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  • @fristil


    My problem is the opposite – I have “hidden” the activity streams because most of our users are silent viewers just lurking around… it looks like nothing is happening although there are users logged in. I have hidden it – by that I mean removed the links to the pages in my theme – because disabling the acitivity stream causes to many problems.



    You need to allow people to register in Administration -> Settings



    I can confirm, the same problem occurs even at Have a look at a screenshot it here:



    *LOL*, no, buddypress does not handle Swedish very well…. I meant to say Östergötland…



    Have a look at wp polls instead, in my opinion a very nice and customizable poll system. It includes a widget.

    Edit: I just found that automatic install of the plugin does not seem to work. However install and using it right out of the box works fine for me when uploaded by FTP, in WPMU 2.9.2 with BP default theme. There are also some theme related issues:




    Did you put those files in your own childtheme? Did you remember the underscore in foldername _inc? You need to create that folder, and inside it a folder named scripts, if you do not have them already.

    I think I noticed that changing the width of ul#nav li ul from preset 30,7% to a number below 12% would cause the buttons to spread out horisontally instead of vertical…

    Also, if you have subpages to pages you have created yourself, and those subpages do not show, you need to change depth in header.php

    Preset in default header.php is depth=1, which means that only parent pages are shown. You need to set it to at least 2 to include childpages, or 3 if your child page also have child pages.

    Look for something like this string:

    < ?php wp_list_pages( ‘title_li=&depth=2&exclude=’ . bp_dtheme_page_on_front() ); ? >



    @david Thank you so very much!!! I´ve been trying for a long, long time to create dropdown-menus for buddypress default theme, with no luck. Your solution works for me too.







    Found the solution here:

    with instructions to create and put in a file called /plugins/bp-custom.php

    Change the default tab opened when looking at a user’s profile (default is activity):

    define( ‘BP_DEFAULT_COMPONENT’, ‘profile’ );



    Put it on a wishlist :-)



    Anyone, please? Am I the only one who cannot access profiles from user side, when Activity Stream is disabled?

    http://mydomain/members/kajo will NOT work

    http://mydomain/members/kajo/profile DOES work but only if typed.



    Yes, I think a sidebar could work. Then you have to build your own theme. That´s over my head.

    In index.php and/or profile page, you need to add a string to get a specific sidebar, and then you need to create that sidebar, and put some code in it to gather interests and show all others.

    Maybe you can hire someone to do this for you.



    Yeah, but it is worth it… :-D

    I had to create 21 groups (one for each region). It took me a couple of hours. Now it is much easier for people to find each other. I also created a page with an image map and links to all regions. I can see that people have great use of it. Not everybody understand that they can click on profile fields to find others.

    If you need a ton, maybe you should rethink your structure? Because then people also would have to fill in a ton of profile fields? That might scare them off.

    Another argument for creating groups – each group have their own RSS, making it easy to follow.



    @grosbouff – Thank you! :-)

    I´m using BP Maps and BP Maps Profile and it works like a charm.

    Will you put it up for localization, at least for user side? I will be happy to contribute with a Swedish translation.



    Maybe you could get it to work with two plugins:

    First, install the auto-join-groups, but beware, I think it is still the old version (1.0) in and not the new one (1.1) which you can find here: I have tested it with BP 1.2 and WPMU and it works. (It also works on WPMU 2.8.4 with BP 1.1.2)

    You need to create groups that match your profile fields, wheter it is interests or location. Only ‘selectbox’ and ‘textbox’ type profile fields are supported. The plugin work backwards so all existing users will be connected to their corresponding group. Neat.

    Then, I imagine, you can try some of the plugins that will email group members about updates.



    Maybe I am wrong, but I think I read somewhere that BP needs you to change the link structure to anything but default.

    In WP Mu you do that in a box that looks like in WP. You just have to scroll all the way down to Settings->Permalinks. You can copy and use this link when you have changed to the domain where your WPMU is. :

    If you have no clue what to put in the field I would suggest: /%category%/%postname%/



    You can have a look at a theme called Feed me, Seymour,

    It is not for BuddyPress, but maybe you can find some code to copy and paste…



    Yes, of course, I didn´t think of checking the demo. You are right. Thanks. :-)



    @joernroeder – create a new account with the username you want to be visible, and put all your personal stuff in there :-)



    Since I brought it up here: I found the problem. I upgraded from 1.0.3 to 1.1.1 the easy button-clicking way. It did not delete the old theme-files. When I deleted them, my forums started working like they should.



    I´ve got exactly the same problem. I´ve got a fresh install of WPMU 2.8.4a and BuddyPress 1.1.1, no separate bbPress as I thought BuddyPress would perform that install for me.

    This is what I get:


    bbPress forum integration in BuddyPress has been set up correctly. If you are having problems you can re-install

    NOTE: The forums directory will only work if your bbPress tables are in the same database as your WordPress tables. If you are not using an existing bbPress install you can ignore this message.


    When I try to post a new topic in any of the forums I get:

    “There was an error when creating the topic”

    So I guess bbPress isn´t installed after all? :-)

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