BuddyPress 4.4.0 is now available. This is a security and maintenance release. All BuddyPress installations are strongly encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.
The 4.4.0 release addresses two security issues:
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow user who is not a friend with another user to send him a group invite even though this “another user” has selected to restrict group invites from friends only (This is specific to the BP Nouveau template). Discovered by Yuvraj Dighe.
An XSS vulnerability was fixed in the single Group’s RSS link meta for group names. Discovered by wxy7174.
These vulnerabilities were reported privately to the BuddyPress team, in accordance with WordPress’s security policies. Our thanks to the reporters for practicing coordinated disclosure.
BuddyPress 4.4.0 also fixes 2 bugs. For complete details, visit the 4.4.0 changelog.
BuddyPress 4.3.0 is now available. This is a security and maintenance release. All BuddyPress installations are strongly encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.
The 4.3.0 release addresses nine security issues:
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow users to “favorite” activity items to which they do not have read access. Discovered by Yuvraj Dighe.
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow users to join non-public groups while using the Nouveau template pack. Discovered and reported independently by Yuvraj Dighe and Nam.Dinh.
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow users to reply to activity items to which they do not have read access. Discovered by Yuvraj Dighe.
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow users to view private message threads to which they do not have access while using the Nouveau template pack. Discovered by Yuvraj Dighe.
An XSS vulnerability was fixed in the save routine for group names. Discovered by wxy7174.
An XSS vulnerability was fixed in the content of activity items. Discovered by Yonatan Offek.
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow unauthorized users to update certain group settings. Discovered by wxy7174.
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow unauthorized users to view pending group invites. Discovered by Yuvraj Dighe.
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow unauthorized users to delete pending group invitations. Discovered by Yuvraj Dighe.
These vulnerabilities were reported privately to the BuddyPress team, in accordance with WordPress’s security policies. Our thanks to the reporters for practicing coordinated disclosure.
BuddyPress 4.3.0 also fixes 3 bugs. For complete details, visit the 4.3.0 changelog.
BuddyPress 4.2.0 is now available. This is a security and maintenance release. All BuddyPress installations are strongly encouraged to upgrade as soon as possible.
The 4.2.0 release addresses two security issues:
A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability was fixed that could allow users to send malicious code in the content of private messages. Discovered and reported independently by Kieran Munday and Tim Coen.
A privilege escalation vulnerability was fixed that could allow users to reply to unauthorized private message threads. Discovered by Kieran Munday.
These vulnerabilities were reported privately to the BuddyPress team, in accordance with WordPress’s security policies. Our thanks to the reporters for practicing coordinated disclosure.
BuddyPress 4.2.0 also fixes 4 bugs. For complete details, visit the 4.2.0 changelog.
Immediately available is BuddyPress 4.1.0. This maintenance release fixes 3 bugs related to last week’s 4.0.0 release, and is a recommended upgrade for all BuddyPress installations.
For complete details on the release, visit the 4.1.0 changelog.
BuddyPress boasts a proud history of letting community members and managers control their data, independent of third-party, commercial entities. In this spirit, as well as the spirit of recent regulations like the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Expanding on some of the tools introduced by WordPress in version 4.9.8, BuddyPress 4.0 introduces a suite of tools allowing users and site admins to manage member data and privacy.
Giving your users greater control over their data
The new “Export Data” Settings panel lets users request an export of all BuddyPress data they’ve created. BuddyPress integrates seamlessly with the data export functionality introduced in WordPress 4.9.8, and BP data is included in exports that are initiated either from the Export Data panel or via WP’s Tools > Export Personal Data interface.
BuddyPress 4.0 also integrates with WordPress 4.9.8’s Privacy Policy tools. When you create or update your Privacy Policy, BP will suggest text that’s specifically tailored to the kinds of social data generated on a BuddyPress site. And will prompt registering users to agree to the Privacy Policy, if your theme supports it.
We’ve also done a complete review of BuddyPress’s cookie behavior, and dramatically reduced the number of cookies needed to browse a BP-powered site – especially for logged-out users. We’re confident that this change will help site owners comply with local privacy regulations.
Nouveau and other improvements
The BuddyPress team has been hard at work improving the Nouveau template pack introduced in BuddyPress 4.0. We’ve improved accessibility, extensibility, and responsiveness on mobile devices.
BuddyPress 4.0 also contains a number of internal improvements that improve compatibility with various version of PHP, fix formatting and content issues when sending emails, and address some backward-compatibility concerns.
This version of BuddyPress is code-named “Pequod” after the famous Pequod’s Pizza in Chicago, where the crust really is caramelized, and the dish really is deep. Buon gusto!
BP 4.0.0 Release Candidate 1 is now available. This package contains the code that we think we’ll ship as BuddyPress 4.0.0 later in November. If you build BuddyPress plugins or themes, you’re encouraged to give the RC a thorough look in a test environment.
Important changes in 4.0.0 include:
BuddyPress data exporters (for WP 4.9.6+), including a new ‘Export Data’ Settings subtab, where users can request an export from the front end
Integration into the WordPress privacy policy system (for WP 4.9.6+)
Improvements to Nouveau and other BP interfaces on mobile devices
BuddyPress 3.0.0 “Apollo” is now available for immediate download from the WordPress.org plugin repository, or right from your WordPress Dashboard. “Apollo” focuses on various improvement for developers, site builders and site managers.
Say hello to “Nouveau”!
A bold reimagining of our legacy templates, Nouveau is our celebration of 10 years of BuddyPress! Nouveau delivers modern markup with fresh JavaScript-powered templates, and full integration with WordPress’ Customizer, allowing more out-of-the-box control of your BuddyPress content than ever before.
Nouveau provides vertical and horizontal layout options for BuddyPress navigation, and for the component directories, you can choose between a grid layout, and a classic flat list.
Nouveau is fully compatible with WordPress. Existing BuddyPress themes have been written for our legacy template pack, and until they are updated, resolve any compatibility issues by choosing the legacy template pack option in Settings > BuddyPress.
Support for WP-CLI
WP-CLI is the command-line interface for WordPress. You can update plugins, configure multisite installs, and much more, without using a web browser. With this version of BuddyPress, you can now manage your BuddyPress content from WP-CLI.
Control site-wide notices from your dashboard
Site Notices are a feature within the Private Messaging component that allows community managers to share important messages with all members of their community. With Nouveau, the management interface for Site Notices has been removed from the front-end theme templates.
Explore the new management interface at Users > Site Notices.
New profile field type: telephone numbers
A new telephone number field type has been added to the Extended Profiles component, with support for all international number formats. With a modern web browser, your members can use this field type to touch-to-dial a number directly.
BuddyPress: leaner, faster, stronger
With every BuddyPress version, we strive to make performance improvements alongside new features and fixes; this version is no exception. Memory use has been optimised — within active components, we now only load each individual code file when it’s needed, not before.
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