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Will buddypress 1.0.3 work with wpmu 2.8.2?
– Jupp
Ok, I’m getting tired of this forum always changing my posts when submitting. I guess that post up there is good enough for you guys to understand.
I am using Buddypress 1.01 width Wpmu 2.7.1 and managed to get the adminbar working great without even touching Buddypress core.
All i actually did was to make sure I had :
in my bb-config.php-file, and after that i just simply added r-a-y’s code to my bb-theme functions.php file. :
function recreate_bb_admin_bar() {
echo '<div id="wp-admin-bar"><ul class="main-nav">';
echo '</div>';
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'recreate_bb_admin_bar', 8 );
add_action( 'admin_footer', 'recreate_bb_admin_bar' );
add_action( 'wp_head', 'bp_core_admin_bar_css', 1 );
Works just perfect. I can’t really see any need for a plugin to do this, but I guess there’s always someone who don’t manage without them.
Good one, P.S..
This one could be great using as a temporary solution. Does anyone of you guys know when this will be a feature in Buddypress? Days,? Weeks or mabye months?
The plugin is working just fine with WPMU, but to be quite honest I don’t understand what good this one will do to a wpmu-installation running Buddypress.
Gpo1, Why are you posting this? Can you explain what you think this plugin will give anyone? Just wondering cause I just don’t get it..
There is some kind of a plugin for WordPress witch give users the ability to choose the theme to use for the blog. This is a plugin for normal WordPress, but I cant see any reason this should not work if you activate it only for the main blog.
I don’t know if this plugin will list all the themes in the themes-directory or if you can choose what themes to have in the list. I’m looking for the same thing Ronia, so I will check out that plugin and come back to this thread with some updates.
If you are sure you installed Buddypress correctly, you need either some sleep or maybe some coffee.
This is not some bug in Buddypress. Are you sure you didnt register a blog with the account, and that the backend you see belongs to this blog? It is quite clear that members are administrators on their own blog. Can you see the Buddypressmenu in your menu to the left after logging in?
Now, I am kind of confused actually.
What I wanted to do was to copy the function over to my bp-custom.php, and then remove the <img src=”” /> tag from the function, so that I could get the avatars by writing the entire code with <img src=”……” /> in the theme I am using.
I did this with the bp_loggedinuser_avatar() function, but it does not seem to be any img-tags in the bp_get_options_avatar() function. Now, does anyone of you know where I can find the img-tag witch Buddypress automatically gets when using the bp_get_options_avatar() function?
Tadziz, In your Buddypress-folder you should find a folder called bp-languages. There you’ll find BP’s languagefile. Remeber that your Buddypress-installation will use the same language as your installation of Wpmu does.
Just a tip,: You can find more information about translating buddypress if you search the forums.
Ok, I just managed to fint out that everything went back to normal as soon as I deleted the TwitterToWire 1.1 plugin witch I found somewhere in the forums here. I’m writing this post because I want to update status to resolved.
Sorry for my late reply in this thread!
Jeff, thanks for giving me some helping hints to my questions.!
Actually, I knew about the bp-core-templatetags.php and the bp_excerpt function, but as far as I can see this one only give me the opportunity to specify the lengt of the excerpt in words, and not charachters. The bad thing about this is that some words are some kind of loooooooong, and that is just… bad…
So if there is anything I can do to actually specify the lenght in number of characters that would be perfect.. ?
I am afraid I can’t find any solution to my Q nr 2, but it’s really not a big deal. I’ll manage just fine by having the main blog post’s in the widget.
Do you know what gerbilo? You are right. That piece of code you came up with actually did exactly what I asked.
It was me who came with too little information in the thread to get a correct answer to what I actually needed, and that’s why this would not work for me.
Without writing much on exactly what I wanted to do, I can at least mention that I got it working now. It was actually kind of fun to take a look into the Buddypress Core-files and actually do it myself.
– Thanks for helping me out with my issues here.!
gerbilo, to be quite honest with you, I do not think this one will do what I need. Anyway I will try it out, and come back to you with some info on how this works.
– Thanks for helping me out.
Thanks for the reply, but that’s not what I need… I know what I can use to get the full “<img src=”” alt=”” class=”avatar photo” width=”50″ height=”50″ />” , but I need something that only gives me the image-url, in this case, “…”
Is there anything I can do to make Buddypress return only the image url?
To be quite honest I have never touched any iPhone, but anyway I want to ask what kind of web-browser the iPhone is using? All the time I see iPhone-plugins for WP and MU, but don’t quite understand that people actually make a plugin just for that ugly phone…
Wouldt a plugin making the main blog and member theme aviable to all smartphones be an option? It’s not like the whole world is using iPhone…. ?
For some reason I managed to put an empty index.html file in the root of the server. My bad, sorry.!
I absolutely think your toughts are great, miguael. A “normal” member without a blog shoud not have any acces to the backend at all. Only when a user create a blog, the backend should be aviable.
I guess it’s some kind of hard to deny users without a blog acces to the backend, but I supose some kind of a redirect would be able to fix the “problem…”
Jupp, I do know that’s a solution, but I’m actually wondering why this file is being included at all.. :S
No kidding. Hehehe
Ok.. I am now using <?php bp_loggedinuser_avatar() ?> , witch is working great with the latest trunk.
<?php bp_core_get_avatar( $user_id, 1 ) ?>
<?php bp_core_get_avatar( $user_id, 2 ) ?>
<?php bp_core_get_avatar( $user_id, 2, $width, $height ) ?>
Does not work. I have no idea why, but I can’t belive this is me doing something wrong. I don’t get any errors, just no images…
And everything looks just great!
I actually did try using.: <?php bp_loggedinuser_avatar() ?> , but this one is not working. My guess is because I did not upgrade to the latest trunk yet.
I guess I’ll just do that, and everything will be fine.
Thanks for helping me out on this one.
– Atle
burtadsit, could you please tell ut what you wrote in your ticket?
Hi again.
First, one important thing. In the first post I said that the left sidebar does not show anything at all. That is wrong. It shows “Who’s Online,” even if I have just 1 or 30 different widgets enabled in the administration-area.
When I remove the “Recent Blog Posts” widget from the center sidebar, then everything apperas as it should in the left sidebar.
I am using the latest versjon of WPMU, witch would be 2.6.3, and I am using the latest versjon of trunk.
The only changes I made to the theme, was chaning the site logo, witch originally say Buddypress.
I did install Buddypress a couple of days after WPMU was installed, but I can’t seem to understand that that would have anything to do with this Widget.
The problem occurs only when I am using the “Recent Blog Posts” widget in the center sidebar. You can see it all live on this test-site.:
If anyone har the opportunity to check if this is happening in your Buddypress-installation as well, that would be great.
Hi again.
First, one important thing. In the first post I said that the left sidebar does not show anything at all. That is wrong. It shows “Who’s Online,” even if I have just 1 or 30 different widgets enabled in the administration-area.
When I remove the “Recent Blog Posts” widget from the center sidebar, then everything apperas as it should in the left sidebar.
I am using the latest versjon of WPMU, witch would be 2.6.3, and I am using the latest versjon of trunk.
The only changes I made to the theme, was chaning the site logo, witch originally say Buddypress.
I did install Buddypress a couple of days after WPMU was installed, but I can’t seem to understand that that would have anything to do with this Widget.
The problem occurs only when I am using the “Recent Blog Posts” widget in the center sidebar. You can see it all live on this test-site.:
If anyone har the opportunity to check if this is happening in your Buddypress-installation as well, that would be great.