oops, Ill check right away.
That worked perfectly thanks!
Is there a way to change the names of the achievements? Also, is there a way to unlock achievements manually for members? (they might already have satisfied the achievement conditions already before installing the plugin).
What do you have planned for the next version of achievements? 1 suggestion, is you could assign a points value to each achievement that gets totaled up and can be displayed prominently on user profiles. This would act as an indication of a members experience within a community.
Maybe we should start a thread where people can contribute ideas and code for achievements.
Wait until next release if you can before customising the text too much. Same reason as my earlier answer about translation. I’m in two minds on how I want to approach it.
Points are collected at the moment, they just aren’t shown anywhere. Any suggestions where?
Feature list I will type when I get home
DjPaul, this plugin keeps getting better.
I can wait until the next release. Will the achievement names be customizable from the admin?
I would suggest allowing the points weightage for each achievement be customizable by the site admin (50 points for 10th post, 5 points for 1st comment)
Under the profile picture is definitely a good place to display the points, another good location would be in group topics and wire messages.
A future feature could be to assign an experience tag to members according the points/achievements they have earned (pro/experienced/newbie).
How about adding a css tag to each item, this way a overzealous site designer could create an achievement icon for each achievement. Much like the XBOX 360 does achievements.
Then you could have a list off icons output on the profile as well, but without title & description.
Shouldn’t be too hard, even if it comes to sanitizing the title and using that as a css identifier.
I am all about icons 
PS. Taking a quick look at the code you could possibly use $achievement[‘short_name’] as a class in the items opening paragraph tag of the template files?
Another feature request: A widget that shows the users with the maximum points across the community.
achievement points under profile avatar or icon as suggested by Mariusooms seems to be agood idea.
Kunal widget thing is also an excellent idea!
Thanks, I’m making a note of these suggestions.
The WP widget idea will most likely wait to another future version as I don’t know how to use the WordPress widget class, and I won’t have time to learn it before Sunday.
Version 1.1. Think I”ve just noticed a minor CSS glitch so might be a tiny-winy update release at the end of the day
Thanks for the quick improvements to the plugin. A couple of features that would be amazing to have for future releases:
– Achievements for completing one’s member profile (25%, 50%, 100%)
– Achievements for referring members to the community. I currently have a field that new members can fill with another existing members username or email address to identify them as their referrer with the hope that I can reward referrers at a future date. I would love to award points for helping grow my website.
Any idea on whether its possible to add these as achievements using the method you have described earlier or would these be more complicated than that?
You could use that code I had earlier as a starting point. For your first bullet, you’d hook into whatever action is called once a profile has been updated, and then you’d have to ascertain how much of the profile was completed, probably by doing a number of SQL queries.
And for the second, just use the account activation hooks. Should be as easy as doing something like $meta[‘field_x’] where x = the profile field ID from the database.
Just to give a heads-up, after some thought, the next version of Achievements released will be for BuddyPress v1.1, so I have to wait for 1.1 to come out first.
Not sure how much time that gives me so don’t want to make any promises about new features