New BuddyPress 1.2 default theme
BuddyPress 1.2 will be getting a new default theme. Please check to see it in action. The original default will still be present in 1.2, but renamed to bp-classic.
You can read more about it here:
Be sure to log in to see all of the new personalization.
Some aspects of the new theme break in IE6 (yuck). Should I open tickets or should we consider IE6 no longer supported? Unfortunately I still have a reasonable number of IE6 users.
My opinion right now is that I’m not going to spend any time on IE6. If someone wants to make the CSS changes needed in a separate file I will include the stylesheet with the theme.
Sounds reasonable. My opinion is that we’re not QUITE at the point yet where we can completely ignore IE6. I’m fine with aesthetic issues… but I believe web sites still need to be reasonably functional in IE6. They shouldn’t break completely. I haven’t look at the new theme in IE6 yet.
<offtopic>IE6 is already 9 years of age and already updated by two more crapy browsers again (IE7 & IE8), imho drop it if your users like it or not and let them switch to a product which is more compliant (ex: Safari, FireFox or Chrome)
IE6 is quite broken.
Comments aren’t showing for example.
Not great for my intended crowd. They’re a bit older and have got old computers and in those companies.
I’ve talked with Arx but s/he’s not interested in supporting it either. I’m no CSS-guru but would really like to have some simple compatability with IE6 and BP 1.2.
Anyone out there?
Haven’t seen the damge on IE6 yet, but I’ll look into it when I have some time.
Btw, for IE6 users you could also use google chrome frame.
I’m with David Lewis. More than reasonable for Andy to skip IE6 for now. As for dropping IE6 completely, my employer’s only “supported” browser is IE6. That’s a 200k+ employee, $30B+ company. Nuts!
@jivany: That is the case in a lot of corporate environments. Maybe that’s what happens when you don’t upgrade your OS for 7 years? Most corporate environments never “upgraded” from XP. And who can blame them!
The company I work at is 3,000 people and everyone is on XP. The only supported browser is IE6. You’re not even allowed to run 7 or 8. Being a designer… I’m on a Mac. One of only two in the entire place
LOL. I have every browser under the sun installed. For testing.
I can understand people’s frustrations but I’m personally very happy with the lack of IE6 support. It means I can have a clean conscience when I don’t support it in any plugins/themes/etc. Luckily at the university here our ITS guys have managed to push through an IE upgrade on the campus computers. It’s only IE7, but it’s still a million miles better than 6 (and the students also get access to firefox and opera).
Does the bp-classic theme work with IE6?
@Andy Peatling
Please revert your three column change for the group homepages. It was so much better with two columns. One of the major improvements with the new theme was the way the layout didn’t change everytime you clicked somewhere.
I really do like the re-theme, Andy. I hate to say it, but the previous them took up so much real estate on the screen, and the way panels and columns were laid out was pretty difficult to manage with css for making changes in child themes, for example.
I’m not going to fuss right now since I already built a child them off the parent (see, but one of these days I’ll convert over.
My two cents about IE6, people *really should* be scrapping as much as possible. It’s true that there’s still a substantial amount of people on IE6, and I’m not a hater (well, that’s not entirely true, I do hate IE6, ha), but when there are so much better alternatives to IE6, why continue to support something which, in terms of technology, is 90 years old. (I’m using dog years analogy here: the lifespan of technology is much shorter than humans, so you gotta adjust accordingly).
IE6 is on its last breath, no question.
The other thing is that BuddyPress *is* cutting edge, and I imagine people (maybe not the core team, but plugins developers) are going to start folding in HTML5 technology soon to what’s going down here. I know I plan on using such for my site in the not-too-distant future, and while IE is not HTML5 friendly period, and many browsers still have problems, IE6 is just out right the bane.
People need to realize that its support for IE6 is no longer a normal request. It *should* be a thing of the past, IMHO.
D Cartwright: I’ve actually decided already to revert that, I don’t like it now I’ve had chance to use it for a while. I can fit the content in that menu inside of the header for the item.
Depending on your audience you don’t necessarily have a choice about IE6. It’s not about you. LOL. I dislike it as much as anyone, but sometimes requirements are requirements. And personally… I’ve never had much problem supporting it. Even with some really far out designs. There are only a few big gottchas and you know that going in and code around it. Simple.
That said… I have no problem whatsoever with Andy not supporting IE6 in the new theme. That’s his choice and it’s a reasonable one. If you really need to use the new theme and you really need it to work on IE6… well… I guess it’s time to start hacking together a conditional ie6 bug fix stylesheet
This is about the 1.2 theme update, so I’ll post it here to save a fresh topic… Will we be seeing a textarea at the top of a users activity stream allowing friends to post comments, as we had with the wire?
I see that activity/wire/status have been merged, so I was anticipating this – but cannot see it on yet?
I think Andy touched on that in another thread. I’ll let him respond but I’m guessing the answer… for now anyway… is probably not.
@Andy Just updated to 2207 this morning and all looks fine so far. One question though:
on /groups/groupname page I see that “View Thread” is there in place of “Comment” for forum postings, which speaks to the sync issue being discussed on other threads but the link on “View Thread” is the group slug not the forum thread slug. For example on my dev site on the page
I see a nice listing of activity. The activity item “posted on the forum topic Yet another another test in the group USMA 1987: 3 days, 23 hours ago” has a “Vew Thread” link which points to:
Is this on purpose or a bug?
I see it’s generated on line 24 of activity/activity-loop.php in bp-default with
<?php if ( !bp_is_activity_permalink() ) : ?>
" title="<?php _e( 'View Thread', 'buddypress' ) ?>"><?php _e( 'View Thread', 'buddypress' ) ?>
<?php endif; ?>
I need to look further into the return of bp_activity_thread_permalink()
seems this is already fixed at
@Mike Pratt – unfortunately previous to the change the links to threads were only being recorded with the group slug. Any posts from this point on will contain the link to the actual thread on the “View Thread” button.
I have a couple of lazy questions.
1. Will BP 1.2 still support the 1.1 default theme if people still want to use it?
Edit: Yes
1(b). Is the wire totally dead, or just not used in the new theme?
Edit: I am guessing it must still be there if the old theme is still supported.
2. Is there any kind of timeline as to when the new default theme will be considered safe to start working on plugin support? I want to avoid any extra iterations due to sudden changes in direction.
Edit: Late January?
Ok, that was three.
Yep, the original default is just renamed “classic” but has been updated. The wire has been completely removed from both the new and old theme and replaced with the new activity stream posting.
I will more than likely include the wire and status updates components in the “backwards compatibility” plugin for people to use with older themes.
I would consider it safe to begin working with the 1.2 theme. I expect there to be mostly bug fixes from now on. There is a chance thread favouring and/or reply notifications make it in before i freeze new stuff on Dec 30th, but it all depends on time. It should not change the theme though.
The final 1.2 should be out at the end of Jan.
@Andy figured. cool. thanks.
I was hoping you’d say don’t touch the default for another 2 weeks! Now I have no excuse not to get to work
Hi there – Really like the look of the new default theme. Sorry if this is stupid question, but is it possible to download the current not-yet-final version as a zip file anywhere please?
Download the latest BP release here:
You can find the new theme in bp-themes/bp-default
Cool. Thanks Bowe!
WPMU 2.9 trunk-r2041 and BP 1.2 trunk-r2207
– BP on blog_ID_1 and WPMU used as CMS
Feedback: Child theme of 1.2 trunk bp-default theme
Getting white screen in front end (all sections) when creating a new Child theme based on new bp-default theme.
– If I add customized header.php and footer.php (with only additional divs), I get white screen,
– If I do not upload header.php and footer.php but add customized home.php, I get white screen.
– Note: the only way I got the child theme recognized was by copying code of activity/index.php over home.php in bp-default theme folder, but like mentioned above, other customizations except the sidebar.php, white screened on me. Too much eggnog last night?
Feedback: Child theme of 1.2 trunk bp-sn-parent theme
– custom Child themes of old bp-sn-parent theme transition well to new bp-sn-parents theme generally except Forums pages – only one group shown and nothing else
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