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Very Important Features For BP

  • livingflame


    I know that Buddypress is a good growing project, but, needs very Important Native (by Default) features.

    1) Buddypress Block User (allow users to block other users –– really allow to hide your info, activities, etc. for a specific @user-1 e.g, auto-unfriend, no more messages from the blocked. This feature integrated with rtMedia too).
    OR FOR NOW: Buddypress Report User (with Custom Motives, p. ej. “@user-1 is sending me hateful messages”, “@user-2 published an annoying activity”). So, Admin can to impose a Sanction for @user-1, e. eg. 7 days without Post, 15 days without Sending Messages… or Community Expulsion -–> Block, Delete, Banned Email). Admin can too, to Sent a Message (previously edited for auto ms saying: @user-1 you are banned for…. 30 days. Sincerely the Admins).

    * Buddypress CONFIRM Account immediately after Sign Up.

    A Social or Community without this Function is Nothing. PLEASE!!

    2) Buddypress Chat (too, Message Template, to read Messages in a specific page).

    3) Buddypress Message with Attachments.

    4) Buddypress Global Search.

    5) Buddypress Custom Menu with Account Alerts (e. g. ). Yes. I know, if you go to WP Menus, you can add to your Navbar or Menu – Profile, Activity, Notifications, etc. BUT WITHOUT Bubbles or Account Alerts… That is very very Impractical.

    6) Buddypress Media (yes I know, we have rtMedia, but its add-ons are very expensive. The complete pack = US$500 more or less).

    7) Buddypress Follow/er Native.

    8) Buddypress Share (from activity).

    9) Buddypress Autocomplete Fields (for a specific text area, e. g. City: New York, Fruits: Apple, etc.), Range Fields (e. g. I’m searching friends from 20 to 21). Buddypress Birthdate normal, but, with an option to show only the Age! 10) Buddypress Advance Search. With this you can create an advance Form with Fields for Show on Members Page or in a Widget.

    11) Buddypress with Ads Area (inside Activity, Groups, Members and Forums). (Optional from Buddypress Option Panel)

    12) Buddypress More Customizable. >> A button over Cover Profile for Easy Photo Change (yes, like Facebook has)… The CPanel with MORE Options… MORE Options for: Profile / Settings / Profile Visibility and PRIVACY!!

    For now is all. Thanks!








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  • livingflame


    ——>>>> Notes:

    * Add for Members template: Online Now. Yes, Bp has: Last Active, Newest and Alphabetical, but ONLY for a Widget > Online Members. Please! Add this for Page too, with Indicator (green point for online, blue for newest and gray for offline).

    13 * Buddypress Preview Links (from Youtube, Tumblr, Vimeo, PDF, Docs, GIF too…)

    * Buddypress Message with Attachments (jpg, png, mp3, mp4, doc, txt, pdf –– links: a small preview. Internal function like Facebook).

    From Bp Opt. Panel you can Enable or Disable what Attach you want for you site.

    14. Buddypress Social Media (links and share buttons, yes, like Blogger has!)

    * Buddypress More Customizable > My Own Photo Album (you Enable this for: A part for the Cover, for a Widget. Example: or like Twitter –> here Look at > Cover, Info Position, Photos, etc. ).








    Henry Wright


    I know that Buddypress is a good growing project, but, needs very Important Native (by Default) features.

    Not everyone will want the features you mention. The idea is to keep things as simple and bloat-free as possible. The plugin system will allow you to add features specific to your business needs.




    Hi! Plugins are Very insufficient. But you can help me.

    Please, begin with exactly with Notifications like this >

    And Message Template like this >



    15. TextArea with Emoji. Example.



    * Please refrain from @ mentioning specific users in the topics.

    Most of these are plugin territory. The great thing about WordPress and BuddyPress is the nature of plugins and being able to choose the functionality you need to create a custom user experience.



    @modemlooper Um.. Can you tell me, How I can create a Custom bp menu with Notifications?



    look through this plugin

    The code could be reused to create a menu



    @modemlooper You know that a lot of plugin is bad for WordPress. I don’t want more plugins, I need the Codes. Look at this and please understand my petition.

    Site Menu example:

    Logo –– Home –– Activity –– Members –– Groups –– Message (1) –– Friend Request (3) –– Notifications (4) –– My Account or Profile (sub: Log Out, etc.)

    The problem is, that Buddypress links (Wp / Appearance / Menus) has not Bubbles or Count Alert. I NEED THE COUNT ALERTS! NO PLUGINS!



    You wanted code ? Here it is, but no need to get rude by using uppercase ! Searching the forum brings some topics about “notification”

    See if it still works:



    @danbp That do not work for me.

    Look that I want –––>





    Other example ––––

    So, How I can get it?

    Henry Wright


    Plugins are only bad if written badly. The moral of the story: choose your plugins wisely 🙂




    Only I want that:

    So please help me!



    16. Search by Date in Activity Stream and Profile. For example:



    Sorry I cant help you. I dont have any google account and I cant see your examples.

    Please do not at-mention people just to get attention. I normally stop reading if I see I’ve been pinged in a list like this by someone trying to get attention.

    That said, thank you for your feedback.

    All your Google image links are broken, and if they are screenshots asking “how can I do this”, if you can’t code (or want to spend time learning to do this), then you need to hope there’s a plugin out there you can buy, or hire a freelance developer to build it for you. Very few people build things for others for free, and it’s at a cost to those people, even if it’s free for you.

    To comment on some of your points from my own perspective, and not on behalf of the entire BuddyPress team and all its contributors:

    • I would also like to see better user communication management tools/preferences! (i.e. blocks). I think some of this will have to happen in the BuddyPress software, and some will happen in third-party plugins that extend the behaviour. There are already some plugins that deal with small parts of these areas.
    • Chat, Message Attachments, Media — these are complicated, and I’m pretty sure will never be included in BuddyPress itself. They would make good third-party plugins. I think there are a couple of Chat plugins available already.
    • (auto-)confirm accounts after sign-up — I believe this is seriously unsafe, so it will never be included in BuddyPress. Another plugin opportunity!
    • Global search is something we always wanted, I don’t know if we still do. A very early BuddyPress default theme about 7 years ago had something similar, I think. I remember playing around with it. Maybe it’s time to bring it back. 🙂
    • Sharing tools is pretty interesting. I think I’m personally quite keen to do some stuff like this, but it’d need some experimenting to see whether it felt as if it would fit into the BuddyPress software, or a third-party plugin, or some of both.



    For @djpaul Think for All!

    1) All social network or community needs a block users functions. Without this, community is nothing.
    2) All that I say here can be include NATIVE, without plugins.

    BuddyPress can be better, like Facebook, Tagged or more… ONLY if you want.



    Links Public. Please do not delete!

    Bp links Menu with notify.

    Search Activities by Date –>

    Message or Notifications Template. has some template like this for Notifications.

    Feature #17. Private Messages for Friends Only but, Optional from User Menu.
    With rtMedia plugin you can put your Posts or Photos: Only Me, Only Logged Users, Only Friends, Public. But, rtMedia does not work for Messages.



    Iam using buddypress and I dont need block users.
    I have menu with notify. It takes me about 15 min.
    Search activities by Date is what I have never want.

    Less talking more teaching.



    Custom Menu with Bubbles RESOLVED here:

    Bp custom Menu



    @eknizky Im open to learn all. 😉



    Hi there to all!

    For those who searching for the messaging plugin, checkout this:

    BP Better Messages



    Hi, I hope this is still on topic. Here is another feature request that I need for my site. I’m looking for something like a cross-domain member type. In this case the activity feed from one BuddyPress site would feature on another BuddyPress site. Please check out the post here

    Extended Community

    Thank you





    i found this thread searching for buddypress sharing ….Paul Gibbs i’m with you on how it needs some love this idea of making the activity posts more like twitter does

    so there are 2 out of 3 built into buddypress now ….1. comments on activity entry 2. favorite an activity entry (however the favorite item does not show on the users “feed” or “wall” / personal activity stream on their profile page

    so what about REPOST (same idea as a retweet) ?

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