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  • @floortjahh


    Very cool plugin. Worked out perfectly. Thanks!



    Oh no… I just tested this on my own website, and indeed it doesn’t work. I assumed it would! I will be needing this functionality as well.

    Do be clear, John Doe, does give me results. But (name)John (hobby)darts, doesn’t.



    Ahh, I wanted to achieve something like this as well. Like you, I’m using S2members (which I absolutely love – lets you hide/text menu items, text, posts, pages, downloadable content ect based on user role).

    This is what I’ve done: For the registration process I’m using BAW invitation codes. Users need to register for a health course (using Event Espresso), and in the confirmation email they recieve an invitation code they can use to log in and access course materials.



    Thank you kindly, that worked perfectly!



    Hi, thanks for your response. That doesn’t work, although that is the kind of solution I’m looking for. I guess it can’t be done without some PHP coding. Could someone explain how to achieve this to me in newb terms? I know a little bit about coding, and I’d be able to put some PHP into my post /page content using a plugin, I just wouldn’t know what to write. Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 Thanks!



    Does anyone know how to take out the extra fields BAW creates? The first and last name boxes? I don’t know why it’s adding those. They don’t seem to do anything.



    Allready got it installed 😉



    Woohoo it works, thank you very much! It did add two (excluding the invitation code field) that weren’t there to the registration page: first name and last name. What’s up with that?



    Wow thanks for taking the time to work all of this out for me! Very much appreciated 🙂 I thought I did download the correct version. I’ll give it another shot and let you know how it went.



    There’s no code field showing up on my registration page. I have used BAW before in combination with S2members, and it worked just fine. I posted about this in the wordpress support forum, but I didn’t get a reply.

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