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  • @oryanmcentire


    So digging a bit further it looks like if I am to control what the activity looks like, i need to be able to control how the activity gets saved, not displayed.






    Any Ideas on the filters I would need to use?



    Hey @djpaul,
    Yea I am pretty fluent in PHP. I’m not awesome with WP filters but I can usually figure stuff out.

    I don’t think the .mo route would allow me to change the structure of the actual code being spit out, so i don’t know that that would really work. What I am looking to have displayed is literally the exact wording and layout that i have in my previous posts. those weren’t just shortened for the sake of space here in the forums. That’s actually what I would like displayed to the user. super short and super simple.



    hmm, yea I saw that in there, but What i’m looking to do is shorten the actual event as per the example in the original post.

    I’d like to change the entirety of the output to something like:

    <a href="link to event">commented on a blog post</a>
    <span>5mins ago</span>

    I can’t figure out where the actual structure of the activities are being constructed. I have a feeling it may be in the core?

    If I can find it I should be able to replicate it else where.

    IDK if that helps clarify?



    That code only lobs off added text at the end of the string.

    If you went back and edited your text say in the middle of your string, you can add more than the limit you set. Especially because firefox allows you to disable alerts after a certain amount of them.

    best to also limit it server side as well.



    And I am using the most current BP and WP



    my guess is buddypress is only going to have the data to show activity that has been done after buddypress has been installed.

    I don’t think buddypress will show you any activity prior to having the plugin installed. Which to be honest is a good thing, especially if you have a site with years and years of activity, and only now are you installing buddypress. I’d imagine that could bog down your site real fast.




    First, if you have a different problem start a new thread.
    You need to make sure you have turned on “Anyone can register” under settings > general
    then you need to make sure your registration and activation pages are set up in the buddypress settings.

    Second, you can’t currently search these forums. Extremely annoying and frustrating. Not to mention notifications and activity don’t seem to be working either so you have to search through the forum every time you want to check on your threads.



    Oh sorry mate, I have mine wrapped in another custom function… forgot to strip that out.
    terydinho’s function is the correct one but i would still check if the user is logged in
    <a href="messages/” rel=”nofollow”>Messages ()




    First you should check if the user is actually logged in.
    then display the message count with a link back to their messages like this:


    <a href="messages/” rel=”nofollow”>Messages ()




    *facepalms* I feel like I’m either doing a horrible job explaining or my original post isn’t getting read…

    I understand how the groups work. My question was how can i remove and restructure some of the fields that are automatically set up by buddypress.

    My end goal is to minimize the amount of steps the new user needs to do in order to sign up.

    For instance:
    currently buddypress requires the “name” the “username” the “email” and the “password”
    you cannot get rid of those. I get that and I understand why.

    But I would like to eliminate the extra password field. And possibly even automate the username creation.

    Even understanding how the registration page works a little better, would allow me to eliminate all the forms and only allow sign up via single facebook button.



    I understand that I can create new groups of fields that won’t appear on the registration page.
    But that still does not allow me to edit what is on the actual registration page that gets rendered.

    The problem is with the way buddy press builds the registration form using only the one default field in the base group (name).

    I suppose I am looking for direction in building my own form. If any one else has done anything like it. Any particular hooks I need to plug into to submit and send the fields to the appropriate places.

    Even just pointing me in the right direction would be helpful. Buddypress functions always seem to be a labyrinth of nested functions and loops that i tend to get lost in with no frame of reference for what they are actually doing.

    Or is there any documentation on how the registration process works in buddypress?






    In fact, if there was a good way to just manually create a new registration form and have it submit to the right place I’d be all for that!



    @roxanne-bland, Buddy press is a “create your own social network” type plugin.

    if you are looking for something that will allow people to “follow” your blog you are either looking for something passive, like setting up an obvious RSS link on your blog and encouraging those who use RSS to follow yours

    Or if you are looking for something more active, then something that will email your “readers” when you post to your site.

    Currently out of the box people can “follow” a wordpress blog if they wish, usually via RSS or bookmarking the site. So i’m not really 100% sure what your are looking for?



    I have also Tried disabling the ajax features but still problems… Any help would be awesome.



    My crop tool wasn’t working and it ended up being an error with the way I had enqueued the scripts and a JS error. After upload I was just seeing two versions of the image I had uploaded but no crop tool and nothing was interactive.

    Be sure that jquery and jcrop are actually being called.
    And check out those type errors. It could be stoping JS on those breaks.

    I had wp-activate-users installed and there was a big typo in the JS that ended up being my main culprit for breaking a few other things as well.



    Have you noticed a difference between the ones that crop and the ones that do not?

    File size? File type? Animations?

    What exactly happens when you can’t crop the image? Does the crop tool show up and work and it just doesn’t use your selection or does the tool not even show up?



    I am also getting “response is null” errors in firebug when viewing the global activity page from the global.js file
    response is null



    Actually I think this could also be related to a bug in the way BP handles breaking down the domain to build the from email address.

    for instance my WP URL does not include the WWW.
    and I have tried fresh installs on servers where the SMTP is known to be set up correctly and activation emails stop working once BP is installed, no other plugins installed either.

    In order to get my emails from buddypress to work (including the activation email) I had to add this to my functions.php to explicitly set my “from” address.
    //Fix Email issue
    function fix_bp_core_email_from_address_filter() {
    return apply_filters( ‘bp_core_email_from_address_filter’, ‘’);
    add_filter( ‘wp_mail_from’, ‘fix_bp_core_email_from_address_filter’ );`

    be sure to change “” with your actual URL.

    This has been working for me, so far.



    Thanks @r-a-y that code worked great!

    Just a note, If you changed the group slug [via: define( ‘BP_GROUPS_SLUG’, ‘new_slug’ );] you will need to alter this code where it says ‘groups’ to match.



    What happens if you try adding that onclick action to your BP log out?

    <a id="bp-admin-logout" class="logout" href="">Log Out</a>



    Seems I misunderstood The way the global forum works. I think I have it working and in my case it was user error.

    I was thinking it would be a forum in it’s self. Where i could organize threads based on categories and post topics to these threads. But instead it’s just an aggregation of all of the group forums in one place.



    I am Having this same problem. I have a fresh WP/BP install and the “Disable global forum directory?” is set to no.
    The forum tab shows up on the site but the page always says “Sorry, there were no forum topics found.”
    If I add a new topic and hit submit. the form submits and the page refreshes… but it still says “Sorry, there were no forum topics found.”
    Did that topic disappear?

    My site is public and I have only one group set up. If possible I would like to not have to bury the global forum in a group.

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