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Group Calendar Plugin

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  • 21cdb


    Does it have a global directory where all events are listed, or does it only work on group pages?

    I agree it is a pitty that it isn’t freely available, or at least testable for demo purpose.

    By the way are there any plans to include an events component into BP core?

    No, there aren’t any plans (AFAIK) to include an events component into the BP core.



    I got a reply from WPMU DEV James related to my question if their plugin offers a global directory where all events are listed (like the forums directory in BP 1.1}

    It may in future – currently though it adds activities to both the

    personal and group activity streams.

    If you do join, please request the feature in the forums and we’ll

    canvas opinion on it an other additions.

    Doeas anybody know if Erwin Gerrits is still working on BP Events Calender?

    John James Jacoby


    Mariousooms and a few other people have shown an interest updating the events plugin for 1.1. There’s an updated version of it floating around somewhere.



    Thanks John James Jacoby. I found Eric set up a project page ( and a demo page (

    What i like in WPMUDEV’s solution is that events are related to a group. BP useres are used to this from how forums work, so why not go a step further and bind events to a group. Thats a good setup. An Event, a Group of people and a Forum to discuss.

    $80/month?! Wow. That’s a pretty expensive subscription fee!

    D Cartwright


    Yes, and in my experience their releases are extremely buggy :/

    I guess I’ll wait for Erwin to finish up. Watching the Trac page it looks like he’s pretty active.

    John Stringfellow


    I’m testing the plugin and it’s got some severe limitations. It cannot handle recurring events and I can’t get it working globally. I am also testing Events Manager 2.0rc2. It seems much more capable of complex functions and display.




    How are you finding this plugin integrates with Buddypress?

    @david lewis

    What are you using for managing events with Buddypress?

    (The trac page has been up/down/up for a while now..)

    Sven Lehnert


    John Stringfellow


    @ Nightlyfe,

    The Group Calendar plugin integrates well but doesn’t do what I need it to.




    What I wonder as I look at this is wouldn’t it be easier to take a robust plugin for wordpress and make it work well with MU/Buddypress. That seems like a better place to start, especially if the original author can point you to the right places in the code.

    I mean the functionality of a good calendar plugin should be pretty well understood at this point. Priorities and roadmap might be trickier, but the end goal should exist in the PHP if not WordPress world.

    This raises my recurring question of how hard is it to turn a quality PHP script into a good plugin.

    I need a group calendar also. I can get a WP developer to start working on it. Is anyone interested in chipping in? We can set something up on



    Also look for a decent group calender. Preferably where users can add events from the front-end.
    So far I use Jet Events:
    It works well, but has some limitations and doesn’t support Spanish localisation which I need and doesn’t allow for inviting other members to an event which I would find a really nifty feature!



    Any news on how this rather importing part of the Buddypress world is evolving?
    Jet Events has an update every fortnight these days and seems also to become better and better al the time.
    Still… It doesn’t yet meet my needs…
    RSVP options would be great, and also a way for people to react (or like) on an event.



    Hi, what is the state-of-the-art in this area? I would also like to have an events calendar for each group with ability to define who can create events – so it should be integrated with BP permissions and it should be able to attach the permission to create an event to a selected ROLE. Any recommendations?

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