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  • @richardpd


    Well I don’t know what has caused my theme format to break-something to do with either the bbPress or BuddyPress plugin update. JJJ doesn’t think it is bbPress and yet you appear to think it is-a bit confusing.When I updated the plugins I got that error message and then I tried to get back to my theme & admin pages by renaming plugins and then ended up with the theme displaying in it’s broken state. Are bbPress & BuddyPress meant to integrate together? I thought they were meant to.
    I would like to figure out what has broken my theme and would appreciate some help with it as of course if I could do it on my own I wouldn’t be posting here and on other forums asking for help!
    Simples really…-can someone please help me fix/restore my theme format? Many thanks



    Did you check the link I gave?
    Here is the post from that link:
    “Not a bbPress problem. Looks like your theme is a child theme of BuddyPress’s bp-default, and it uses hardcoded relative paths in its @import rules. Any number of things could be going wrong here, but it wasn’t updating bbPress that caused this to happen.”

    This reply is blaming the problem on BuddyPress & not bbPress. Surely both bbPress & BuddyPress should integrate together?
    So whether it was bbPress or BuddyPress plugin update that has caused my theme to lose its format does anyone know how I can fix this please?



    Mercime-many thanks again for your reply.
    I still cannot get the hang of running BuddyPress group & sitewide forums together on my blog.
    So for now I have disabled BuddyPress Group forums and am using bbPress forums. I even made a child theme of my BuddyPress enabled WP theme anIMass and use bbPress 2010 forum style with it-see my post today on my blog at

    I will keep trying with BuddyPress but for the moment am using bbPress forum! Many thanks



    Hi-thanks modernlooper for your reply
    (I have now updated to latest BuddyPress & bbPress plugins-my site runs both plugins!).

    Thankfully I have fixed the problem now but it was a bit tricky..
    I now think the problem was an issue with x2 specific plugins-Wp Article Fetch & Tweet this.
    On deactivating both of these from Network Admin (my site is running WP multisite) my blog (running WordPress & BuddyPress) is back to normal.
    The Tweet this plugin is somewhat old & not updated so there could be some code issue with it. As for the WP Article fetch plugin I haven’t used it much so disabling it is no great issue!
    (I will look for a new ‘Tweet this’ plugin as Twitter plugins are quite useful)

    I still though need to get BuddyPress forums working properly on my site (I have posted several times for help with this on the support forum here but still BuddyPress forums are not running well on my site! If I wasn’t so stubborn to try & get BP forums working I would have deleted it ages ago & used an alternative eg Vanilla plugin or other-so if anyone can help me I would be grateful-but I don’t really expect any response as sadly I have had such limited response in the past from here to help me with this! I think BuddyPress is a misnomer; it could be better called somethingelse but I won’t type it now!..:-(…).



    Many thanks for your reply with helpful link, mercime.
    I must say you are a star! You (& very often you alone) always reply to my posts for help-many thanks
    The link helps with anti-spam BP measures & I also need help running BP on site.

    Today I tried creating a new BP forum (a public forum) on my site. From my dashboard I appear to have group forums installed. If I try to install sitewide forums the page displays bbPress plugin details & tells me I have the bbPress plugin already installed(which I already knew). I am not sure how these 2 BP & bbPress forums coexist!?(in the sitewide install >”You may activate both Group and Site Wide forums, but this may create a poor experience for your members.”<)..

    I did successfully manage to create a new BuddyPress public group forum & am trying to display it on my nav bar links which will help accessibility (I think I have an issue with my WP nav menu code to add sub level menu-as they are not displaying-hopefully I can fix that soon). It is a little confusing for me the difference between BP group forums and bbPress sitewide forums & using either or both on site! Where is any help documentation for BuddyPress & bbPress to make setup & use easy & clear?

    Anyway after I fix my menu drop down issue on my WP site, I will see how my BP experience develops from here-so far it has been very, very rocky for me with BuddyPress/bbPress….
    It really shouldn’t be so hard to add BP forum to a WP site & use it easily but for me it is!!!
    I just hope one day BP/bbPress will work well on my site….
    Once again many thanks for your help



    Hi Jason
    Goodluck with your quest. BTW I like green!
    I setup my WP site with BuddyPress around 12 months ago & I still do not have BuddyPress working as I want it!! This is very frustrating for me. I have not had great help on this site here except from Mercime who is helpful.
    I am though determined to get BuddyPress going as I want with my WordPress site because I am stubborn! It is very tempting to use alternative php forum software. There are a few good ones around which you can add to your site & say bye bye to BuddyPress hassles & problems etc.
    Anyway keep me posted on how you get along & maybe we can help each other on this?
    Best wishes :-)



    How do I find my BP forum posts here at BP support? I can find my WP forum posts at but not BuddyPress!
    My ‘Your Activity’ link tells me the number of my posts but nowhere can I find a link to my posts (so I cannot review them!).
    I follow Mercime (a moderator on this site)-but I cannot see a way to private message her for help?!
    I am having lots of trouble running BP on my site and am finding help hard to get here.

    NB Why does my post say ‘Deleted User’ when I am logged in as richardpd?
    NNB-Fixed ‘Deleted User’ issue…I was not logged in properly?! I am not sure how that happened but I changed my settings & relogged in & is fine now!!



    Hi yadigit

    Many thanks for your reply.
    I’m afraid I do not know the Avatar upload is controlled.
    I have no special plugins.
    The 2 plugins I use are BuddyPress template pack and bbpress plugin.
    The avatar control is probably through those (except WordPress always has had avatar control so possibly it is inbuilt from my WP theme?).
    I don’t know exactly as I am so new to BuddyPress!-sorry…

    I am more concerned still about my BP site functionality and have several questions on that eg
    1.How do I create a forum topic?

    2. Why is settings>general returning a blank browser page?

    In short how do I use BuddyPress and what can I do with it on my site given that I mainly want to use it as a forum?

    I am grateful for more helpful replies, comments and feedback-thanks



    I have fixed this but am rather unclear why this has arisen!
    The edits I have done here have been through my Network Admin dashboard to my files.
    Everything worked except for editing index.php. When I went to my server (Hostgator via cPanel) my theme index.php was unedited!! After editing(adding) the PostView code and saving the code is now working.
    Just to highlight/emphasis the difference between the index.php I edited through Dashboard shown in my first post above here below is the index.php that exists on the server root and I edited via cPanel. They are completely different and I do not understand how/why this is the case!

    * The loop that displays posts.
    * The loop displays the posts and the post content. See
    * to understand it and
    * to understand
    * the tags used in it.
    * This can be overridden in child themes with loop.php or
    * loop-template.php, where ‘template’ is the loop context
    * requested by a template. For example, loop-index.php would
    * be used if it exists and we ask for the loop with:
    * get_template_part( 'loop', 'index' );
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage anIMass
    * @since anIMass 7.0

    max_num_pages > 1 ) : ?>

    /* Start the Loop.
    * In Twenty Ten we use the same loop in multiple contexts.
    * It is broken into three main parts: when we’re displaying
    * posts that are in the gallery category, when we’re displaying
    * posts in the asides category, and finally all other posts.
    * Additionally, we sometimes check for whether we are on an
    * archive page, a search page, etc., allowing for small differences
    * in the loop on each template without actually duplicating
    * the rest of the loop that is shared.
    * Without further ado, the loop:
    */ ?>

    <div id="post-” >

    <a href="” title=”” rel=”bookmark”>

    $images = get_children( array( ‘post_parent’ => $post->ID, ‘post_type’ => ‘attachment’, ‘post_mime_type’ => ‘image’, ‘orderby’ => ‘menu_order’, ‘order’ => ‘ASC’, ‘numberposts’ => 999 ) );
    if ( $images ) :
    $total_images = count( $images );
    $image = array_shift( $images );
    $image_img_tag = wp_get_attachment_image( $image->ID, ‘thumbnail’ );

    <?php printf( __( 'This gallery contains %2$s photos.’, ‘anIMass’ ),
    ‘href=”‘ . get_permalink() . ‘” title=”‘ . sprintf( esc_attr__( ‘Permalink to %s’, ‘anIMass’ ), the_title_attribute( ‘echo=0’ ) ) . ‘” rel=”bookmark”‘,
    ); ?>

    <a href="” title=””>

    <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'anIMass' ), '| ‘, ‘‘ ); ?>


    <div id="post-” >

    <?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading ‘, ‘anIMass’ ) ); ?>


    <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'anIMass' ), '| ‘, ‘‘ ); ?>

    <div id="post-” >

    <a href="” title=”” rel=”bookmark”>

    <?php the_content( __( 'Continue reading ‘, ‘anIMass’ ) ); ?>

    ‘ ) ); ?>

    <?php printf( __( 'Posted in %2$s’, ‘anIMass’ ), ‘entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-cat-links’, get_the_category_list( ‘, ‘ ) ); ?>


    $tags_list = get_the_tag_list( ”, ‘, ‘ );
    if ( $tags_list ):

    <?php printf( __( 'Tagged %2$s’, ‘anIMass’ ), ‘entry-utility-prep entry-utility-prep-tag-links’, $tags_list ); ?>


    <?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit', 'anIMass' ), '| ‘, ‘‘ ); ?>
    <a href="”>Permalink


    max_num_pages > 1 ) : ?>


    I tried editing index.php via cPanel to the first index.php code I posted but then I got an error about “call to undefined function bp signup”
    Blogs Directory
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_blog_signup_enabled() in /home/hilaryd/public_html/ on line 8

    I am most grateful for further help and advice to get my blog fully BP compatible & enabled-thanks



    Hi mercime

    Thanks for your helpful reply. I changed Forums base to sitewide-forums & now I have a new forum eg

    I am still though finding it hard to understand & use BP on my site! Hopefully with time I will learn how to use it properly.

    Shouldn’t this forum I have created eg rhdwponlinetwist_forum-4-netnewbies show on the top BP admin bar (my username) forums link? Clicking on that Forums link brings me to …../admin/forums page & there is no forum shown there on the forums tab? I am a little confused at the moment with BP on my site-how can I learn to use BP properly on my site?



    Hi mercime

    Thanks for your helpful reply. I changed Forums base to sitewide-forums & now I have a new forum eg

    I am still though finding it hard to understand & use BP on my site! Hopefully with time I will learn how to use it properly.

    Shouldn’t this forum I have created eg rhdwponlinetwist_forum-4-netnewbies show on the top BP admin bar (my username) forums link? Clicking on that Forums link brings me to …../admin/forums page & there is no forum shown there on the forums tab? I am a little confused at the moment with BP on my site-how can I learn to use BP properly on my site?



    Hi mercime
    Thanks for replying.
    I have the latest BuddyPress installed-it activated alright from my dashboard (BP1.5.1).
    I had to hand code some of my theme to make it BP compatible (you helped me).
    I am running WP multisite
    Re sitewide forums I have only tried adding one forum.

    Why is my forum at
    not showing?

    Most grateful for your further help-many thanks



    Anyone here? I have had no reply to my posts here for help….still stuck & wanting to use BuddyPress-someone please try & help me?!



    I’m not getting this BP thing!
    (I was on another page that said post an entry & I tried but it wouldn’t accept it: eg
    I am finding it interesting navigating around here…mmmm! I am looking for my last post on installation issues to see if I have had any reply yet & have stumbled on to this page. So I thought I would make a post here before carrying on my search for my previous thread… (I do not know where this is going or who may read it!…)
    It is not even posting_
    There was a problem posting your update, please try again.

    So now -is there anyone here? Am I in the right place? Please reply….
    I could sure do with a helpful reply meanwhile I will keep looking for the answer I want…..



    I’m bumping my last post here….
    Anyone able to give a helpful reply please?



    Hi all
    Some months back I made my WP blog theme (anIMass) BP compatible and have been waiting for the day to start using and testing the features. Well that day is today!
    I want to start by enabling the forum feature for my blog except I cannot see yet (in admin page/WP dashboard) how to set it up!
    I am most grateful for help & advice & meanwhile I will keep searching on Google for more info on this.

    I look forward to helpful replies-many thanks

    Latest update:
    My WP blog seemed to want me to install bbplugin2.0 so I have done (it was a couple of months ago I made my theme BP compatible and I have forgotten exactly where I had got to & what I had to do next!).
    Then I enabled site wide forum option.
    Now I see all sorts of menus in the dashboard for BP and I tried to create a new forum-unfortunately this only displays a blank/empty browser!

    I need help please….

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