Are you looking for users to use twitter to login into BP?
Yes. Actually, I found a WP plugin called Twitconnect; not sure if it works on BP yet, I may have to check it out.
Also,, which is included in the BP showcase, has this feature working–again, not sure how.
Twitterfic runs Elgg (which allows registration with both twitter and FB ID.)
Not sure why its listed as a BP site
btw, i’ve been wanting this feature as well.
Well, that would be good cos must twitter users don’t have a blog or site ,therefore connect via BP and setup one!
Twit Connect, it works with BP
for register and login
@Massao I think Twit Connect is for comments claiming through twitter ID, and in the link you provided it shows nowhere that it is BP compatible, just a request from a user named gpok with no confirmation from the app creator.
@Massao, It just for comments only. But we need is twitter users to login like FB connect!
FYI Oauth for twitter login has what you’re looking for. I just tried it out on my BP install ( Click Log In in the Admin Bar at top of screen to see how it works!
It works with more than just Twitter, it has Facebook, AOL, My Space, and many others.
@Moonviper, does it fully work properly with BP in that once login via api or plugin can they edit their xprofile, make blogs etc?
yes, full integration… I’ve noticed however that it creates a SECOND account if the member already has one, so it’s either log in with Twitter credentials, or with WordPress credentials…. site seems to consider them as separate accounts.
I explain this to my users at
No people, it’s works, I used
Both, comments and WPMU/BuddyPress login
I’d be hesitant to recommend widespread adoption of such a plugin until someone has had chance to look at the code to see how it integrates. Likewise, like the BP FBC Plugin, it may not be updated in future.
Noticed the options for logging into BP.
But wondering which options / plugins can also pull info from those sites
and share info from BP / Blogs to those sites?
Please let me know if Gigya could work like that
or if you know some other options (aside from share buttons)
to sign in and cross-communicate with social networks.
Look forward to your good responses.
– Jeff –
Using RPX lets you login using Twitter.