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[Resolved]”There was An error when creating the Topic” Un-fixable Problem

  • Virtuali


    Hello, I have the basic buddypress installation. Everything on the site is working perfectly, except the unknown issue about the forums. Forum Creation Page, I fill everything out correctly, but the problem occurs when I try to create the topic. After I click the button, I know the problem is going to occur because I look in the web address bar, and it says: /samplegroupname/forum/topic// And it loads the page, with the error “there was an error when creating the topic” When I go to the bb forums setup in wp-admin, it does not matter if I click “set up a new bb installation”, or an existing, the problem persists.
    When I click on existing, it says the bb-config.php file is located here: /var/chroot/home/content/47/6114047/html ……Is this the right location? but how do I get to this area? I have no idea where it is.

    Please help solve this problem!!!! I will do whatever it takes.

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  • @mercime


    Click on the pastebin link you gave me. Select all content, delete all and save. There should be nothing left in the pastebin.



    No, I deleted the entire thing.

    But what do I do know for you to look at it?




    Well at least it looks like you’re really, maybe, starting to get somewhere with the problem now. After you figure all of that out, and if still needed, locating the file within GoDaddy hosting still holds true, it will just likely be located in the “html” folder (or your “doc_root” in layman’s terms, as mercime so sarcastically points out). I didn’t catch the meat of the first page of the post before I replied so my baddie. The big file that you were referring to where the config file may reside just looks to be your absolute hosting path, which I would assume is on GoDaddy’s shared-hosting.


    Try not to take things so personally guys and gals. I was in direct contact with Andy Peatling well over a year ago discussing the possibilities of BuddyPress, and I’ve been using WordPress for many, many years now. I’m certainly not an expert on it all, and I don’t claim to be. I just happened by and saw a situation that I thought I could be of help with as I’ve had experience with GoDaddy’s hosting, and I’ve been on the BuddyPress boards many times before, just not to post, so “just everyone cool out” (as Will Ferrell’s version of Neil Diamond would say). I look like the new guy on the block. I get it, don’t worry. My original post still stands though, and I must always remember to heed it’s advice myself as well.

    By the way, I did notice that too… The need to probably want to replace the MySQL database info, Auth keys and so forth. I wondered why that was showing there in such a public forum. I’d personally now consider my install compromised and change that info asap.



    @mercime, I get what you are saying now.

    Here is the updated Version: :)



    @inkblottest, I am not getting anywhere yet!!!!! :)

    And I changed all of my info, WHEW!

    Boone Gorges


    @gunju2221 Don’t bump your posts more than once every 24 hours, please.



    Hi there. Good to see that hnla’s solution in BP forums worked for you. Had not encountered that problem before in MU/MS with BP installs

    @hnla curious whether the installs where you had problem/s creating a topic from group forum is on a single WP install? Based on gunju2221’s bb-config.php, I see that it’s on single WP. And if your install is single WP as well, could be a problem endemic to single WP’s requiring bug report. Or maybe I am seeing an abstraction where it doesn’t exist :-)

    @mercime thanks for linking to the thread I’ll mark this as resolved for the OP ;)

    Wish I could track through a series of events but this issue tends to be noticed at such a time when any events or steps to recreate the issue have faded from memory, also I have four primary installs used for testing and two customized installs so tend to forget which one I was working on. In this instance though I do remember it did happen a further time on a production site that I had uploaded and configured this was configured as multi site using subfolders .

    I would suggest that perhaps not paying attention and activating BP then going to front end creating a few test groups then realising that I hadn’t set up the forum going back and setting up the forum tables might result in the previous created groups perhaps showing links to forum create topic yet not having a group forum ID to be able to reference the topic to, that would be testable but I would have to set up a fresh install.

    So are you a wannabe Mondrian? Not sure and while I tend towards the view that this is a user induced error I’m not 100% convinced there isn’t something else happening and perhaps some form of try/catch that could be implemented to better handle the issue – if of course one could identify the cause in the first place!



    Here are a couple other posts related to “There was an error when creating the topic” that may or may not be relevant to a particular instance of the error.

    – Scott

    I updated the bp-config.php file so that BBDB_NAME etc has the same details as in wp-config.php file and it seems to solve the issue.

    My bp-config file resides at /public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-forums/bbpress/bp-config.php and not at the root of WordPress installation but it still seems to be working fine after I updated the bp-config.php file.

    Note that, I had to uncheck and check back the “Enable Forum” option under the Group Admin settings to make the error message goes away from the existing groups. However, if I created a new group, I don’t have to do this and it will allow me to post in that Group Forum.




    I had just figured out my problem and was checking back on this thread.

    I’m using Multi-DB and am putting the bbpress tables in the global database that Multi-DB requires. I also had to update BBDB_NAME to point to the global db. In this setup, the db settings in wp-config.php are being overriden apparently by db.php, db-config.php (Multi-DB). I only needed to update bb-config.php (for BBDB_NAME).


    I can believe that this is an old problen that hasn´t been solved by WordPress/Buddypress/bbPress I just got the “There was an error when creating the topic” and I see that none of the wp_bb_ tables have been created in the database. I don´t know if this is the problem, and I don´t know how to create new tables (I´m not a developer), but please resolve this issue it is unacceptable that it is still happening… now I hope that creating the tables resolves my problem. Any body can help me create new tables??

    Hi all, for others finding this – I have just had this problem too. I resolved it by checking the contents of the bb-config.php file and changing the paths to the database (I had backed up and restored my site to a new server), then creating a new group and testing the forums – which worked first time. Checking/unchecking in forum settings did nothing for the existing groups in my setup, I had to delete and recreate groups.

    I want to thank all of you personally for dogging this issue down. Happy thanksgiving

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