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Hi @tkserver,
I’m not a BP expert, just a user like you. But I wonder if you could supply any further information about exactly what’s happening, what other plug-ins you’re using, and so on.
If a private message is going to someone that it wasn’t intended for that sounds pretty serious. Maybe if you provided some more details it would be possible to replicate the issue?
Ah, I missed that. Thanks @emaralive!
I’m using that same code in functions.php and it’s working for me.
I’m using the BuddyPress Legacy templates.
So if you’re using BuddyPress Nouveau perhaps there’s a different way to do it?I also have the BuddyPress Classic plugin installed, for whatever that’s worth.
You might ask on the BuddyDev forum. They’re usually good with things like this: tried a few things, but nothing worked. It appears to strip out anything but plain text.
How about this for bbPress:
function goto_home() { wp_redirect(get_option('siteurl')); } add_action('bbp_feed', 'goto_home', 1);
@whyknott, are you using bbPress or only BuddyPress. I didn’t see anything in what you posted above that would disable bbPress feeds.Actually, for my purposes the redirect actually works better for all the disables that wp_die() which appears to result in a funny page that some browser still think is an XML page. Does anyone know of a downside in using wp_redirect() here?
Ah, OK. I am using Legacy, so that explains the @. I wouldn’t worry about the other thing if it’s just me seeing it. Good to know about bp_core_get_suggestions.
Interesting. I never knew about this. I gave it a try and on one of my sites when I type in a letter a bunch of users come up. But they don’t all have that letter in their name. But when I put in the @, I don’t get anything. On another site this doesn’t do anything at all.
We’re talking about Profile -> Messages -> Compose, right?
I wonder how this is implemented? Maybe someone more familiar with the BP documentation can provide a pointer to something that talks about it.
@thinlizzie, there appear to be a number of rewrite/redirection plugins and I’ve seen at least one that actually appears to work 🙂 But I don’t want to install another plugin to do something that would just take a few lines of code, once I figure out how to do it properly. That’s just a preference. Not saying it’s right or wrong.
Hey @venutius, good to know. I appreciate you keeping this thread alive.
You know, I’ve been thinking seriously about simply redirecting (or rewriting) anything that ends in /rss or /feed to the “not found” page, so as to solve the problem once and for all (and not just for BP and BBP). I *thought* this would be easy either using .htaccess or installing my own rewrite rules in WP. But I haven’t been able to make either approach work yet! (Ignorance on my part, I’m sure.)
But I guess that’s way beyond the scope of this forum.
I see it. Thank you!
@venutius, yes that does appear to fix it. I guess I was reading the line wrong. This seems like a simple change. I can certainly patch it temporarily, but is there any chance of getting it fixed in the next release?
@espellcaste, actually I’m running different versions of BP on different sites. But I don’t think that file has change recently (it is legacy after all). The exact error depends on what PHP you’re running. Older PHPs give:Warning: printf(): Too few arguments ... plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/activity/index.php on line 164
Newer PHPs give:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: 2 arguments are required, 1 given in ... plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/activity/index.php:164
and then a stack trace.
@venutius, did you figure out how to disable the bbpress feeds?
In case anybody else runs into this …
Brajesh at BuddyDev pointed out to me that the ability to restrict BuddyPress generated stuff to BP pages was added in BP 11:
BuddyPress will soon only load its JavaScript and Style assets into the community area of your site
And (apparently) this was made the default in BP 12.
So, the solution was to add this to functions.php in order to restore BP-generated stuff to all my pages:
add_filter( 'bp_enqueue_assets_in_bp_pages_only', '__return_false' );
Could you provide a bit more information on what you’re seeing? I’ve also been having a problem, apparently with the timezone, between BuddyPress and bbPress. But the problem I’m seeing is definitely not new with BP 12.
FYI, I’m just another BP user. Here a description of my issue:
I’ve finally gotten a test site up to try out 12.0.0-beta2. It looks (so far) like I can run without BP Classic. I am seeing a lot of Deprecated notices for things like bp_core_get_user_domain and bp_get_group_permalink, but maybe those just haven’t been cleaned up yet.
I do see something else, which is not new in BP 12, but I hope it’s OK if I just mention it here. It seems to be an interaction between BP and bbPress. When my site is set to UTC the BP notifications for bbP posts have the right times. But if, for example, I set my WordPress time to UTC+4, then the times of mention notifications look right, but the times of reply notifications are four hours off.
I don’t *think* there’s anything weird on my site that would cause this.
@awol, regarding your bbPress tangent — my experience is that neither the BP forum (this one) nor the bbP support forum work the way BP and bbP do “out of the box.” Perhaps it has something to do with the theme, or perhaps they’re customized. But if you want to see how they’re going to work together your you, I’d suggest setting up a test site and installing them with your theme. Also robin-w on the bbpress forum has a plug-in that allows for a lot of customization and is pretty good about answering these kind of questions.
@canister, for what it’s worth I’ve gotten a lot of good help on doing things with the members loop from the buddydev forum:
I haven’t absorbed all the information here yet, but I did want to voice a big “thank you” for taking care of legacy users by providing BP classic, taking care with the transition, and providing a place to discuss things.
@doncomputing, this looks to me like it’s coming from MemberPress. I think you should ask MemberPress support if they can shed any light on what might be happening (or did MP already tell you to ask BuddyPress?)
Six years later(!) I’ve run into this same privacy issue. Just curious, are you still using BuddyPress and did you ever find a solution?
Great. Thanks @imath.
Is it documented somewhere what versions of PHP a particular BP release is tested up to?
Or, can you tell me if 10.6.0 is confirmed for 8.0 and 8.1?
MikeOK, I see it. Looks like that’s Kinsta specific.
Hi @meestergijs,
I don’t know the answer to your question, but I am curious about how you’re getting metrics on how long your plugins take to load. I would love to have that kind of information for my website. Is there some particular tool that you’re using to do this?
@ravals, in the unlikely event you’re still interested in this, take a look at:
Probably scroll down to the bottom.