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Tweetstream (twitter plugin) Beta testers needed!

  • @blackphantom


    I created a plugin that syncs twitter with users activity feeds.

    The plugin in ready to be released but i need some beta testers to see if the plugin works well.

    Want to help test this plugin? PM me!

    p.s. plugin is for buddypress 1.2


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  • @geoffm33


    @blackphantom, bloody brilliant!! Fixed the 404 issue!

    Here is where I am with what doesn’t work (WordPress 2.9.2 and BP 1.2)

    – I don’t see the filter for “Tweets” in the pulldown for the activity stream.

    – My Twitter > BP timestamp is off by 6 hours.

    – My Twitter > BP sync doesn’t work with (or I don’t understand) filters! It works when I remove the filters.


    – Extend the new forum topic “To Twitter” functionality to allow the same thing for topic replies.




    – hmm i see that the filter is not added for the global activity stream will add it to.

    – hmm weird will see what created the wrong time (more people having this issue?)

    – a filter works like this. when you set a filter like “soccer” it only will import messages for all user when they have #soccer in there tweet etc…

    Why should you want to twitter a topic reply to twitter? it is a reply to the topic not really a status.



    @blackphantom thanks for looking into it, I am checking it out as well.

    RE: Filter: So whatever comma separated value is in the filter field will return the hashtag equivalent match on Twitter? ie: soccer would filter for #soccer, poker would filter for #poker

    RE: Topic Reply: In my old forum software I used we had a “TwitThis” button. When we would reply to a forum post, we’d hit the TwitThis button and send a message like this to twitter: “Just responded to: Forum Topic Name:”. It was a good way to engage people in the forum by catching their attention on twitter.





    – Yes just like that :D

    – hmm i could do that :) will be there in the next version.

    Next version will be a version that is going to be on the wordpress plugins site, so everybuddy can update it directly from the admin.



    WP single 2.9.2 BP 1.2 does not send tweet from forum posting. Activity updates work fine.



    My WP Single 2.9.2/BP 1.2 did update Twitter from my forum post (needs to be upon topic creation at the moment) but the tinyurl that was created was weird.

    Here is the actualy forum topic post:

    And here is the tinyurl that was created:

    The page that is displayed from the tinyurl is just a random gathering of posts from a variety of group forums (not the one that the original topic was posted in).

    This is not a TweetStream issue but a BP/BB issue. If you craft a URL in the form of:

    Will result in a page of random random posts.



    @modemlooper. strange have the same install over here.

    So when you create a new topic and check the to twitter checkbox nothing happends at your twitter account?



    No, it doesn’t send the tweet to twitter from a forum post. Let me test on another install as this one is a child theme and the test site is not.

    Ok tested on test install now its not working at all on WP single 2.9.2 BP 1.2.1

    I have test site in a folder though not sure if thats messing it up or not. On other site I have not upgraded BP still at 1.2



    Ah ok well my plugin is build on the default theme and needs those field names…

    dont understand why themebuilders needs to edit the names of form fields.



    @modemlooper, seems the js file and css file are missing. Did you have the latest plugin version? 1.1.3?



    Thanks for the work, blackphantom, but I still have the problem BP>Twitter. Sometimes work and sometimes don’t. Now, with 1.1.3, ‘to twitter’ buttom doesn’t ad ‘#TWITTER’ tag to the message.



    Yup its there

    it may be a file location problem because I have test site in a sub folder and the T icon is not showing because its coded to use the base url

    these need a location set that allows sub folders. I added it hard coded and it works now

    echo'<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”/buddypress/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/css/style.css” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />’;

    echo'<script type=”text/javascript” src=”/buddypress/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/js/tweetstream.js”></script>’;

    Forum posting still does not work



    ahhh figured it out.

    If you have the check saved it does not add #TWITTER therfore it does not tweet. You have to click the check each time or it does not send to twitter.

    also tinyurl is good but is better :)



    OK. Eureka!!! The problem is that the plugin doesn’t send BP status to twitter when it includes latin characters like á, é, í, ó, ú, ¿, ¡, etc…

    It explains why sometimes ‘works’ and sometimes doesn’t. Really always works… for english language ;)

    An update incluing this characters?



    ok there has got to be a way to use this plugin without having to use #TWITTER in the text area. I see people deleting this text and wondering why it’s not tweeting their content.



    I updated line 72 to read:

    add_action(‘bp_activity_filter_options’, ‘tweetstream_addFilter’,1);

    And now I can see the “Show Tweets” filter.



    @blackphantom Thanks that did the trick!



    Ok little update for all of you.

    @mmeida,@modemlooper. the include url is hard-codec (sorry my lazy ass) will fix it so bug will be fixed.

    , in next version the filter is already added.

    , characters conversion will see what i can do hate those things :p

    Hope to release 1.1.4 tonight.



    A little party over here! I have access to the wordpress plugin repo, so i will do updates over there.

    Support,requests etc still be done here.

    Grab the newest release (1.1.4) from:

    Or download directly in you installation with the plugin browser



    @blackphantom – I think your plugin is just awesome and gets better and better! WOW! The settings are already great!

    Some little suggestions:

    – @mentions from BP to twitter are still @ in twitter. Why not make a similar setting: “Export tweets containing @names

    – Set a personal filter in the frontend like “only import/export tweets with … in it” and “never import/export tweets with … in it (say I twitter alot about buddypress in twitter, but my BP Users are not interested in that at all…)

    Would be even more great (if that is possible :-)

    And did i get that right – is it already translatable? How has the file to be names? (I will make a german translation)

    PS: I like, that we can name the twitter-app as we like too!!!



    Running single-user WP 2.9.2 / BP 1.2.1. Downloaded v. 1.1.4 of Tweetstream, but got this error when trying to activate it:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONST, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /var/www/vhosts/……/wp-content/plugins/tweetstream/twitter/EpiCurl.php on line 4



    Fantastic upgrade! Now it works fine. No problems with characters and pefect integration. Just a thing, in TweetDeck, latin characters appear as html code. Twitter web shows it fine.

    Thanks and congratulations!



    @snark, will look at the error.

    @mmeide, tnxs :) strange that tweetdeck does that will check it out :)

    translation is almost ready indeed in next update i hope to release some multi-language support with extra language files.



    Another thing: messages sent BP>Twitter return to BP vía Twitter>BP and show twice in BP activity. I don’t know if is possible fix that.




    thanks for the plugin, it works like a charm!

    But what I don’t quite understand: You must activate the plugin site-wide for it to show up in the profile settings of every user, don’t you?

    Now it seems to me like every user has access to the tweetstream settings in the admin area, and can see the api-key and the secret api-key and change them globally too!

    Isn’t that a problem?

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