Forum Replies Created
Depends upon the theme you are using and how the theme defines the font, and which fonts you need to change.
In any case, you need to make the changes in your theme’s css file, most probably named style.css, residing in theme’s root folder.
Sure you can. By the time your site is ready (or even before that), BP 1.7 will be there for you to upgrade!
It’s been hidden by responsive.css, which could be found in your theme’s _inc > css folder.
You could show the adminbar everywhere, if you override the css either in child theme (recommended way, future proof) or in the responsive css itself if that’s the only change you need to do (by commenting out, like below, not recommended though)
`#wpadminbar {
// display: none;
}`A tip: to check if something is due to responsive theme or not, resize the browser window to emulate smaller screens.
@aces That’s exactly what I needed. Thank you very much!
There was an old trac ticket I came across a few days ago, but can’t find now. Will post a link, if I do.
Thanks @ubernaut. Yes, that’s a nice idea, but I do want to use site-wide forums.
The page structure is like this, but with more pages
ContactAnyway, I don’t think it’s going to be possible without some devine intervention :), as I noticed in site, the ‘discussion’ menu is highlighted only when you select it (the page is forum-index). When you go any deeper (select a forum or a topic), the highlight get’s lost, so the issue is, the custom menu is not able to acquire/implement the hierarchy info, which may or may not have been provided by bbpress itself.
The same problem is there with the link you posted as well. On the other hand, all the buddypress menus and sub-menus and sub-sub-menus can correctly highlight the parent ‘community’ page. So, it’s a bbPress/forum specific issue.
Makeshift solution posted here… finally yielded, and messed up (so to speak) the function messages_screen_compose, adding conditional custom redirects with if else statements like…
if(wp_get_referer()){//to check origin of form submission, returns false for self submission
bp_core_redirect(wp_get_referer()); //custom redirect, as this isn’t self submission
} else {
bp_core_redirect( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . $bp->messages->slug . ‘/view/’ . $thread_id . ‘/’ );// this was originally there, for submission from original php file
`As I think the issue is ‘resolved’, for time being, I should document the solution here.
I intended to use buddypress private messaging as feedback form, with various feedback options like Question, Suggestion, Feedback etc. Thus, I created corresponding users (Question, Suggestion, Feedback etc.) who will receive the feedback. The idea is super-elegant from my purpose, as not only the submissions be automatically segregated and stored in database, but responding to the feedbacks would be as simple as responding to PM, all without the hassle of email, spam etc. An added benifit is, users can draw attention to various issues site wide by @mension, like :@question What about this?”
So I tried to imitate the buddypress compose form, and I succeeded, except the redirect problem as described here. I was doing was, creating a duplicate form, but calling the original form action (fooling buddypress 🙂 ). I did so, because, I don’t even know how to submit the copy-pasted form I created, and get the same thing done as the original compose.php was doing when it called itself (self submission).
Anyways, this hack with unforgivable modifications in buddypress files works beautifully. I feel I’ll have to go through the plugin route finally though, as this is make-shift arrangement (but will work as long as I don’t update the buddypress plugin 🙂 ).
Thanks shane for your help.
Never mind, the $location refers to the url of the page where we will be redirected afterwords.
Will post back, If I ever get it done.
Thanks @shanebp. A couple of questions before I mark this thread resolved one way or other.
It seems a whole lot labour to write a plugin (which I’ll have to learn first 🙂 ) for a solitary redirect, but can I not do it in bp-custom.php, which seems to be for the same type of purposes, and conveniently resides in plugins directory?
Secondly, $location refers to the url of the page from which action originated as opposed to the location where the page will be redirected afterwards, right? I checked the referred wp codex page before I asked the earlier question, but couldn’t figure out what it meant.
Thank you @slaffik for your response. I figured that much, and I posted another thread subsequently asking how to hook into bp_core_redirect(). I was suggested that bp_core_redirect() in turn calls wp_safe_redirect, which could be hooked into, but I am clueless how? Sorry, not a programmer. Can you point me to an example I could analyse?
Secondly, Can I override the messages_screen_compose function from bp-messages-screens.php by writing an entirely new function by same name in my theme’s function.php (with my custom redirects with if-else, which seems very easy and non-intrusive), and doing some remove_action, add_action magic, so to speak? Writing the new function is easy, but how to implement/insert it so that it works is a mystery for me.
Sorry @shanebp, for delayed response. Got disconnected for a while.
I don’t understand how to do what you suggest. Any pointers in right direction? I’m not a programmer, but I will understand if I could analyse an example.
Also, if I ‘plug’ the function, as you suggest (not modifying the actual function but by an action hook), will my conditional statement run every time a call to wp_safe_redirect is made from other places (not my form) as well? as wp_safe_redirect would be used hundreds of time.
Or, can I not rewrite the entire function messages_screen_compose() so that it overrides the one in buddypress, and put it in functions.php of my theme? If that’s possible, what’s correct way of doing it?
@kebecweb the problem seems to be the ‘space’ in the login name (userID). I checked all other users have userID without space, hence the problem is specific to this profile only. I may be wrong, but this doubt needs to be eliminated first.
And it’s not good to post admin user credentials on public forums.
I am getting the same problem. It seems a bug, but I don’t know how to report it correctly.
I am on latest versions of wp, bp and bbp (3.5.1, 1.6.4 & 2.2.4 respectively), developing locally using MAMP.The problem is essentially this.
When wordpress is installed with buddypress and bbpress (sitewide forums with group forums enabled for buddypress), if one hovers on “Howdy” menu to access forums quick-links, the forums menu offers 6 links (when you hover on “forums” quick-link), with 4 unique and 2 (“Topics Started” and “Favorite Topics”) duplicates. However, contrary to what @rmohney observed, even if group-forums are turned off, the problem (duplicate quick-links) persist(s).OK, now I have got the form working on a stand-alone page with strategy described above with one change.
I changed the form’s action atribute to point to the original action (buddypress message compose page).
now the form posts fine, but redirects to the user inbox, irrespective if the form was submitted successfully or with error. The success and error messages are rendered correctly, but this is not logically correct behavior.
The form page should redirect to itself. Please advise, how can I do it.
Sorry for delayed response. I thought the thread was dead. Nevertheless, thanks for your directions.
It seems I chose the wrong words to describe my problem. The problem was “after the compatibility process is over, the site doesn’t look 2012-ish, with bp-default styles in BP parts.” After the compatibility process is done successfully (which I did), the theme “works fine”, but doesn’t look fine. So in other words, how to make the BP part look like 2012.
Both the BP-compatibility-pack approach and your approach worked fine, except, the theme CSS is (understandably) the same (bp-default). I ended up modifying the bp.css to make it look like it belongs to 2012 theme. I also “hard-coded” (so to speak) the BP specific changes in my child theme itself (added the bp-template-pack.php part with some modifications to functions.php), and a few minore changes to BP templates, so that my child theme is BP-compatible out of the box (no need of plugin or external CSS). Will upload the child theme somewhere and post a link here as I get to it.
Thank you @mercime for your help.
Thank you @mercime.
A small follow-up question on user sign-on/registration. As you clarified, there is a unified login for all wp and bp/bb components. Does it mean that the user profiles (wp profiles and bp extended profiles) are also unified/sync’d?
With regards to the twenty twelve – Buddypress compatibility, let me elaborate my set-up a little.
Twenty twelve is not compatible with buddypress out of the box (like bp-default theme is), so one needs to use bp-compatibility-pack plugin (or can be done manually) to copy-paste buddypress specific .php templates and other files to the theme directory. This also includes buddypress style sheet (bp.css) which seems to be a copy-pasted part from bp-default style.css.
Thus, when you make twenty twelve compatible with buddypress (I am doing this on child theme of twenty twelve), the styles of buddypress components resembles to bp-default (rather than twenty twelve). If one deletes all the css from bp.css, one gets plain styles (these are twenty twelve styles but as there is nothing in twenty twelve styles for bp, they are as good as plain). Fixing these plain styles would be like making a completely new theme from scratch (like styling _s theme) for bp component pages/sections. There doesn’t seem to be a simple workaround about this.