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  • @qrahaman


    @nonopp, I took a look at your suggestion. Maybe I missed it, but how does that plugin address each BuddyPress member having their own calendar to which they can add their own events?






    Thank you for responding. I’ve been away for a bit and didn’t know that this piece was put on hold. I’ll mess around with what’s on github:



    There is no precedent in which Brajesh does not deliver above and beyond the call of duty. Given the complexity and volume of plugins he builds and maintains along with the many one-off coding requests, a healthy dose of latitude is advisable, imho. I guess at the right price you may find someone who will build what you want and may even maintain it as WordPress/BuddyPress constantly gets updated.





    I also get the same message. Up to date on all versions… WP, BP, bbPress.




    Other than “Nationality”, I would also add “Resides In”.



    Thanks, Paul! Good to know it’s on its way.




    Thanks. That does work to produce the excerpt at the right spot. However, it does not properly handle not cutting words in the middle nor putting the […] at the end. The following function in the core file (mentioned in my first comment) does that:

    `function bp_create_excerpt( $text, $length = 225, $options = array() ) {
    // Backward compatibility. The third argument used to be a boolean $filter_shortcodes
    $filter_shortcodes_default = is_bool( $options ) ? $options : true;

    $defaults = array(
    ‘ending’ => __( ‘ […]’, ‘buddypress’ ),
    ‘exact’ => false,
    ‘html’ => true,
    ‘filter_shortcodes’ => $filter_shortcodes_default
    $r = wp_parse_args( $options, $defaults );
    extract( $r );

    // Save the original text, to be passed along to the filter
    $original_text = $text;

    // Allow plugins to modify these values globally
    $length = apply_filters( ‘bp_excerpt_length’, $length );
    $ending = apply_filters( ‘bp_excerpt_append_text’, $ending );

    // Remove shortcodes if necessary
    if ( !empty( $filter_shortcodes ) )
    $text = strip_shortcodes( $text );

    // When $html is true, the excerpt should be created without including HTML tags in the
    // excerpt length
    if ( !empty( $html ) ) {
    // The text is short enough. No need to truncate
    if ( mb_strlen( preg_replace( ‘//’, ”, $text ) ) <= $length ) {
    return $text;

    $totalLength = mb_strlen( strip_tags( $ending ) );
    $openTags = array();
    $truncate = ”;

    // Find all the tags and put them in a stack for later use
    preg_match_all( ‘/(]*>)?([^]*)/’, $text, $tags, PREG_SET_ORDER );
    foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
    // Process tags that need to be closed
    if ( !preg_match( ‘/img|br|input|hr|area|base|basefont|col|frame|isindex|link|meta|param/s’, $tag[2] ) ) {
    if ( preg_match( ‘/]*>/s’, $tag[0] ) ) {
    array_unshift( $openTags, $tag[2] );
    } else if ( preg_match(‘/]*>/s’, $tag[0], $closeTag ) ) {
    $pos = array_search( $closeTag[1], $openTags );
    if ( $pos !== false ) {
    array_splice( $openTags, $pos, 1 );
    $truncate .= $tag[1];

    $contentLength = mb_strlen( preg_replace( ‘/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|&#x[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i’, ‘ ‘, $tag[3] ) );
    if ( $contentLength + $totalLength > $length ) {
    $left = $length – $totalLength;
    $entitiesLength = 0;
    if ( preg_match_all( ‘/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|&#x[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i’, $tag[3], $entities, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
    foreach ( $entities[0] as $entity ) {
    if ( $entity[1] + 1 – $entitiesLength <= $left ) {
    $entitiesLength += mb_strlen( $entity[0] );
    } else {

    $truncate .= mb_substr( $tag[3], 0 , $left + $entitiesLength );
    } else {
    $truncate .= $tag[3];
    $totalLength += $contentLength;
    if ( $totalLength >= $length ) {
    } else {
    if ( mb_strlen( $text ) <= $length ) {
    return $text;
    } else {
    $truncate = mb_substr( $text, 0, $length – mb_strlen( $ending ) );

    // If $exact is false, we can’t break on words
    if ( empty( $exact ) ) {
    $spacepos = mb_strrpos( $truncate, ‘ ‘ );
    if ( isset( $spacepos ) ) {
    if ( $html ) {
    $bits = mb_substr( $truncate, $spacepos );
    preg_match_all( ‘//’, $bits, $droppedTags, PREG_SET_ORDER );
    if ( !empty( $droppedTags ) ) {
    foreach ( $droppedTags as $closingTag ) {
    if ( !in_array( $closingTag[1], $openTags ) ) {
    array_unshift( $openTags, $closingTag[1] );
    $truncate = mb_substr( $truncate, 0, $spacepos );
    $truncate .= $ending;

    if ( $html ) {
    foreach ( $openTags as $tag ) {
    $truncate .= ”;

    return apply_filters( ‘bp_create_excerpt’, $truncate, $original_text, $length, $options );

    add_filter( ‘bp_create_excerpt’, ‘stripslashes_deep’ );
    add_filter( ‘bp_create_excerpt’, ‘force_balance_tags’ );

    So, using that function in functions.php in the following does not work (I think it’s similar to a circular reference error in Excel):

    add_filter( ‘bp_get_group_description_excerpt’, ‘bp_create_excerpt’);

    This results in the white screen of death, though it’s probably close. Anyway, thanks for your help.




    Sorry, I most certainly wasn’t clear. What you provided works in the Group’s main page where the description length is fine (which is good, since I may want to modify that later).

    What I wanted to do was specify the length of excerpt on the group directory page. So, given what you laid out, is there a hook that could be applied for that location? The groups loop is calling bp_group_description_excerpt().

    Hopefully, that’s clearer. Thanks again.



    It’s an extension of the “hierarchical groups” concept with it extending out to multiple BuddyPress communities. I am not referring to any other social networks or platforms. …only BuddyPress, which is not a “social network” but a “community” platform. Therefore “groups” across communities is fair game and relevant which is where “hierarchy” comes into play. If hierarchy is going to be pursued within one community, might as well tackle “across” multiple communities. Earlier, I said it was a “consideration” and would be an incredibly difficult thing to pull off. No further discussion necessary; thus, no need to start a whole other thread.




    I still don’t get it. With the link you referenced, those are all updates from within the community. I don’t see any feeds from other communities outside of into Paul’s wall. I must be blind.




    If you have your own community, it is entirely possible that you have a group within it that I would want to be fed updates. I don’t necessarily want to navigate to your community to then go to that group to figure out what’s going on every time. I want to stay in my own community and be fed all updates globally from whatever groups that I’ve subscribed to from all global communities. Is that already possible? If so, I’m all ears. ;-)




    Let’s say that ESPN started its own BuddyPress community. Several groups have been started: Football, Tennis, Soccer, and Curling. Furthermore, let’s say that @djpaul is super interested in the happenings of curling but the community to which he spends oodles of time, D&D, doesn’t have a “curling” group. What if Paul could subscribe/join ESPN’s Curling group from within D&D? That way Paul could stay in D&D but always be up on the latest curling news…. Is that better or did I muddy it up even further?

    Disclaimer: I have no idea if Paul plays D&D or has any interest in the Olympic sport of curling (illustrative purposes only). :-)



    +? This is probably so technically “involved” that it is its own point release, probably version bump. Consider this: what if a member could join a or subscribe to a group that’s in a different BuddyPress community where the activity for that group comes into his/her personal activity stream?



    Just a guess, “conversion”. The more stuff on a registration page, the less likely the visitor will follow through. The trend is to use some other main social network to sign on/activate, or the very least bit of information to register; such as, username and password.




    Could you provide a reference of that plugin implemented for a BuddyPress site? I don’t see any examples (on their site) that specifically illustrate a BuddyPress implementation.


    If all you’re looking for is a WordPress event plugin, here’s another you may want to research:



    I don’t understand. You want to add the Admin/Mod profile data to the group in the group directory? Which Admin, which Mod? Or a different member’s profile data to the group. Then which one?



    You may want to consider, Buddyvents:




    …definitely the Facebook platform should be added. Does this plugin does not allow a member to post out to the existing platforms? If there is a way to do this, I haven’t been able to find it. This is a key feature of Buddystream.





    There is a workaround which should work but I can’t confirm until I figure out the last step. Anyway, what you could do is use FormidablePro (probably the most flexible and affordable form creation plugin in the wild) to get your data and then dump (form submittal) them into the appropriately mapped XProfile fields. I am told this is possible. …But I don’t know how to do that last step.




    Actually, it’s still an active plugin.

    @erikahrend, I recommend you make contact through the specific forum for that plugin:




    I’ve posted from Firefox, Chrome, Safari (desktop and iOS) and never had an issue with either creating a topic or with the speed. Maybe others have? I assume you’ve had the same outcome from multiple operating systems and devices…




    The only time this has failed to work properly is when FB makes changes to its API without notifying anyone who may use it:

    Other than that, it’s rock solid.

    And you had better follow Justin’s instructions wrt requesting help, should you need it… :-)

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