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  • @takuya


    @cyrille13 Your advice solved the problem. Thank you so much!

    So…dev teams, do you think this is a bug?



    I’ve downgraded WordPress 3.3.1 to 3.2.1 with BuddyPress 1.5.1. Unfortunately the problem still happens the same way when I upgraded WordPress and BuddyPress to the latest versions.

    I don’t know what else is causing the problem, but if I solve I’ll post again.



    As I’ve been saying, I can’t edit the name field of extend profile since I upgraded WordPress and BuddyPress. And results are as above. I suggest dev teams respond to the bug report I mentioned in the first post, too. My problem is the same as he/she reported.

    I’ll let you know after I check with older ver. of WordPress.



    FYI, I downgraded BP versions and results are followings (WP 3.3.1)

    BP – not working, same error remains
    BP 1.5.2 – not working, same error remains
    BP 1.5.1 – not working, same error remains

    But my previous version was 1.5.1 and was fully working, so I’m thinking this was caused by WordPress core itself, not BuddyPress. I’m going to test by downgrading WordPress core.



    I’m trying to change the name field of extended profile. But it always shows the username instead. This didn’t happen on 1.5.1, but started right after I upgraded to 1.5.4.

    I also tried selecting both yes and no a few times on the configuration where it asks to sync wordpress profile to buddypress, but this didn’t solve the problem yet.



    bp-default is in BuddyPress plugin folder, you’ll need it to run BuddyPress. There’s super admin option for multiste to set which users can use which themes.





    How is this related to BuddyPress? It seems, it’s supposed to be posted on forums.

    BTW, do we have featured image on BuddyPress? Am I missing something on 1.5 new features?



    Child themes based on 1.2 won’t probably work well with bp-default from 1.5. I had to rewrite a few of my child themes after updating to 1.5.



    An old version used to bypass WordPress registration process, so logins via Janrain could create accounts on my wordpress/buddypress. But latest versions fixed this problem (since It’s sort of a security hole). Since then I stopped using it.

    If the plugin works for WordPress, so does BuddyPress. ;)



    I was able to update 1.5 from 1.2.10 on my multisite (3.2.1) install. I didn’t face any errors during the wizard aside from a conflict with non BP related plugin. My site also has BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG set to true on wp-config.php since before the update.



    @boonebgorges I’m using bp in Japanese. Anyway, thanks for the info. If possible, I’ll modify the function not to post any content to activities, but notification.



    Should be added to roadmap, hopefully. :)



    Anybody know some tips on customizing forum components, especially how forum updates are sent to activities? I still can’t find this function that controls forum activity updates.



    Use the Custom Profile Filter plugin, but edit the plugin file. Just wrote example:

    PS: I can’t type in codes here…



    This function I’ve made 10 months ago somewhat conflicts with versions (probably) higher than 1.2.5.



    You can find it easily by clicking featured, however, I strongly agree with your suggestion to put it on top of other buddypress results.



    Allow BuddyPress to function on multiple blogs of a WPMU installation, not just on one root blog:
    define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_MULTIBLOG’, true );




    @Travel-Junkie, nice hack, worth to be posted on the codex. But where do we put that, bp-custom?



    What I’d want:

    1. WordPress widget system capable of adding Open Social gadgets

    (I think there’s one plugin, but the last time I saw it was outdated.)

    2. xprofile, where user can add their own gadgets to customize

    Either way, should most probably help developers.



    If you want forums, then BuddyPress is not the best tool. Try bbpress, that’s the forum for wordpress.



    Make sure your .htaccess is updated upon permalink structure setup.



    WordPress = CMS / blog

    BuddyPress = Community

    bbpress = Forum

    So yes, WordPress/BuddyPress is not yet a true forum like phpbb, which was just designed for the purpose.



    @tomstage you are just going into a wrong direction…

    1. You need to learn requirements to run WordPress.

    2. Linux is just another OS, just like Windows or Mac.

    3. Ask your web.config questions to your server provider, buddypress forum is not a place for questions regarding windows servers.

    And most importantly, read and follow the instructions here.



    This is getting bbpress topic. Please remember this forum is for BuddyPress. :)

    @beeza you know you can always change the looks by themes. Google and/or visit bbpress if you want to learn more about bbpress vs phpbb.

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