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[New Plugin] BuddyPress Group Forum Extras

  • @nuprn1


    Download from WordPress Plugin Repo: BuddyPress Group Forum Extras

    A collection of bbPress plugins to bring a little more forum feel to the group forums.

    • Signatures (html tags are still limited to: a strong i )
    • BBCode Lite (or option for Shortcode if internal only bbpress)
    • Ajaxed Quote (requires theme edit on topic.php)

    I’m also looking to add the following:

    • Report Post to Mod (use notification/messaging system to group mods)
    • Support Forums (run nongroup forums)
    • Best Answer or bb-reputation (Karma)
    • Signatures administration to include defines set of html tag or bbcode

    Theme Edit is Required to use Ajax Quote


    Before the link:

    <a href="#post-<?php bp_the_topic_post_id() ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Permanent link to this post', 'buddypress' ) ?>">#</a>

    Please add this action:

    <?php do_action( 'bp_forum_extras_topic_links' ) ?>

    If you run an external bbPress – the bbcode subplugin will convert bbcode to html whereas the shortcode subplugin is for internal bbpress as it just hooks the wordpress shortcode filter on the post content. Also – the signature subplugin will use the same bb_get_option name as _ck_’s original bbpress plugin.

    Please let me know about any issues and any bbpress plugin requests to convert

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  • @3sixty


    this function will return the link to the last post for a given topic (inside the loop) (where 15 is the default posts per_page setting)

    bp_forum_extras_topic_last_post_link( 15 )

    I love that function, especially when I remember to echo it… :)

    Actually though, I meant, is there a way to link to the last active post In the Forum Index (i.e. outside of the forum loop)? So, for each table row, list the forum name, then list the “freshest” post in one of the next columns?




    I meant, is there a way to link to the last active post In the Forum Index (i.e. outside of the forum loop)

    I remember this discussion on – but i don’t recall the solution, if there is one.


    The buttons do need a slight change for my bbcode plugin.


    Add Avatar to BP Forum Extras – Forum Index


    widget which would display ‘forums’ without many details, like description, but simply a list with forums names

    All Updated in the development version – 0.1.9b2

    Also added to dev is a new subplugin: Activity Comments on Forum Posts



    Updated development version to 0.1.9b3

    Added Topic Preview – Hover over topic title link, inserts a new table row beneath the title with the first post post_content.

    uses jquery hoverintent (default settings)

    no theme edit but it traverses the dom tree on the bp-default theme – so you may have to edit the .js file to account for a different forum-loop.php structure.

    no ajax – the first post_content is stored in html under a hidden div (i’ll add an option in the future to select full post or excerpt)



    no theme edit but it traverses the dom tree on the bp-default theme

    Excellent, and thanks. I’ll be having a look, because that will make my clumsy attempts to do the same thing to get a quote-selected-text modification working a bit easier, I hope.



    For those using the Forum Index and later on update the group description – a small bug where the bbPress forum table.forum_desc will not update with the new information:

    You’ll need to manually update the mywpprefix_bb_forums.forum_desc col



    tagged 0.2.0

    Activity Comments on Forum Posts

    Topic First Post Preview

    Forum Index Widget (max, avatar, desc)

    BBCode List Buttons for expanded Shortcodes Plugin



    Bug report: Activating ‘BuddyPress Forums Extras – Activity’ kills Quoting on my install. Same issue existed with 0.1.9b3.

    Not sure what ‘Activity’ is meant to do, actually, so I’m not too worried — just wanted to check it out.

    This was with ‘Forum index’, ‘RSS Feeds’ and ‘Quoting’ active only.

    What does the “Activity” plugin do?



    Topic Preview is amazing! I’m still thinking a little about the implementation and how I might tweak it, though. The expanding DIV is clever but a little jarring, and there is no way for users to avoid it. My recommendation would be:

    1. Instead of making the whole title “hot” for the mouseover, append a small mouseover [preview link] to the end of the topic title. (To conserve clutter, eventually it could optionally be linked to the new post indicator I’m working on)

    2. Instead of disrupting the page layout with an expanding div, do an overlay div like snap,



    You can tweak the timeout/sensitivity with hoverintent in the js file

    2. Instead of disrupting the page layout with an expanding div, do an overlay div like snap,

    i have a firefox extension that does an overlay pop-up div to preview a thread – the problem is determining the pop above or below the link depending where it is placed on the page (and scroll), for some reason I was unable to get this to work properly across all browsers for this plugin. (i think chrome has issues with scrolltop?)

    So the div methods meets my needs – if someone out there wants to code in a proper div with that requirement working then i’ll add it in.

    1. Instead of making the whole title “hot” for the mouseover, append a small mouseover [preview link] to the end of the topic title.

    a preview button would be nice – though with the way i’m pulling data and passing it along – it was easier to use the a href.

    Bug report: Activating ‘BuddyPress Forums Extras – Activity’ kills Quoting on my install. Same issue existed with 0.1.9b3.

    oh bugger – i didn’t even check this. i’m able to reproduce it so i’ll get a fix up today.

    Not sure what ‘Activity’ is meant to do, actually, so I’m not too worried — just wanted to check it out.

    Well this is just a ‘in theory’ plugin – so if a forum post has some sort of activity stream replies/comment on it – you can view those comments directly from the forum thread (or be aware what is being talked about in the activity stream)



    found the error with activity and quote being enabled at the same time (what i get for copying code and not changing the wp_enqueue_script name param. (give it 20 mins or so to update in the repo to 0.2.1)




    Can I request the ability to stick a specific forum category at the top of the category listings in your plugin?

    Right now, when a new post is added to a category, that category is bumped to the top on the forum homepage listing. I would much prefer they were organized via name with the ability to stick a category. This makes it much easier for returning people to find the category they are after, especially with forums that have hundreds of categories.

    I actually like how the forum index page shows the newest posts on top, that is cool. I just don’t want the category listings doing the same thing is all. anyhow.. just a suggestion



    Can I request the ability to stick a specific forum category at the top of the category listings in your plugin?

    If you’re talking about the Forum Index part of the plugin, I am not seeing this behavior?? The Forum Index lists the forums in order of forum_id number, so the oldest forum gets listed first, the newest forum gets listed last. But yeah, that is not ideal either – forum software like phpBB usually allows you to reorder forums however you want them to appear.

    So I would also vote for “category reordering” on the feature wishlist for this plugin.

    That Activity plugin is what I’ve been waiting for! Is there a way you can do the same with blog comments (single install) or is there a way to turn off activity blog comments and leave on activity forum comments?

    Activity doesn’t seem to be working. (0.2.1) All template edits correct.



    More details please

    Are you logged in? See a button view the activity posts?

    Confirm the activity for that post has comments?

    Check the html source for:

    <ul id="activity-stream-post which is written in for each activity item




    You are correct, it does display in the order created. Would still like the ability to reorder someday if it’s possible.




    Add Avatar to BP Forum Extras – Forum Index

    Hmm… I’m not seeing it in the Forum Index. Let me check my theme and see if that’s the problem.

    update: I changed to the default theme and still not seeing it.



    did you enable the option “Display Group Avatar next to forum name”?



    LOL. Had no idea. Will check out the admin panel!




    You are correct, it does display in the order created. Would still like the ability to reorder someday if it’s possible.

    I managed to choose my own forum order with this adaptation of “foreach ( (array)$forumlisting as $listing)”

    (though rich will cringe when he sees how I mangled/reverse engineered his great code)

    <?php $forum_entries = array(9, 10, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1); /*this is the order I want my forums to appear in the forum index*/ ?>

    <?php foreach ($forum_entries as $forum_entry) {

    foreach ( (array)$forumlisting as $listing) {

    if ($listing->id == $forum_entry) {

    if (!is_user_logged_in() && $listing->status == ‘private’) {

    $forumlink = $bp->root_domain . ‘/’ . $bp->groups->slug . ‘/’ . $listing->slug . ‘/’;

    } else {

    $forumlink = $bp->root_domain . ‘/’ . $bp->groups->slug . ‘/’ . $listing->slug . ‘/forum/’;

    } ?>


    <td class=”num td-title”><?php if ($groupavatar) bp_forum_extras_the_forum_avatar( ‘item_id=’. $listing->id ) ?>

    <h5>“><?php echo $listing->forum_name; ?></h5>

    <small> – <?php echo $key . ‘ ‘ . $listing->forum_desc; ?></small></td>

    <td class=”num td-topiccount alt”><?php echo $listing->topics; ?></td>

    <td class=”num td-postcount”><?php echo $listing->posts; ?></td>

    <td class=”num td-members alt”><?php echo $listing->total_member_count; ?></td>


    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>

    <?php } ?>


    <?php }



    just change the values in the bb_forums.forum_order col



    I’m sorry if I missed this (searched thru this forum a bit and couldn’t find it)

    Is it possible to make this just one plugin with a series of options/components (a la Buddypress it self) instead of 10 plugins? I love the plugin but there are some I don’t use and you can’t delete them without deleting all. A smaller point is that 10 plugins take up quite a bit of real estate in the plugin frame just for one plugin.

    Many Thanks



    Hey etiviti,

    do you have a demo-page in order to see your plugin in action ?

    Many thanks,



    Is it possible to make this just one plugin with a series of options/components (a la Buddypress it self) instead of 10 plugins?

    I didn’t realize this would grow into a bunch of small plugins – i’ll look into changing it up

    do you have a demo-page in order to see your plugin in action ?

    I’ll set one up this weekend

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