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@danbp thank you for the reply, probably, my question wasn’t clear a bit.
I know everything about custom themes etc. Here is what I mean:
bp-legacy includes 72 files, any of them can be included (copied to) in a custom theme. Now we have BP 2.2 out. How can I, as a theme author, find out which of 72 files were changed in this new version, so that I wouldn’t have to compare all of them (in case all 72 are modified in my custom theme) manually?
Testing: add the code from the link (codex) and try to select settings -> general
thanks, @r-a-y, will take a look on this.
You are right re new slug, even more, question was raised because of those multiple outdated hashtag plugins available in repository. Recently I saw that you have rewritten very first of them.
Could you tell if you have finished your update, or not? thanks!
r_a_y, could you please explain in few words, what changes were done to activity add?
I mean this patch and the words “..(short version β plugins that insert activity items will continue to work as before, but should be good citizens and update to the new technique)…”.
As I see, bp_activity_add wasn’t changed, so what update Boone is talking about? thanks!
thanks shanebp, found the same solution, probably, should work.
thanks, shanebp, however, cannot say that I understood your idea. Will explain from a different angle. I have an activity ID ‘900’ and 10 users. How do I get IDs of the users, who has activity 900 as a favorite?
is there a way to get activity ‘date_recorded’ outside of the activity loop? thanks!
ok, I got it. You have to pass the ID.
thank you, guys! prior to open a topic checked styles/directories/etc. of twenty twelve, but not functions, as always π
yeah, as always, tried tens of variations, not this one π
works excellent, thank you again, Brajesh!
thanks Brajesh, recently wanted to write about it.
As I understand, we should use this function as a href, but how to write the parameters in, since for some reason I cannot get it working. thanks!
hi, getting back to my thread, could anyone please tell if it is possible or not?
basic idea is to show activities of the specific groups in the site wide loop (default one). thanks!
hi @djpaul ,
separate ajax.php functions do not work as they should at the search page of “unified search” by Brajesh (without adding of this exit()
. In my case bp_dtheme_new_activity_comment() returns full search page (with css from bp-default) below replies if I try to comment on activity, exit(); fixes it.
if the only method is to replace full function using remove_action/add_action, no need to reply.
hi @juanmaguerrero, no need in video. after deeper testing I understood the issue. Bug remains in every activity list, where you do not have enough of updates to see “load more” button. Create a group with few updates and scroll to the bottom. Script will keep adding more and more βSorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.β even without refresh.
hi again @juanmaguerrero, I do not have any customizations, just child theme of bp-default (local at the moment) and your 2 steps. When I switch to “updates” in drop-down of site wide activity directory, I see my 3 activity updates. Now I press page refresh, 3 activities are still there, but every move of scroll bar returns “Sorry, there was no activity found. Please try a different filter.”
If you won’t be able to recreate it again, will send you some video from my test site in approx. 10 hours, it’s already night here. Drop me some email. thanks!
hi @juanmaguerrero, great tutorial!
unfortunately, bug that @shawn38 has mentioned partly is still there. Go to site wide activities, switch to “updates” as drop down filter – everything still will work fine, but now refresh page and bug is back again. If you have custom bp_has_members loop on separate page, bug is always there. Have to say that for those, who really needs this functionality, it is not so terrible. thanks again!hi @ChrisClayton, bp_has_activities( ‘object=groups&primary_id=…, …’) is a working solution for custom loop. Problem is that I need this loop to appear as a drop down filter in site wide activities, e.g. Everything, Updates, etc. That’s why I want to add this “, but cannot get how to tell it to use “object=groups&primary_id=1”, and if it is possible at all, since, as Paul mentioned, bp_dtheme_ajax_querystring() uses just few parameters.
thanks Paul, now it is more clearly. Taking into account that in bp_dtheme_ajax_querystring() I see only type, scope and action parameters, do I understand correctly that there is no way to add simple filter which would return loop with specific IDs, e.g. `bp_has_activities( ‘object=groups&primary_id=…, …’)`?
is it bp_core_avatar_alt, how could I block it?
ok, I got it, it is wp issue, not question to buddypress.
thanks @chrisclayton! using your method I’ve been able to modify read more link too, but how could I hook into
$excerpt = bp_create_excerpt( $text, $excerpt_length, array( 'ending' => __( '…', 'buddypress' ) ) );
to change ending text ‘…’?hi @sbrajesh
could you please take a look on this, if you will have time..can it be done using these lines (?):
`$thumb_cropped = wp_crop_image( $original_file, (int)$crop_x, (int)$crop_y, (int)$crop_w, (int)$crop_h, bp_core_avatar_thumb_width(), bp_core_avatar_thumb_height(), false, $avatar_folder_dir . ‘/’ . $thumb_filename );`