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Very Important Features For BP

  • @livingflame


    I know that Buddypress is a good growing project, but, needs very Important Native (by Default) features.

    1) Buddypress Block User (allow users to block other users –– really allow to hide your info, activities, etc. for a specific @user-1 e.g, auto-unfriend, no more messages from the blocked. This feature integrated with rtMedia too).
    OR FOR NOW: Buddypress Report User (with Custom Motives, p. ej. “@user-1 is sending me hateful messages”, “@user-2 published an annoying activity”). So, Admin can to impose a Sanction for @user-1, e. eg. 7 days without Post, 15 days without Sending Messages… or Community Expulsion -–> Block, Delete, Banned Email). Admin can too, to Sent a Message (previously edited for auto ms saying: @user-1 you are banned for…. 30 days. Sincerely the Admins).

    * Buddypress CONFIRM Account immediately after Sign Up.

    A Social or Community without this Function is Nothing. PLEASE!!

    2) Buddypress Chat (too, Message Template, to read Messages in a specific page).

    3) Buddypress Message with Attachments.

    4) Buddypress Global Search.

    5) Buddypress Custom Menu with Account Alerts (e. g. ). Yes. I know, if you go to WP Menus, you can add to your Navbar or Menu – Profile, Activity, Notifications, etc. BUT WITHOUT Bubbles or Account Alerts… That is very very Impractical.

    6) Buddypress Media (yes I know, we have rtMedia, but its add-ons are very expensive. The complete pack = US$500 more or less).

    7) Buddypress Follow/er Native.

    8) Buddypress Share (from activity).

    9) Buddypress Autocomplete Fields (for a specific text area, e. g. City: New York, Fruits: Apple, etc.), Range Fields (e. g. I’m searching friends from 20 to 21). Buddypress Birthdate normal, but, with an option to show only the Age! 10) Buddypress Advance Search. With this you can create an advance Form with Fields for Show on Members Page or in a Widget.

    11) Buddypress with Ads Area (inside Activity, Groups, Members and Forums). (Optional from Buddypress Option Panel)

    12) Buddypress More Customizable. >> A button over Cover Profile for Easy Photo Change (yes, like Facebook has)… The CPanel with MORE Options… MORE Options for: Profile / Settings / Profile Visibility and PRIVACY!!

    For now is all. Thanks!








Viewing 26 replies (of 26 total)
  • @songdove


    I found a repost plugin, but it didn’t work and was badly out of date. Hoping to find another one as I’m not a php programmer.

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