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Avatar Upload Issues

  • John James Jacoby


    There are numerous tickets in the trac and topics in the forums popping up. It seems lots of users are having issues uploading avatars with 1.1.2.

    I’ve tested this on two different environments with subdomains and subdirectory installs and cannot duplicate the problem myself. However, we’re aware that it’s an issue and will keep trying to resolve it.

    In the meantime, please route your avatar upload related discussion here. It will help us better monitor everyone’s experiences. Other topics regarding this issue will be locked and linked to this topic until it is resolved.

    Thanks everyone for being awesome and patient and understanding. :thumbup:

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  • Thanks for the update ! It works! I can now upload and view avatars with ease!

    The only problem that I have now is: I am unable to upload images to the custom folder. All I get is a broken link, ANy suggestions?

    THanks again all for the help.

    And when I mean “unable to load,” I mean that when I attempt to upload an image to a POST or Add Media, the image doesn’t show up at all nor does it save to the specified folder.

    Thanks again!



    I think the problem arises installing WP on a subdomain which is also a subfolder

    In my website, which is at (, uploading an image via

    Admin Panel -> Media -> Add New

    links to:

    BP creates the folders avatars and group-avatars in THE SAME subfolder:



    Go to Settings -> Miscellaneous Settings

    Set “Store uploads in this folder” to “wp-content/uploads”

    Set “Full URL path to files” to the REAL FULL PATH of your uploads

    Then change bp-core-avatars.php line 389


    if ( !$path = get_option( ‘upload_path’ ) )
    $path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/uploads’;


    if ( !$path = get_option( ‘upload_path’ ) )
    $path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/uploads’;
    $path = ABSPATH . $path;

    It fixes the problem.

    Thank for the follow-up. It does work. Its safe to say. that for me, The “Avatar Upload” issue is resolved.

    However, I am still having issues viewing images when I attempt to “Add Media” or “Upload Images” in a post. It just shows up as an ‘X’ for both image and thumbnail after images “crunch.”

    Yeah, the “fix” breaks the media section. Any images uploaded through wp-admin doesn’t show up.



    Thanks jesperpopma. Solved my problem with uploading avatars for groups.


    I’m now running WPMU (2.9.2) + Buddypress ( after two updates. Before the update I was always able to upload avatars and my users, too.

    Now uploading avatars is impossible. I cannot find the uploaded pictures. They are not in the directory of “wp-contents/blogs.dir/1/files/uploads”.

    The folder of blogs.dir has 777-permissions and also safe-mode is turned off.

    Any suggestions what the problem is?

    Thanks in advance.


    By the way: I also found out that since I’ve updated my users are not able to change any of their profile settings.



    @Madmax – your fix works for me. It is weird because on 1.2.1 uploading avatars worked fine.

    This was working when I did an automated install from my server host … then upgraded wordpress through the dash.

    I was having issue so I did a manual install of the latest WordPress / BuddyPress. When doing it this way my site no longer becomes viewable right after modifying and uploading the new bp-core-avatar file.

    Site just goes to blank screen with not even a hint of an html header. Weird thing as well …. the bp-core-avatar file seems to expand! It keeps getting larger and larger.

    I then have to delete and re-copy the BuddyPress folder in order for the site to show again.

    Doh! I forgot to disable BuddyPress before doing it. I think that caused my problem.

    I’m now able to upload avatars AND still have a workable Media Library.

    Here’s my steps:

    – Disable Buddy Press

    – In Dashboard > Settings > Miscellaneous :

    Store uploads in this foler: wp-content/uploads

    Full URL path to files:

    – Make the already mentioned edits in bp-core-avatars.php

    – Activate BuddyPress

    Both avatars and media library worked for me.



    ok – here’s the situation. I just changed the url on the site to it’s actual one since we are supposed to be out of test mode now and in the real world.

    Avatars are uploading, but are not showing up in the profile for cropping. I get this as a link on the image:

    but nothing shows up on the page except 2 beige squares saying Avatar to Crop and Avatar Preview.

    Same thing is happening with my Group Avatars. When I go to the file server, the images have uploaded to the Avatars folder. Any ideas??

    Running WP Single User 2.9.2 with BuddyPress Plugin 1.2.3

    Pratik Bagaria


    Hi there,

    I too am facing a problem with Avatars.

    I am installed BP on a fresh WordPress, no MU involved.

    The BP is installed here .. some how I can’t get the upload avtar thing to work.

    It fails during cropping. Can you please check and comment.

    Diesel Laws


    I would love to follow in the footsteps of others and fix this also but WPMU doesn’t have the MISCELLANEOUS settings. If anyone can find a work around for this then let me know.



    I have read through every post on this subject and followed all of the advise implicitly but have an url error I just can’t rectify. My upload process works correctly placing an image in dir wp-content/uploads/group-avatars/3/file name.jpg but when it reloads to crop the thumb it returns a bad url with the wp-content/ missing eg


    If I remove file upload path from options.php and set the full url I get this returned on attempting an upload wp-content/uploads missing and it breaks the path to the standard wp media library

    Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory domain.tld/httpdocs//group-avatars/3. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Can anyone please tel me where the path is set in the core files to wp-content/ added to the return url



    I have read through every post on this subject and followed all of the advise implicitly but have an url error I just can’t rectify. My upload process works correctly placing an image in dir wp-content/uploads/group-avatars/3/file name.jpg but when it reloads to crop the thumb it returns a bad url with the wp-content/ missing eg


    If I remove file upload path from options.php and set the full url I get this returned on attempting an upload wp-content/uploads missing and it breaks the path to the standard wp media library

    Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory domain.tld/httpdocs//group-avatars/3. Is its parent directory writable by the server?

    Can anyone please tel me where the path is set in the core files to wp-content/ added to the return url



    I’ve just done a brand new installation and got this with the fix to core-avitars.php

    if ( !$path = get_option( ‘upload_path’ ) )

    $path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/uploads’;


    $path = ABSPATH . $path;

    and removing the upload path and substituting with full upload url

    I’ve set up a main site and a subdomain. Both standard media library uploads work OK. But when I enable BiddyPress and try to create an avatar I get…

    Blog 1

    Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?×150.jpg

    Blog 2

    Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?×150.jpg

    with upload path set to wp-content/uploads and leaving the full url in place I get a perfect upload but a bad return path with wp-content missing from url…

    Blog 1

    Blog 2



    I’ve just done a brand new installation and got this with the fix to core-avitars.php

    if ( !$path = get_option( ‘upload_path’ ) )

    $path = WP_CONTENT_DIR . ‘/uploads’;


    $path = ABSPATH . $path;

    and removing the upload path and substituting with full upload url

    I’ve set up a main site and a subdomain. Both standard media library uploads work OK. But when I enable BiddyPress and try to create an avatar I get…

    Blog 1

    Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?×150.jpg

    Blog 2

    Upload Failed! Error was: Unable to create directory /var/www/vhosts/ Is its parent directory writable by the server?×150.jpg

    with upload path set to wp-content/uploads and leaving the full url in place I get a perfect upload but a bad return path with wp-content missing from url…

    Blog 1

    Blog 2



    I have been having a few problems with the avatars, the only ones that wants to work are the gravatars, which are fine but i want to offer my users something more, there are two questions that i would like to ask. The first is how do i get them to show? i have tried other peoples suggestions but nothing works, i do have GD Lib on the server, as i have used it for other projects so i know that isn’t a problem, what happens is i goto the change avatar part of my profile and try to upload it does upload to /wp-content/uploads/avatars/1 however the crop part dosent show any image at all, and other users have told me that this is happening as well. have you any ideas on how to fix this problem?

    Also on a slightly less important note, i would like to change the default avatars that users can select, to fit in more with the theme of my site, is there a way to do this? I have a few created that i would like to use for members to choose from IF i can get this to work.


    I have a fresh installation of WP and BP in the base path of my hosting site. I registered another administrative user after installation. I create a group and attempt to upload an avatar. It tries to point here:×355.jpg

    But it’s uploading here:×355.jpg

    Just tried it again, and it points here:×337.jpg

    But it’s really uploaded here:×337.jpg

    What’s the issue? My full path is empty and the “store uploads in this folder” points to wp-content/uploads.


    Just tried disabling/re-enabling. Group avatar upload still broken. Crop image dialog points here:×355.jpg

    And now I can’t find the image at all.

    I really want to use BuddyPress but this simple functionality is broken. Makes me wonder.

    EDITED: Tried doing it again. Deleted old groups, made a new one. Crop image dialog points to:×355.jpg

    But it’s actually hosted here:×355.jpg

    Chad Holden


    It seems prudent to post that in WP3, the get_blog_option(BP_ROOT_BLOG, ‘upload_path’) has changed to ‘upload_url_path’ -> this solved a lot of my issues. Fix is needed on line 387 of the bp-core-avatar.php file.

    Mike Henderson


    I’m getting the right url path thanks to Chads post. Still getting a error when trying to upload a group avatar and a member avatar. Another tester was able to upload on a windows machine. Here is the error:

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /var/www/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-core/bp-core-avatars.php on line 281

    WP 3.0-beta

    -Multisite upgraded from MU 2.9.2

    -using subdirectorys

    BP 1.2.3

    -installed on secondary blog

    -modified the bp_core_avatar_upload_path() to use upload_url_path

    -modified htaccess RewriteRule ^files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$1 [L]

    Mike, I get that same error if I try to use a square image or one that’s 150px or smaller.

    That is, if I try and use an image that’s 280px x 280px, it fails. But 280px x 240px is fine. And anything with a side less than 150px fails outright.

    Try that.

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