Forum Replies Created
Great job Jeff!
This has now been tested with WPMU 2.7.1, bbPress 1.0 RC1 and Buddypress 1.0. At the time of this post it actually works with all SVN versions of the softwares, but working with releases is preferred.
The default behavior of WPMU is for a randomly generated password to be sent to the user after they register, so unless you use a plugin for users to put their password in on registration, it is the default behavior.
You might want to force refresh your browser because the CSS is working fine when viewing all those pages for me.
You are more than welcome. Happy we could all help
It would make sense to have a searchable blog for such code snippet creations. The restrictions on proper searching in bbPress makes it difficult to find things. I get better results searching google to find things I know exist in these forums. That is where a blog would be way better
Simple way from Burtadsit
function oci_restrict_access(){
global $bp, $bp_unfiltered_uri;
if (!is_user_logged_in() &&
(BP_MEMBERS_SLUG == $bp_unfiltered_uri[0] ||
BP_GROUPS_SLUG == $bp->current_component )){
//bp_core_redirect( $bp->root_domain );
bp_core_redirect(get_bloginfo('siteurl') . '/register');
add_action( 'wp', 'oci_restrict_access', 3 );
Yeah, copy over the register.php from the buddypress-home theme folder.
The absolute SVN of bbPress is risky. I would download or svn switch to alpha 6.
svn switch
That or download from
In terms of versions to use, I am really hoping very soon I can say WPMU 2.7.1 final release and BP 1.0 release
Without being told differently, I think alpha 6 is pretty stable.
SVN aka Subversion is a program that is installed on your host so that you can install programs that have their code repositories online easily. Any program (terminal on mac, putty on windows) can connect to your server through SSH. I don\’t know of anyway of installing SVN versions without SSH.
For example, if you have an install like /var/www/html/ for an install, and wanted WPMU as the root domain in that folder, you would do something like the following:
svn co /var/www/html/
then if you wanted to install buddypress from SVN into your WPMU install:
svn co /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/
That just installs everything in the /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/ folder like the latest SVN requires. It doesn\’t mean you are finished. You still have to read the README file about the specifics, especially copying the themes to the correct locations. Reason I say this is because at this point, it would be like having all files including the buddypress themes in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/ which obviously isn’t complete. Imagine at this point you downloaded BP and just uploaded the entire thing to that location. It is a matter of copying around the themes to where they are supposed to be.
A little thing like that is enough to drive us to drink @Gordon Bunker! Glad to hear you sorted it out. I am actually working on “yet another” revision of this post and will make sure that I add that in. Appreciate you telling us.
It really depends not on the amount of blogs you are running, but rather server activity. 1 busy blog can pump out more activity than 100 “somewhat” busy blogs. I like slicehost as well, but you become the admin (non-managed). Really, either MT or slicehost allows you to “upgrade” to larger resources when needed, so start small on either one and upgrade as needed.
Yeah, I will update the docs in the codex later today to include this wonderful fix from Andy.
Chris, that is a question that most likely is on the mind of many people. While I am not with Automattic and don’t speak for them, my experience has been that bbPress will always be designed to integrate with WP as it is developed by many of the same team. I can also say that WPMU is always going to be synced with the same code as WP and will also work with bbPress. Going even further, buddypress is written based off working with WPMU (soon to be WP as well).
While the timing of releases will require attention to what versions work with each other, there will always be a solution that works. You can be sure of that. Once stable releases come out, they will work together. If you are one of the people that always wants to use the development versions going forward, you will find issues. That is the nature of the beast, but all and all, all should be fine!
Personally, I will always be alerting Buddypress users to what works. Most likely, I will also let people know what doesn’t work since I always am testing all of the software packages on a regular basis (both stable and development).
Hope that helps
I updated the first post for a couple of things today, nothing major just changed a few “confusion” spots and terminology is all. Remember guys, if you have specific problems it is easier to start a new thread than post replies onto this one as it gets cluttered so darn easy.
Glad you found something you like in the MT VPS situation. It gives you 256 Megs of RAM and if you ever get to the point you can manage your own VPS server (instead of managed by a company) you can look at someone like slicehost has has 256 Meg VPS for $20. It isn’t as easy as a managed solution though, but cheaper if you ever want to learn
I would love to play with this one, but it fails for me since it requires php 5.2.x due to json_decode and I don’t really want to upgrade php just for this plugin
Here is my thoughts:
1) It is already easy enough to share wp_users across several WPMU installs or WP installs, so that part would be pretty simple (even using HyperDB)
2) Having two WPMU installs being able to write to the same BP tables might be a disaster, but it might work. Once again using something like HyperDB, but it seems as though BP has issues with tables not being in same database as main WPMU tables.
I am still playing with this myself on test installs, so if I learn anything new, I would be happy to report.
You mean the same theme as the main install? The buddypress-home theme? It is possible by using one of the plugins out there to make a theme default ( or by just renaming the buddypress-home theme to “default” so that wpmu picks it up. Not sure if anything is hardcoded in the buddypress-home or member themes that would screw up, but might be worth testing out.
It wouldn’t let me login until I cleared old cookies out and totally refreshed everything, so we can all try that as well.
Yeah for sure, just called it a “workaround”, not a desired solution
I noticed today that an important file required for the “sitewide plugin activation” fix from Andy into the WPMU branch wasn’t there, but I have tested it out and it actually will make plugin commander obsolete.
The fix for the permalinks is in the live SVN code (aka trunk) oldskoo1.
The workaround for #1 is have the facebook user change both their email and password in their BP profile. That allows them to user their username and sets the password in BP for either futures logins without facebook or with…doesn’t matter.
Thanks for working on this Andy! I noticed that it managed to create my user on my site 4 times. Maybe it has something to do with the wp-super-cache integration or the fact that I wasn’t already logged into Facebook when I tried it on my site. I was logged into facebook and it worked perfect on