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  • @wp_maybe




    I am assuming that you have bbpress installed on your wordpress. There are some bbpress widgets available for this purpose. Appearance>Widgets – look for those starting with (bbpress)



    Thank you @netweb!



    Thanks @danbp for your reply.

    I am fine with your explanation about the private and public nature of activities. My original question was about new forum activities created afterchanging a group’s status to public not showing up in group (&sitewide) activity anymore.

    The real issue is this: Buddypress automatically creates forums during group creation if the check box is marked in. Private forums for private groups; public forums for public groups.

    However, Buddypress does not change the visibility of the forums themselves when a group’s visibility is later changed. So while you think that your group has become Public now, it is still running a private forum inside itself.

    Hence the queer case of the missing forum activity. So yeah, the workaround would be to manually change the forum’s visibility whenever one changes the group’s 😉




    Would it make you happier if either of the following were true?

    1. Buddypress did not have a “sidebar” at all, or
    2. Buddypress’ sidebar merged with one of your sidebars, i.e. your stuff [specialized information and menus, etc.] and Buddypress’ stuff [Members, Groups etc] showed in the same sidebar

    If yes, then take heart because this is easily achievable. If not, then you are talking
    about finding a theme that uses three sidebars (whoa!).



    Buddypress does not “create” its own sidebars. It uses the theme’s.

    Maybe it will be a good idea for you to try it out with a couple of free themes. The default wordpress theme (twenty fourteen) comes with two sidebars, you can probably play around with that a bit.

    It should work the same way with a paid theme as far as Buddypress goes.



    You could take a look at
    It allows you to make all pages/posts private by default. You can (optionally) exclude upto 10 pages/categories to show to the logged out visitors.



    Yes, adding stuff to the activity stream is easy with plugins like Activity Plus, Buddypress docs.

    Also, Buddypress allows for automatic embeds in the activity stream from a lot of sites, including youtube. You just have to drop in the URL in the “Whats new” box. You can refer to the link here for more information:

    Embedding media to other pages would require custom coding, as @shanebp has pointed out. Where exactly do you intend to show your embeds?



    Or you could try a plugin like:



    If you are talking about the activity page, then this feature is already present in Buddypress. Please check if you have “Activity auto-refresh” turned on.

    Dashbaord>Settings>Buddypress>Settings>Activity auto-refresh



    I read another solution here

    1. Install and activate this plugin

    2. Create a new page called “Friends” or whatever name you want and add it to your menu.

    3. In content of this page, add this code

    <meta http-equiv=”refresh” content=”0;URL=<?php global $current_user;

    echo sanitize_file_name($current_user->user_login). “”;


    4. You may still need a way to hide this menu from logged out users. Plugin



    I ran into the same problem. Same solution fixed it, too.

    Thank you.

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