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Forum Replies Created

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  • @palmdoc


    I’m not a coder so forgive me if I don’t understand the Javascript in the code. Appreciate any help and hope there are others who understand what I’m getting at.



    I have read and checked more than three times. My original question is I want to delete a member from a group – i.e. remove them from a group not from the site.
    I really hope there is better group member management for Buddypress as it is a nightmare when there are thousands of members.



    Sorry but I don’t see any Group management options in the back end either. Can you please show a screenshot of what I’m supposed to see?



    Hmm somehow I don’t see the selector. I have placed bp-custom.php in the root of the plugins folder

    and this is the code

    // hacks and mods will go here
    // remove users from groups
    add_action('load-users.php',function() {
    if(isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['bp_gid']) && isset($_GET['users'])) {
        $group_id = $_GET['bp_gid'];
        $users = $_GET['users'];
        foreach ($users as $user_id) {
            groups_leave_group( $group_id, $user_id );
        //Add some Javascript to handle the form submission
        add_action('admin_footer',function(){ ?>
            jQuery("select[name='action']").append(jQuery('<option value="groupleave">Remove from BP Group</option>'));
                if(jQuery("select[name='action'] :selected").val()=="groupleave") { e.preventDefault();
                    gid=prompt("Please enter a BuddyPres Group ID","");
                    jQuery(".wrap form").append('<input type="hidden" name="bp_gid" value="'+gid+'" />').submit();

    I wonder what I’m doing wrong?
    This is what I’m seeing:



    Done that but I can’t seem to find the new functions
    Is it supposed to be in



    Hi. Thanks for this.
    Sorry but a noob question: where is the bp-custom.php file? I can’t seem to locate it



    @naijaping thank you!



    OK got the types wrong and got to=he info from the table in phpmyadmin

    Anyway this code works in ones custom function.php

    // Filter bbPress from updating activity stream
    function imath_activity_dont_save( $activity_object ) {
    $exclude = array( 'bbp_topic_create', 'bbp_reply_create');
    // if the activity type is empty, it stops BuddyPress BP_Activity_Activity::save() function
    if( in_array( $activity_object->type, $exclude ) )
    $activity_object->type = false;
    add_action('bp_activity_before_save', 'imath_activity_dont_save', 10, 1 );



    I just tried that and it doesn’t prevent bbPress from updating the Activity stream 🙁



    @sharmavishal: It doesn’t seem to work for me
    I put Blocked Activity Types:
    new_forum_topic, new_forum_post
    and the bbPress topics and replies still go thru

    and anyone, what should the code be? Like this? :

    // Filter bbPress from updating activity stream
    function imath_activity_dont_save( $activity_object ) {
    $exclude = array( 'new_forum_topic', 'new_forum_post');
    // if the activity type is empty, it stops BuddyPress BP_Activity_Activity::save() function
    if( in_array( $activity_object->type, $exclude ) )
    $activity_object->type = false;
    add_action('bp_activity_before_save', 'imath_activity_dont_save', 10, 1 );



    I also tried the plugin
    but it seems it’s an orphaned one not updated for a couple of years
    What I really hope to do is to prevent bbPress new topics and replies from appearing in the Activity stream – it’s really quite redundant I feel

    Help anyone?



    Unfortunately the “Cannot create new topic” bug is still present if you are not an Admin and are using the short code

    • You must be logged in to create new forums.

    in the forum root




    Not happening for me too. On Buddyboss 3.1.7 – will report to the developers



    Sadly I have to report this issue is still not fixed in BP 2.0



    Automatic Activity Timeline update please (like Facebook)



    You could also try the S2 Member plugin. For the Buddypress Community content you can restrict that using the URI restriction option for forum, member, activity sections etc.
    It’s quite flexible.



    Still happening – can’t add members to the Group backend. Any solution?



    I tried BB Admin Actions but this old plugin does not work at all for me.



    Yup, happening to me too – anyone else?



    Same problem here. Looks like a bug.



    Yup, that works for me too. Great plugin





    I am looking for a solution for bbPress 2.4 + Buddypress 1.81 to display Buddypress @username instead of the full name in the forums – just like these forums!
    I know this is an old thread and the plugin posted by @ekawaii is no longer in existence.



    No it doesn’t work (I just restored the database from backup). Instead of showing a list of discussion threads (sorted by freshness) it shows Group forums as the root (which people can post in) and all the group forums.

    in a new page also gets the same result
    Have disabled all plugins but bbPress and Buddypress to no avail. bbPress 2.3 update doesn’t help.



    I tried resetting the bbPress forums from Tools/Forums to try from scratch and it’s worse – lost all the Group forum links.
    Anyone can help? Why am I seeing a Forums page like this instead of the discussion list?


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