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  • @donmcint


    This is the solution, I added span.activity { display: none; } at the end of the style.css and it removed the “Active xyz hours ago” from the member and group widgets so it doesn’t show the site has little liquidity (yet). But leaves the time stamp on the activity streams intact. Perfect!



    Thx @karmatosed its the first time I install Buddypress for this theme no previous experience for this theme (I did it for the theme compatibility of 1.7).

    I don’t know about the site rendering, when I see the files using ftp I see:

    page.php and single.php, and other templates by the format page-xxxx.php

    Thank you, D.



    Hello! I need to disable the the post-form only for the Site Activity page, but let everyone post on the groups, their profiles, friends, and everywhere else. Does the blank post-form.php solution achieve this?




    It is very strange that hasn’t integrated links/video/photos to the Activity Stream and that we depend only on WPMUDEV for this one plugin to solve an extremely obvious and basic issue for ANY social networking solution (it is inconceivable not to have media uploading capacities in the Activity Stream).

    Also it is incredible that only ONE plugin exists to solve this thing…thx to the lack of competition the developer of this plugin rests on a very incomplete solution with no apparent sense of urgency to make it better (please someone develop a competing plugin!).

    In the meantime I adhere to the needs of this forum that it is imperative that this plugin must be compatible with iOS6 (all apple products).

    IT IS URGENT!!!!!!!

    NOTE: The fact that this plugin is offered for free does not give license to the developer to make it lousy…it undermines the whole open-source wordpress enterprise.



    I need to change my header color too (leave the text as it is only the header blue backround). It seem it comes from a JPG file in inludes — images— header.jpg …please help!!!!



    I need to do the same thing, anyone can help?

    Thx, Donald.



    My BuddyPress site has all links that redirect to home. Tried everything to no avail. My site is http// try any link and you´ll see. How can I solve this? Thx!

    PS: none of the solutions above worked!



    I am not developer and I am sufficiently silly to touch code, files, and similar. I have burnt myself several times, but a few times I have resolved things! But I can´t change so my question is: shall I copy the files of the last trunk to the buddypress 1.2.8 folder replacing the old ones and put it live?



    C´mon!!!! there has to be a plugin to categorize friends it totally basic!!! In my case my community is about business and I need for my members to be able to classify their friedns as: leads, prospects, clients, suppliers, partners, associate, employee, etc. it soooo basic!!!! maybe a contact management plugin??



    I also need to categorize friend.. any plugin or solution?



    Friends should be able to be called other names like: contacts if its a business networking site like I did with mine, partners if it is a closed partership intranet for a lawfirm or accounting fir, students, collegues, etc. there should be an option wher you put something or frieds is default. Groups is groups, but the additional functionality to add is very poor, group wiki does not assing a default wiki theme, group blog does not assign a default blog theme, etc Admins sgould be able to choose the default theme for these addons…



    I can believe that this is an old problen that hasn´t been solved by WordPress/Buddypress/bbPress I just got the “There was an error when creating the topic” and I see that none of the wp_bb_ tables have been created in the database. I don´t know if this is the problem, and I don´t know how to create new tables (I´m not a developer), but please resolve this issue it is unacceptable that it is still happening… now I hope that creating the tables resolves my problem. Any body can help me create new tables??



    You saved my life!! I have to launch today and this problem I had it 3 days!!!

    Thank You man!!



    Thx man!! will try and then I come back to you…

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