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  • @hughshields


    I am using SweetDate theme and this is a known template issue. I ended up restoring my site from a backup and will wait til SweetDate gets the template problem fixed. Thanks.



    Thanks. The localization works great and now I have changed “Groups” to “Clubs” across my site. The only thing that isn’t working is the breadcrumb for group pages. The breadcrumb displays correctly but the links are not updating to the new pages. The breadcrumb shows Home / Clubs / “individual group name” but if I click on the breadcrumb links for “Clubs” it takes me to the old Groups page. And if I click on the link for the individual group name then it takes me to what looks like a post page for the group. Any ideas how to fix this?



    With 1.8.1 I created a new page called “Clubs” and pointed the Buddypress Groups page to it so that the URL and breadcrumb now appear as “Clubs”. So this problem is now solved.
    I would like to know the best way to change the word “Group” to “Clubs” on the rest of my site (Member Profile Tab etc). I see some very old threads that suggest using a language translation file but wanted to ask for the latest recommendations.



    To be more specific:
    I use BP Registration Options to approve new users in order to keep a clean member profile directory with completed profiles and avatars. The only problem is that the member count on the Member Directory page is not updating.
    Any insight into how Buddypress adds to the member count. I believe it is when a new user logs in for the first time but I cannot locate the code to figure out why it is broken.



    The WPUF Pro plugin uses a field they are calling “Meta Key” on each of their user registration fields. The BP Integration Add On maps each of the custom registration fields to the Buddypress XProfile field. Unfortunately the value in the Meta Key field seems to be not syncing with whatever value Buddypress assigns to member profile fields. So I end up with two sets of member profile fields that are not updating correctly.
    So I am trying to locate the naming convention for Buddypress Extended profile fields or find out what each field is called. What the user meta value is I guess?
    I am installing PHP MyAdmin and will try to find there but hoped there was a naming convention or place to see this in the Admin.



    Hi Martin,
    I am interested to know if this is a custom registration page that you built or is it an available plugin. Registration has been a big issue for me. I am using WPUF Pro with their Buddypress Integration Add On to create a custom registration page but am having issues with user meta compatibility at the moment and therefore am looking for a better solution.
    The issue for me with my solution is that the user fields map to Buddypress but do not save correctly due to user meta incompatibility. Still working on this and trying to solve.
    Please let me know if you have found a good solution. Registration form in buddypress is a big problem and needs a multi-tabbed solution in my opinion.



    The Suffusion Buddypress Pack is built on the BP Template Pack but is still necessary in order to allow for theme functionality such as formatting, layout, widgets etc. The problem is that the template files are out of date and are from BP 1.6. This is causing problems with the pack.
    I downloaded the Buddypress 1.8.1 plugin to my harddrive to try and find updated template files but only see a folder for bp-legacy.
    Can someone tell me where to find Buddypress 1.8.1 template files or a way to remedy my problem with my theme.
    Much obliged.



    Thanks for the reply. I did this already last night and tested Buddypress with the theme and none of the controls for Suffusion are working; formatting, layout, widgets…none of it works.
    I also tested this out on another test site where the same thing happened. So it appears that Suffusion is not compatible with Buddypress.
    I thought that with WordPress 3.6.1 template packs were going to be made obsolete. Does this not apply to Buddypress?
    The solution is to install the Suffusion Buddypress Pack but this pack is outdated and doesnt appear to be getting any support. When I asked about missing template files they told me on the support forum that template packs were not needed. So I’m going in a circle 🙂
    Any solutions or ideas welcome. Or maybe a recommendation for a better theme that works with Buddypress.



    Great! Thanks @henrywright-1! I didn’t even think of CSS. Works perfectly.

    So @fitnessblogger, with BuddyBlog and the one line of CSS provided by Henry above you basically have a Posts in Profile solution that works perfectly. Users can view each other’s posts in a tab on their profile and will not be able to blog from their own profile because that sub-navigation feature is hidden.

    That resolves it for me. Thanks again!



    BuddyBlog is a great plugin. Thanks @henrywright-1 for pointing me to it.
    The only problem is that it does too much. It displays posts on profile which is great. But it also adds a sub-nav on my own profile to add a New Post, which I don’t want.
    I have dug through all the files in the plugin looking for the sub-navigation to try and hide the New Post button, but no luck.
    Can someone point me in the right direction?
    Much obliged.



    @henrywright-1. you were right. BuddyBlog does show posts on profile and very nicely, although on the download page it doesn’t mention this fact. So BuddyBlog is a good solution for me. Thanks!
    It is easier for me to take a plugin that works and turn off features (like blogging from profile) than to try to fix one that is broken.

    Here is the link again for other interested folks:
    BuddyBlog –

    Much obliged!



    Thanks @henrywright-1
    I did look at Buddyblog but didn’t know that a list of posts on profile comes standard. I actually don’t want my users to blog from their profile. I just want to show a list of blog posts on my member profiles. In any case I will check it out.

    It seems a pity that the simple Posts in Profile plugin cannot be fixed. I posted on this subject 7 months ago and no one has been able to make it work. It also seems like a highly visible and critical piece to Buddypress WordPress integration. Anyone using WordPress and thinking of adding BP social networking features will want this.

    Guess I will let it go!



    The plugin by @azchipka called “TCH-BuddyPress-Posts-On-Profile” gets the job half way done and successfully creates a tab on the member profile, but it looks like there is a problem with the code when displaying member posts. Firstly it links to a new page and doesn not display posts within the tab on the member profile, and secondly it does not display any posts. Here is the code. anyone care to take a swing at fixing this:

    // show feedback when 'Posts' tab is clicked
    function bp_postsonprofile() {
    add_action( 'bp_template_content', 'profile_screen_posts_show' );
    bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'bp_core_template_plugin', 'members/single/plugins' ) );
    function profile_screen_posts_show() {
    $theuser = bp_displayed_user_id(); 
    query_posts("author=$theuser" );
    if ( have_posts() ) :
    get_template_part( 'loop', 'archive' );
    else: ?>
    <div id="message" class="info">
    		<p><?php _e( 'Sorry, this user has not published any posts.', 'buddypress' ); ?></p>
    	</div><?php endif; ?>    <?php



    Thanks @henrywright-1
    I looked in members/single/profile.php. Where would I drop in your code?

    <?php if ( bp_is_my_profile() ) : ?>
    	<div class="item-list-tabs no-ajax" id="subnav">
    			<?php bp_get_options_nav() ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_profile_content' ) ?>
    <div class="profile">
    	<?php if ( 'edit' == bp_current_action() ) : ?>
    		<?php locate_template( array( 'members/single/profile/edit.php' ), true ) ?>
    	<?php elseif ( 'change-avatar' == bp_current_action() ) : ?>
    		<?php locate_template( array( 'members/single/profile/change-avatar.php' ), true ) ?>
    	<?php else : ?>
    		<?php locate_template( array( 'members/single/profile/profile-loop.php' ), true ) ?>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    </div><!-- .profile -->
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_profile_content' ) ?>



    This topic says resolved but I am not able to get posts to show on the profile. After reading the above thread multiple times here is what I did:
    1. Downloaded an updated version of BP Posts on Profile revised by @azchipka called “TCH-BuddyPress-Posts-On-Profile”, installed, and activated it.
    2. Added the code offered by @anywherebuthollywood to the functions.php file in my child theme.

    The “My Profile” tab does appear but if I click on it I get the same empty blog page with “Members” in the header and whichever logged in user showing up as a link to the logged in author’s page.

    Did I miss a step or is this not resolved after all?



    Hi Paul,
    In the Buddypress Codex there is information last updated 2 years ago by Sarah Gooding that recommends the two above points that I mentioned for caching. Is this information out of date?
    Also the codex points to a support thread:

    This support thread is also a couple of years old and ends with no solution or resolution to BP caching and a lot of frustrated people.

    Is it safe to say that the caching plugins do not provide a good solution for Buddypress? And that a server side caching solution is the best option?

    I am self hosted on a VPN so for me this is not good news.



    Hi Paul,
    Can you explain what you mean by setting up an object cache?
    1. Should we still add: define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true );into the wp-config.php file above the “stop editing” line?
    2. Is one of the caching plugins sufficient (Quick Cache, W3 Total Cache, or WP Super Cache) and if so which one is best for BP?

    Thanks in advance for the details!



    Thanks for that tip also. It seems the margin is only appearing in IE 10 browser for some reason. It works fine in Firefox and Chrome and there is no unwanted margin with the Buddypress Default theme. I even deleted out the suffusion buddypress template pack group-header-php so that it would revert to the theme default and the margin is still there but only in IE.



    Thanks for the tip. I included your CSS in my theme style sheet and it works, but it throws off the styling for my theme (suffusion) and puts 5-6 blank lines at the top of the group header.
    I believe this is an issue with my theme’s template pack which is outdated since Buddypress 1.8.1.
    I will try and resolve this on the Suffusion forum.



    After doing some research I have found that the avatar upload step was showing up in my child theme but it has been discontinued due to security risks with uploading images to the server for non-registered users. I cut this block of code out of the register.php file per the directions in this codex page:

    Topic closed



    A few things to add to the situation.
    I have looked in the register.php file which I can modify in my child theme folder (Registration/register.php). The code to upload an avatar during the registration process exist at the end of the register.php file. The upload step however only displays when I have my suffusion theme active. It does not show up in the default twentytwelve or twentythrirteen themes or the buddypressdefault theme.
    The final step of the registration process says “Your Current Avatar” and gives the option to choose a file and upload the image. When I select a file and click the Upload Image button the cropping tool should display but it doesn’t. Instead I get directed back to an empty registration page.
    Please let me know if anyone has a fix for this. I would really like to use the avatar upload in registration and I think others want this option as well.



    I am on BP 1.8.1 using extended profiles. At the end of my registration process a screen displays automatically asking for the new user to upload an avatar. I assumed that this was an addition with either BP 1.8.1 or part of extended profiles. This essentially adds the avatar upload to the registration process. Am I the only one seeing this?
    Unfortunately when a new user clicks the upload button it does not work. Instead of allowing the new user to browse for an image and crop it and then upload it, the new user is just directed back to the registration page.
    I posted a separate thread about this a week ago. Please let me know if anyone is also struggling with getting the avatar upload to work in the registration process.



    It turned out to be an issue with my theme and not Buddypress. Even though the latest version of WordPress 3.6 is theme compatible, the Buddypress to Suffusion theme still required the Suffusion Buddypress Pack plugin and a child theme to make it work.
    All fixed here.



    I am having the same problem. I am using Suffusion theme with the latest Buddypress 1.8.1 and WordPress 3.6. Specifically Widget Logic no longer works with Buddypress. When I uninstall Buddypress it works fine but when I reinstall the latest Buddypress the Widget logic no longer works.
    I am ok to switch to a different plugin to control widget display if someone has tested one that works with the latest Buddypress.



    The name of the menu is ‘my-account-buddypress’. This is a buddypress menu and therefore you cannot find it in the wordpress adminbar.php file. It is added when you installed buddypress. You can remove it by adding the following to your theme’s functions.php file:

    function remove_bp_adminbar() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;
    add_action( ‘wp_before_admin_bar_render’, ‘remove_bp_adminbar’ );

    If someone knows the names of the submenus in this buddypress menu I would like to know them so that I can remove the redundant ones (media, forms, friends etc).

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