This major release introduces the first two BuddyPress Blocks!!
We are very excited to announce the immediate availability of BuddyPress 6.0.0 code-named “iovine’s“. You can get it clicking on the above button, downloading it from the plugin directory or checking it out from our Subversion repository.
If you’re upgrading from a previous version of BuddyPress, it’s always a good idea to back-up your WordPress database and files ahead of time.
You can review all of the changes in this 6.0.0 release in the release notes. Below are a few of the key features we know you are going to love!
BP Blocks

BuddyPress 6.0.0 comes with two awesome new blocks for your WordPress Editor: Members and Groups. Made available from the BuddyPress blocks category of your WordPress Block menu, these lovely blocks let you insert a rich content block featuring a specific Member or Group from your community site inside any WordPress Post or Page.
If you’re an Advanced BuddyPresser and wish to fine-tune the BuddyPress blocks for your community site, learn more in this section of our development note about these new blocks.
The BP REST API is now complete!
In 5.0.0, we introduced the first REST API endpoints and provided reference documentation for them. In 6.0.0, we are adding the 6 remaining endpoints you were waiting for: Blogs, Blog avatar, Friends, Group Cover Image, Member Cover Image, and User Signups. You can now build full-featured applications using the BuddyPress REST API!
BP Nouveau has been improved

Does your theme support wide layouts? Awesome! The BP Nouveau template-pack now supports wide (and really, really wide) content areas! This is the first of the many improvements we are bringing to our default set of styling components. It never looked so beautiful in your theme.
Under the hood
6.0.0 includes more than 80 changes to improve your BuddyPress experience as users, as contributors to our code and as contributors to our translations. The biggest change moves local avatar management to the Members component. Read more about it in this development note.
We want to hear your voice
Knowing how you use BuddyPress and getting your point of view about future BuddyPress development is very important to us. Please, take some time to help us decide what’s best for the BuddyPress project.
Many thanks to our 42 contributors to 6.0.0
This BuddyPress release is only possible thanks to the contributions of the community. Special thanks to the following folks who contributed code, translations, and testing to the release: Adil Oztaser (oztaser), Amit Dudhat (wpamitkumar), Andrea Tarantini (dontdream), Ankit Panchal (ankitmaru), Arslan Ahmed (passoniate), Boone B Gorges (boonebgorges), Brajesh Singh (sbrajesh), Bunty (bhargavbhandari90), Dan Caragea (dancaragea), David Cavins (dcavins), Dominik Schilling (ocean90), etatus, Fayaz Gabol (fayazgabol), Hugo Ashmore (hnla), Jb Audras (audrasjb), Jennifer Burnett (jenfraggle), John James Jacoby (johnjamesjacoby), Justin Tadlock (greenshady), Kashif Gabol(kashifgabol), laudag, Mario Badilla (marbaque), Mathieu Viet (imath), mattjones2207, mercime, mo3aser, modemlooper, Morteza Geransayeh (man4toman), Mukesh Panchal (mukesh27), Paul Gibbs (DJPaul), Pooja N Muchandikar (pooja1210), r-a-y, Renato Alves (espellcaste), santiazpi2, shanebp, Sharaz Shahid (sharaz), sjregan, Stephen Edgar (netweb), Tammie Lister (karmatosed), Tor-Bjorn Fjellner (tobifjellner), Towhidul Islam (itowhid06), twmcmahan, Zishan (zishanj).

BuddyPress iovine’s
If you come to Paris (France), you’ll probably want to visit the Louvre Museum. The greatest Pizza restaurant around is Nicola Iovine’s place. You’ll fall in love with how he cares to respect culinary traditions, share authentic flavors, select great quality products imported from Italy and use the real neapolitan pizza dough.
Simply delicious, just like BuddyPress 6.0.0 😉
Photo credits: iovine’s
Feedback is always welcome <3
Receiving your feedback and suggestions for future versions of BuddyPress genuinely motivates and encourages our contributors. Please share your feedback about this version of BuddyPress in the comments area of this post. And of course, if you’ve found a bug: please tell us about it into our Support forums.
[…] BuddyPress 6.0.0 is ready for download! > […]
Happy news and many thanks to the developer team.
[…] has entered the world of blocks with the release of version 6.0, the latest major update that has been in development since November 2019. The release, code-named […]
Nice one! Congrats all.
Hi Paul, thanks a lot <3
[…] has entered the world of blocks with the release of version 6.0, the latest major update that has been in development since November 2019. The release, code-named […]
[…] BuddyPress 6.0.0 was released on May 14, we did the 6.0.0 development cycle review during our latest “dev-chat”, today we’re inviting you to contribute to 7.0.0’s kick-off by replying to this call for tickets (just like WordPress does before each release). […]