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Let’s better organize the BuddyPress plugin

Published on May 4th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Hi, here‘s the second post of our series about the new direction we plan to take regarding plugin maintenance and evolutions. In our first post we shared with you our new purpose « Get together safely, in your own way, in WordPress », let’s see how the feedback you shared with us here & there […]

BuddyPress has a new purpose

Published on April 27th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Hello! This post is the first in a series of five posts in which we’ll outline the new direction we plan to take regarding plugin maintenance and evolutions. After some introductory words, we‘ll focus on the new BuddyPress purpose that I believe we should adopt for years to come. We haven‘t forgotten that, at the […]

Let’s meet in Paris during the french community contributor day

Published on April 14th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

The BuddyPress Core Team is very happy to be represented at the Contributor Day the french WordPress community is organizing in Paris on April 20, 2023. Here’s a link to a translated page of the event schedule (Hours are in Central European Summer time).

Let’s celebrate BuddyPress 15th anniversary & welcome the first Attachments Add-on features

Published on March 25th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Today is a very special day for the BuddyPress open source project: 15 years ago, Andy pushed the first code commit on BP Trac. To remember the “whys” & the important “whos” of our early days, I advise you to read (again) the great post John wrote when we reached 10.

BuddyPress 11.1.0 Maintenance Release

Published on February 16th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Immediately available is BuddyPress 11.1.0. This maintenance release fixes 3 bugs. For details on the changes, please read the 11.1.0 release notes. Update to BuddyPress 11.1.0 today in your WordPress Dashboard, or by downloading from the plugin repository. Many thanks to 11.1.0 contributors  1benk1, webmasterfreya, casper99 & imath.

BuddyPress 11.0.0 “La Scala”

Published on January 5th, 2023 by Mathieu Viet

Happy new year & best wishes for Twenty Twenty-Three 🥳 The BuddyPress Core Team BuddyPress 11.0.0 “La Scala” is now available for download from the plugin repository, or right from your WordPress Dashboard.

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