/eventbrite-for-the-events-calendar/ this one was my fave, but it hadn’t been updated in years. http://svn.wp-plugins.org/event-calendar
…Embeddable maps can be done using my plugin Buddypress Maps.
I made it to be easily integratable into others plugins.
Updated the proposal for an events plugin once again: any comments/suggestions?
Like I posted in your comments, let us know if you need any help. I’ll do what I can.
Great, i guess you covered everything important in your proposal!
Agreed, the proposal is pretty thorough. Looks like this would be a winner!
Based on a lot of feedback I’ve received, my proposal’s undergone some drastic changes — mainly support for WP without BP, and enhanced behaviour in Buddypress.
good luck with this – you are obviously well motivated! Let us know what support you need.
My members keep asking me for an events planner and I would just like to say you guys are awesome.