BP Album+ || New Features Requests and Discussion
If you need a free image gallery or photo album for BuddyPress, BP Album+ is probably the plugin you’re looking for. BP Album+ adds instant, FaceBook style photo albums to all of your user’s profiles.
You can always get the most up-to-date version from the WordPress plugin repository at this link:
Or, if you like living on the bleeding-edge of BuddyPress development, you can get the latest beta here:
This forum thread is for discussing new features the community would like to see in future releases of the BP Album+ plugin.
All ideas are welcome, no matter how crazy, bandwidth-intensive, or strange …but the final call on what goes into the plugin and when will be made by the development team.
Photos and user interfaces are a uniquely “visual” thing, so when posting an idea to this thread, please try to include a LINK to a website that’s doing the thing you want included in the plugin. For original functions that don’t exist *anywhere* yet, draw a sketch of your idea in a paint program and post a link to the image.
This will make it much easier for users that don’t speak English to understand your idea.
So, Let’s get started!
What does line #320 in “bp-album-core.php” in the “bp-album” folder say?
(The line starts with “‘screen_function’ =>….”
The fix worked for me, I don’t get the warning message anymore.
Albums show in the correct order (last created first) but the pics are still sorted in the wrong order (new images last)
The fix worked for me, I don’t get the warning message anymore.
Albums show in the correct order (last created first) but the pics are still sorted in the wrong order (new images last)
+1 to @Xevo’s idea
Instead of only adding support for a dedicated streaming, perhaps adding streaming from 3rd parties like youtube/dailymotion/veoh as well? Something like just a simple input where people can throw in the embed/url of the video page and then the youtube/dailymotion/veoh video gets added in their “videoalbum”.
Would be cool for people that don’t have dedicated server.
@foxly it says ‘screen_function’ => ‘bp_album_screen_home’,
@paulhastings0 – lol yes, of course. We’re saving *that* feature for “a few releases out”, because it’s in our pitch to Google for funding under their SoC program. Of course, keep in mind how frequently we release. (Nine times in the last 4 weeks)
Note also that YouTube now inserts ads in ALL of their videos, and they block embedding on a lot of them, as do many other streaming video sites.
In 2008, Youtube, Revver, and friends were a “slam dunk” solution for getting video on your site …things are a bit more complicated in 2010.
@coffeeholic – In that case, it appears the files on your server did not get updated properly. In the updated file, that line reads “‘screen_function’ => ‘bp_album_screen_album_home’,”
Some web hosts prevent FTP uploads from overwriting existing files as a safety measure.
Flat-out delete the files, delete the bp-album directory, and re-upload the new plugin files. Then download “bp-album-core.php” file and verify line #320 reads as it should.
Re: “….Ps. Let me know if you need this translated to Norwegian. i would be happy to help.”
Welcome to the translation team. We will contact you when the next “stable” is ready to release.
Re: “Can you make the plugin mobile friendly for iphone & android phones to display easily ?”
Please give us some guidance on what you would like the plugin to do to help accomplish this.
Albums show in the correct order (last created first) but the pics are still sorted in the wrong order (new images last)
Is there code I could modify to show the latest pics in the albums first?
@ Foxly
Awesome to hear that my idea is on the road map already. And yes, it is quite annoying that youtube has ads and other stuff on their videos lately, but hey thats the price to pay to embed content from a 3rd party. There are still a lot of other streaming 3rd party websites beside youtube that work great.
When do you think this feature will be build in? I’m in need off this right now, but if it’s like.. 3 months, I’ll build my own plugin for now.
Hi Foxly, seems to be a slight bug when an uploaded image is added to the activity stream. Once you click on the image or the link to the image it redirects to the homepage.
@foxly and team
Good to hear that yall applied for GSoC. It’d be good for yall to get paid for all of your hard work. Perhaps if yall sent a PM to Andy, JJJ, and Marshall they might put in a good word for yall with the WordPress crew that’ll be choosing the projects.
How do you add a share button on each photo page cos I want to add a script addthis button to it?
@Xevo – We hear back from Google on April 26th, so I would guess, at most, 2 weeks after that.
I’d do it sooner myself, but I don’t want to cost @francescolaffi a summer job. (I don’t qualify for GSOC myself since I already work as a professional software developer)
Also, don’t forget that BP Album+ is completely open-source software, and you’re *encouraged* to hack it, rearrange it, and extend it with your own features.
We spent over 20 hours (= $1000 in billable time) documenting the source last week to make it easier for *you guys* to work with!
@connor-mccarra – thanks! I know exactly what line of code we forgot to update…lol
@paulhastings0 – thanks mate! We’re keeping our fingers crossed! I mean, think of the “awesomeness factor” of Google sponsoring our plugin. We are in contact with Andy & friends.
@Gpo1 – I always thought “Right Click”->Save did that.
What would you like it to do? Email somebody the photo? Post it on Digg? Post it on social bookmarking sites, etc?
BP Album+ has 21 different template tags for getting a URL to an image and 39 different tags for getting image metadata ….all coded with love and fully documented!
Have a look at:
While the plugin may *look* simple because we haven’t completed the “high end” templates yet, it’s sitting on a scary-powerful data infrastructure.
Hey Foxly, I looked through those files:
And the problem is that it seems almost like a redirect or something, the actual image is found in:
This function here bp_album_picture_url() for example returns:
From what i’ve tested this redirect (I don’t know how it works exactly) causes problems with certain PHP Scripts and I believe it will cause problems with Facebook and Digg Sharing as well.
Oh BTW Right Click + Save doesn’t work on the default BuddyPress Album Template because the hyperlinks hovering over the image itself blocks the users ability to save the image to their computer (unless of course they are a bit more computer savvy)
Actually it looks like a WordPress MU Issue:
see here: https://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic/12397
the blogs.dir directory is set to “nobody users” group so that is what is causing problems with the script, anyone been able to fix that problem yet?
Will these “high end” template be the facebook and flickr template i can see in the actual beta?
Re: “And the problem is that it seems almost like a redirect or something, the actual image is found in: /wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/album/12/filename.jpg”
There are actually *six* different versions of the image cached to that folder (the name of which is arbitrarily set by the site owner, so “wp-content” and “blogs.dir” may have different names) And then that’s stacked on top of the base URL for the site which may be any number of combinations of http://www.example.com/mediaURL or http://subdomain.example.com/foo/bar/wordpress/files/mediaURL
We’ve put a lot of work into making sure there are template tags that will return the correct URL to the right media file size.
I sent you a PM explaining how to navigate around inside the plugin and find functions that do things. If there are a lot of you out there that want to start hacking the plug-in, we might consider writing a short tutorial to help everyone.
Nice catch on the “Oh BTW Right Click + Save doesn’t work on the default BuddyPress Album Template because the hyperlinks hovering over the image itself ” thing though. Didn’t think of that…lol
@21cdb – Yes, that’s precisely what the high end templates are. And also with documentation to teach template developers how to modify them.
@Gene53 – Re “Is there code I could modify to show the latest pics in the albums first?”
In “bp-album-core.php” at line 246, add:
This mod may have side effects. Do not deploy it on a live site without testing first.
And also with documentation to teach template developers how to modify them.
Thanks for the snippet of code. I inserted it and the pics show last one first .
The only side-effects I’ve encountered is when viewing the pics, the navigation retains it’s original order (ascending).
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