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How To Delete Register Page

  • bermudastream



    Unfortunately after the latest bp update Version 12.0.0 I am inundated with spam sign ups!

    Previously, it was possible to delete the registration page entirely, which I had tdone because of excessive spam registrations.

    However now BuddyPress pages are no longer accessible in the network admin panel & BuddyPress Settings. I even tried addding an obscure page name slug in the urls section of buddypress settings, but I’m still inundated with spam sign-ups.

    I use a plugin to navigate around the weak registration page and I am still using it except that I have the main buddypress registration page causing sign up problems which I cannot fix.

    Perhaps I’m overlooking something. If so, could you provide suggestions on how to secure the BuddyPress registration page or eliminate it completely which I would almost prefer to do as
    I’ve never been able to customize it and secure it from massive unwanted registrations

    Thank you for your time and patience
    Mark M.

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  • Ceraus


    Unsure if this is what you mean, I am trying to get back the WordPress Registration form, maybe you will fare better with it?

    Resolved – How to disable the registration function of buddypress?

    Hi @bermudastream can you give more details about your config:

    – WordPress Multisite or regular ?
    – In the site health information tab, what are the values of:
    – WordPress > registration
    – BuddyPress > URL parser

    – being disconnected, what do you see when you go to this registration page ?

    Now I’ve read the other topic you posted into, I know you are using WordPress Multisite.

    My question about viewing the registration page being disconnected might seem a bit obvious but I wanted to check if you were using or not the Site invitation feature of BuddyPress which uses our signup page although global registration are disabled.

    But I guess registration is on since you’re using a specific plugin.

    Using BuddyPress < 12.0.0, once you removed the registration page, were you getting a notice to do the page association ?

    I believe reading your post we should probably stop assuming you want BuddyPress to manage registration to your site, so I’ll work on a way to only do so if the admin opts in.

    Here’s a way to disable BuddyPress signup feature:

    function disable_bp_signups() {
    	add_filter( 'bp_get_signup_allowed', '__return_false' );
    	remove_filter( 'register_url', 'bp_get_signup_page' );
    	remove_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' );
    	remove_filter( 'wp_signup_location', 'bp_blogs_creation_location' );
    	remove_filter( 'wpmu_signup_user_notification', 'bp_core_activation_signup_user_notification', 1 );
    add_action( 'bp_include', 'disable_bp_signups' );



    Hello Matthew,
    Thanks for your responses & Apologies for only getting back to you now

    – WordPress Multisite or regular ?– WordPress Multisite wp 6.4.2 bp 12.0.0
    – In the site health information tab, what are the values of:
    – WordPress > registration – I only see “Can anyone register on this site? No” (i had to turn on request membership function
    – BuddyPress > URL parser – BP Rewrites API

    Link to bp registration form



    P.s I added the snippet but the bp registraiton page still comes up

    Using BuddyPress < 12.0.0, once you removed the registration page, were you getting a notice to do the page association ?
    In BP settings – URLs even if I remove the slug “register” and leave the space blank BP automatically creates a registration page e.g 45134-2. Also if I rename the slug to “abcdefg”, for example, bp will change it to abcdefg-2 so I am not able to point registration to a custom page e.g mysite/customregisterpage

    Mark M.

    Hello @bermudastream

    The fact this snippet is not working on your config is amazing to me, as I’ve tested it on my development env.

    If you haven’t done so, could you add the code into a bp-custom.php file? See for more info about this file.

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