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Unable to Change My Group Avatar

  • gingerngo


    Hi all,

    Trying the default Buddypress theme, but I can’t seem to change my group’s avatar. Looking through some posts, it sounds like there should be a “Change avatar” link somewhere on my group’s admin page, but I can’t see it.

    Here’s a screenshot:

    Do I have some settings missing/wrong?

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  • jawanda0


    I am in the exact same position. I’m using the Buddy theme from themeforest, but that doesn’t seem to be the issue as I get the exact same options with the default theme.

    When I go to mysite/groups, then click “Create Group”, there are only two steps: Details and Settings, and neither one says a word about choosing / uploading an avatar.

    This is driving me bonkers. Did you ever figure it out Gingerngo?



    @jawanda0 have you tried re-uploading BuddyPress manually? If so, we need more info about your installation ->

    Eric J T


    I have the same problem. Just installed today with wp 3.6.1 and the latest buddypress and bb press, all uploaded manually (via upload zip file functionality), with WildCommunity theme, and there is no admin area for groups. In the edit group area, all you can change is the name and description, add and manage members and some settings on the right.

    On top of that, when I go to the group on the front end I get “page not found”. When I created the group i did see the add avatar option but skipped it as I didn’t have the image ready, and now I can’t find a way to add one.

    This is not good at all. Please help. Thanks.



    edit – closing this topic – issue is resolved at

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