“La Pino’z” is our first major release of 2022, and it’s version 10 of BuddyPress! It all started for us in 2009, 2 years before Sanam Kapoor opened his very first pizzeria in his hometown of Chandigarh, India. Known for its delicious and rich traditional Italian pizza, “La Pino’z” soon became one of the most famous foods shared in the Indian community. From that very moment to 350 plus restaurants over India today and soon elsewhere in the world, Sanam and his team have unquestionably come a very long and successful way. La Pino’z is also the only pizza chain in India equipped with giant pizza machines producing the 24” inch monster pizza 😜

With love,
the BP Team.
Photo credits knoksense.com
You can get it clicking on the above button, downloading it from the WordPress.org plugin directory or checking it out from our Subversion repository.
If you’re upgrading from a previous version of BuddyPress, it’s always a good idea to back up your WordPress database and files ahead of time.
You can review all of the changes in this 10.0.0 release in the release notes. Please note that BuddyPress 10.0.0 requires WordPress 5.4.
That being said, let’s talk about the new delicious features we believe you are going to enjoy a lot!
Site membership requests
Take control of your site’s membership! With site membership requests, administrators can significantly reduce the number of spam users trolling their sites.
When requests are enabled, visitors may submit a membership request, which must be manually approved by a site administrator. Read more about this feature.
More engaging logging activities
These simple activities about specific user interactions or events (for example, you and me are now friends) are more visually attractive to improve user engagement in your community.
The most impressive new activity is that which is generated when a user updates her profile photo: it will include the profile photo that spurred the creation of the activity item, even if it has been changed since. Learn more about it by reading this developer note.
Administration: improved BuddyPress management experience
As shown in the image above, the BuddyPress administration screens are now using the layout WordPress uses for its tabbed administration screens such as the Site-Health or Privacy screens.
Knowing the WordPress pages BuddyPress uses for its front-end directory screens is simpler with special status information displayed beside all BuddyPress pages.
A new area to discover our current and future BuddyPress Add-ons
BuddyPress Add-ons are experimental plugins, beta features packaged as plugins, that will be made available into the official WordPress.org plugins directory so that it’s easier for you to test them and give the development team your feedback.
The more we are to get involved into the future of our open source project, the brighter it will be and the faster we’ll be able to include great new features!
BuddyPress Add-ons are also stable complementary BP Components or BP Blocks, which we have decided to keep independent from the core of BuddyPress, leaving you the choice whether to use the feature or not. The BP Search Block is the first example of this second category of add-ons. Give it a try; you can easily install it from your BuddyPress Add-ons administration screen.
Ready for Twenty Twenty-Two!
WordPress 5.9 will introduce Full Site Editing featuring the new default theme Twenty Twenty-Two.
We’ve adjusted our BP Theme Compatibility API so that you can enjoy this amazing feature, making sure that BuddyPress-generated content integrates optimally within themes supporting it.
➕ The BP Nouveau Template Pack also includes a companion stylesheet to maximize BP pages layout within Twenty Twenty-Two.
Under the hood
10.0.0 comes with more than 70 changes including performance improvements to the BP Notifications, BP Activity and BP Signups APIs; Date Query support for the Members, Groups and Sites loops; new BP Avatar UI Recycle tab, improved inline documentation/translators comments and code formatting. Have a look to the release notes to discover them all!
Many thanks to the 39 contributors who helped us build & translate BuddyPress 10.0.0
Achilles4400, Adil Öztaşer (oztaser), Boone B Gorges (boonebgorges), Brajesh Singh (sbrajesh), Christian Wach (needle), comminski, Dan Caragea (dancaragea), David Cavins (dcavins), Dhaval Kasavala (dhavalkasvala), Dion Hulse (dd32), durdenx, ellucinda, Evan Stein (vanpop), Gary Jones (garyj), Hasanuzzaman (hasanuzzamanshamim), jakubrak, Jean-David Daviet (Jean-David), Jennifer Burnett (jenfraggle) John James Jacoby (johnjamesjacoby), josett225, Ketan Chawda (ketan_chawda), konnektiv, Laurens Offereins (Offereins), magland, mandro, marioshtika, Mark Robson (markscottrobson), Mathieu Viet (imath), Nifty (niftythree), nunks, oddev56, Paul Gibbs (DJPaul), r-a-y, Renato Alves (espellcaste), rigsbyx, thomaslhotta, Varun Dubey (vapvarun), venutius, yesbutmaybeno.
Your feedback
Receiving your feedback and suggestions for future versions of BuddyPress genuinely motivates and encourages our contributors. Please share it 🙏
[…] BuddyPress 10.0.0 “La Pino’z” […]
[…] BuddyPress 10.0.0 “La Pino’z” was released today, named for a popular pizza chain in India with more than 350 restaurants. […]
The “Site membership requests” functionality has me wondering if or how much WebDevStudios’ plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/bp-registration-options/ may be needed in the longer future, and I don’t consider that necessarily a bad thing, especially if this new feature is even more robust than what we have now.
[…] 🗣 BuddyPress 10.0.0 är släppt, med bland annat funktioner för dig som vill att man ska kunna ansöka om medlemskap på ditt community. […]
[…] BuddyPress Team released the 10.0 version. In his release post Mathieu Viet wrote: “We’ve adjusted our BP Theme Compatibility API so […]
[…] for completion by early Q3 2022. Also, BuddyPress’s first major release of 2022 is now available for more control over website membership requests and better […]
[…] Note : we haven’t published a dev-chat summary for January 19 meeting, as we mainly worked on fixing some last minute issues to prepare the 10.0.0 stable version (which was released on January 20 around 18:40 UTC). […]
[…] If you want to learn more about the new release, check out Sarah Gooding’s post at WP Tavern or the official BuddyPress 10.0.0 release post. […]