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  • @rdob


    That sounds interesting. Thanks Andy.



    Thanks for the link r-a-y.

    I’ll check the plugin and see what I can do with it.



    Check I think they have a plugin that lets you do just that.



    Thanks Andy. I will.

    EDIT: done – ticked created



    I have subdomain WPMU install. It worked fine with 1.0.

    I changed the domain localhost to (using HostsXpert)

    to access the site I have to type

    the site root directory is: C://xampp/htdocs/

    subdomain is

    The main button links read as:

    GROUPS >

    BLOGS >

    and so on.

    When I go to my profile the link is:

    and it works fine.

    strange, isn’t it?



    I’ve been testing the beta and I must say it’s great. The installation of the forum is just amazing. One click and it was done and working like a charm – WOW.

    Everything works fine except one tiny little problem which I don’t think is a bug. I am just wondering if anybody else had the same problem.

    All the main buttons (blog, members, groups, forums and blogs) take me to a 404 page “Page Not Found”. Everything else works fine. I can go to profiles, groups, group forum etc. without a problem. The links on the buttons look fine, just what I would expect them to be.

    My setup:

    fresh install of WPMU 2.8.4a

    fresh install of bp 1.1 beta

    fresh install of bbpress 1.0.2

    using out of the box bp theme

    It’s running on my local machine with xampp. Htaccess file is in place and url rewriting is working fine. Themes (bp-default and bp-sn-parent are in the themes directory and only the bp-default is activated.

    Any ideas???


    P.S. Thank you everyone who contributed to 1.1beta release. You did an awesome job.




    That’s why I’m trying to patiently wait to at least see a rough direction of the component.


    Time flies so fast the wait will be over in no time …. I hope ;-)



    I had the same problem and here’s what worked for me.

    Open the file with the widgets in this example bp-core-widgets.php

    At the top of the page where the widgets are registered it looks like this:

    /* Register widgets for the core component */
    function bp_core_register_widgets() {
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Welcome_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Members_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Whos_Online_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Recently_Active_Widget");') );
    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'bp_core_register_widgets' );

    replace it with:

    * Register widgets for the core component */
    function bp_core_register_widgets() {
    //global $wpdb, $supporters_widget_main_blog_only;
    global $current_blog, $wpdb, $all_bp_widgets_main_blog_only;

    $all_bp_widgets_main_blog_only = 'yes'; //Either 'yes' or 'no'

    if ( $all_bp_widgets_main_blog_only == 'yes' ) {
    if ( $wpdb->blogid == 1 ) {
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Welcome_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Members_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Whos_Online_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Recently_Active_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Welcome_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Members_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Whos_Online_Widget");') );
    add_action('widgets_init', create_function('', 'return register_widget("BP_Core_Recently_Active_Widget");') );
    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'bp_core_register_widgets' );

    And that’s it.

    Again as I said it seems to work for me but I don’t know if there are any side effects. I recommend testing it before using on live website. Also remember doing the same for the other widgets under blogs, activity etc.I think you will also need to create a different variable than $all_bp_widgets_main_blog_only in the other widget files (blogs, activities etc.)

    Maybe some of the gurus here could comment on this approach.



    Well, on the 16th post Andy says

    If the plugin continues to improve and sticks to the standards then I’d like to allow Manoj to continue building it as the official component. We’ll see how it pans out over the next little while.

    What happens if he doesn’t and the plugin isn’t up to Andy’s standards?

    Yeah, I know Andy also said we didn’t have to worry about the pictures already in the albums but how will it work? How much work will it take to switch to core photo album component from the Manoj’s plugin in case Andy decides against using it?

    I am not asking those questions to get the answer here. I’m just trying to say I am hesitant to using Manoj’s plugin until we know a little bit more about the future of the core photo album component.

    And trust me I desperately need a photo album for my website. It’s really hard to resist using Manoj’s plugin especially after reading so many good reviews. I just hate to take a road without knowing where it’s going to take me. Yep, I got burnt in the past.



    1. you should use the latest stable version (1.0.3)

    2. If it’s a WPMU DEV theme then you should probably talk to them in their support forum.



    Thanks JJJ for the tip.

    I’ve been playing with it and it works for me only if the template page is called fun.php instead of example.php.

    Anyway I find it very useful.

    Thank you



    ok, here’s my first buddypress powered site ready to go public.

    As you can see my theme was very much inspired but the buddypress website.

    Hope you like.




    Please understand that you need an engine and wheels before you can enjoy your windows. What use would you have for your windows if you couldn’t take the car for a ride?




    That sounds like a way to annoy your members with daily emails telling them “come back”. Unless they can choose to disable those notifications.


    Your idea about emails with the latest site wide activity would be very interesting. I can definitely see many people using it.



    I’ll chip in $20 (possibly more if needed). It’s a small price for such a powerful plugin. Just let me know when and where to send it.

    We also need to make sure it’s easy to update for compatibility with future versions of WPMU and BP.


    Thanks for the time you are putting into this.



    sorry I wish I could help :-(



    I\’ve just looked at my files. Make sure you also have all the style sheets needed. There was a new style \”directories.css\” so make sure it is in the css dir.

    If you don\’t have it there that could be the problem.

    I remember I had to do some css updates. I use firebug plugin on my firefox to check the css.



    oh ok, I misunderstood your post.

    In this case I guess it could be in the css. Sorry I wasn’t much help.



    I had the same problem after updating BP. Everything works fine now.

    Check this post:



    Check this post:

    It may be related and hopefully you’ll find some answers there.

    Also make sure you have the theme in the right directory. member-theme directory should now be called bp-themes



    Problem: [Members], [Groups] or [Blogs] links not working after this update.

    Solution: read on ..

    I have just spent all day trying to make it work with my custom theme. It finally works the way it should so I just thought I\’d post the solution here in case someone else is having the same problem.

    I upgraded by following the instructions step by step including the costume theme updates and everything went smoothly. My custom theme is based on the default BP theme but heavily modified.

    As I said everything worked fine except when I clicked on [Members], [Groups] or [Blogs] directories I was getting \”Access Denied – you don\’t have permission blah blah ….\” message.

    I found out the updated default Buddypress members theme is missing page.php and there was a new directory \”directories\” added which contains the pages for [members] [groups] and [blogs]

    So everyone who\’s having the same problem as I had, just copy the \”directories\” from the latest bp members theme and put it in your theme. Style it to match your theme look and that\’s it.

    I hope that helps.

    EDIT: Andy, maybe it would be a good idea to mention it in the upgrade instructions above



    In your theme look for header.php. There you can change the names of the links.

    For example:

    <?php _e( \’Blog\’, \’buddypress\’ ) ?>

    Change it to

    <?php _e( \’My Blog\’, \’buddypress\’ ) ?>

    Remember to change it in your members theme too.

    Note that this will only change the text not the actual link. So it will show [My Blog] but it will still go to



    What is the safe upgrade procedure? Should I just drop the files in /plugins/ like it says in the installation guide then remove the old files from mu-plugins and login as admin and activate?

    Would that be the right way to do it?

    One more question. Are the members able to see/activate/deactivate the plugins when I have plugins menu enabled?

    thank you.



    In case others are curious here’s what I did:

    I copied the function bp_get_nav removed the lines with the logout link and renamed it to bp_get_nav_no_logout as suggested above by jjj. Then I put this newly created function in the functions.php file in my theme and I changed the userbar.php file to call bp_get_nav_no_logout.

    That way I keep it with my custom theme and leave the core files untouched.

    Thanks again John.



    Thanks JJJ,

    I’ll definitely try this.

    I am actually working on a member theme for my site (I’ll reveal the url later) so this is a great solution. I’m more of a design guy not so strong in coding but this is something I should be able to do.

    I appreciate your help.

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