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BP Album+ || New Features Requests and Discussion

  • foxly


    If you need a free image gallery or photo album for BuddyPress, BP Album+ is probably the plugin you’re looking for. BP Album+ adds instant, FaceBook style photo albums to all of your user’s profiles.

    You can always get the most up-to-date version from the WordPress plugin repository at this link:

    Or, if you like living on the bleeding-edge of BuddyPress development, you can get the latest beta here:


    This forum thread is for discussing new features the community would like to see in future releases of the BP Album+ plugin.

    All ideas are welcome, no matter how crazy, bandwidth-intensive, or strange …but the final call on what goes into the plugin and when will be made by the development team.

    Photos and user interfaces are a uniquely “visual” thing, so when posting an idea to this thread, please try to include a LINK to a website that’s doing the thing you want included in the plugin. For original functions that don’t exist *anywhere* yet, draw a sketch of your idea in a paint program and post a link to the image.

    This will make it much easier for users that don’t speak English to understand your idea.

    So, Let’s get started!


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  • stwc


    Just had a play with this plugin. Splendid work, front and back end. Thanks!



    Quick note — changing

    .picture-activity-thumb {
    margin-right: 10px;

    to omit the float:left in general.css

    fixed an issue I had with my child theme in the activity stream with a messed-up ajax comment box.

    Just in case that helps anyone else (and isn’t totally obvious heh).

    Great work guys, keep it up!



    Very impressive work and speed!

    I think this fantastic plugin should be abstracted (wording?) for all things objects. Weather it’s images, mp3’s, docs, presentations whatever. There are some major activities that apply to all object handling. Like upload, storage, sorting, tagging, privacy, activity stream, commenting etc. Specific image routines could be in a sub plugin. And the same for docs, movies etc.



    @stwc Your css change fixed my issue, thank you! :D

    My change causes other issues. If I had a really long profile update the reply link would show up in the middle of the update.



    Played with latest version and I’m afraid users are not going to get the workflow. The tagging to create groups is going to throw people off.

    People are used to:

    Creating album and name it

    Uploading images to album

    Naming, tagging images and saving

    The create album part of this workflow is mushed into tagging and people will not want to add tags to all their photos. They are lazy. It would be easier if they clicked an album and then upload button in that album says “add to album”. If they are on the main albums page and click upload then there should be a drop down that lists the current albums and the image being uploaded gets placed in that album.

    The tagging system should just be a categorization method.

    Example you have an Album of movie posters called action films and in this folder you have several posters with the actor Brad Pitt. So you tag these. Well Brad may have posters in a comedy album as well. So you could tag them and then sort through all images via the Brad Pitt tag.



    [this is not related to this new beta release]:

    There is one thing I noticed with the listing of the images on the user’s album page—images are listed chronologically, and that seems awkward to me as I would expect the newest content to be on the first page (so it would mean they should be listed reverse–chronologically). If this is only me, is there a way I could reverse the listing of the images in my install?



    I agree with Modemlooper. It’s not realistic to expect users to tag every single image. It’s just not gonna happen. The basics should be albums. Then users can tag images, if they want, and all tagged images could then be grouped into tag-albums.



    And I would agree with @Modemlooper and @Travel-Junkie as well.



    Great work so far!

    I second Modemlooper, Travel-Junkie and paulhastings.

    I would be also great if the Navigation Tab would called Photos and show single albums as well as albums. I like how facebook highlights albums with a different frame compared to Single Pictures.



    @modemlooper&co: thanks for the suggestions, we’ll try to make it more user-friendly and improve the usability.

    @draganbabic: originally the order was the inverse, I don’t know when and why this has been changed! :)

    @gezan: yes this is in the roadmap but we are focusing on other features now. If you look the code newest functions refers to ‘media’, oldest function refer to pics. I think it will be possible to add media type as modules but I don’t know when this will be coded.



    One solution would be to make uploads from specific sources apply specific pre-defined tags. For instance, by default a picture uploaded to (via) “Sadr”‘s album would be tagged “sadr” and “personal”, while a picture uploaded to the “Soccer Fans” group would be tagged “soccer fans” and “group”. Additionally, more auto-tags could be defined for each of these.

    Ideally, I’d like to see the possibility to easily switch between “local” view and “related” view when viewing any one’s gallery, be it person or group. That means, on the one hand you have all the pictures uploaded specifically to this page, and on the other hand you have the pictures that relate to it based on identical tags. Automatically mixing the two would be annoying when you’ve carefully put together a piece of pictures e.g. to tell a story or showcase a product, but getting a “side-tab” so to speak for related images should usually be welcomed.

    Mike Pratt


    I agree with @modemlooper et al. As clever and useful as the overall tag metaphor may be it is not what people are used to and isn’t not intuitive enough to take over as a new paradigm. +1 for upload to album (choose from list or create new) and tag/name later or at upload time. Let’s be honest, we don’t need to reinvent every wheel here, esp with a basic functionality.

    @foxly you guys are clearly big time talented devs. I hope you realize how appreciative…yet passionate about this stuff we all are



    I agree with Modemlooper, Travel-Junkie, paulhastings, 21cdb and Mike Pratt. The system is cool but it is just not going to work for a lot of users. You just can’t expect every user to tag evey image, and the thought of having the same image in 5 or six “groups” (tags) with no other way to sort them seems a little annoying.

    And without albums this simple task…

    Example you have an Album of movie posters called action films and in this folder you have several posters with the actor Brad Pitt. So you tag these. Well Brad may have posters in a comedy album as well. So you could tag them and then sort through all images via the Brad Pitt tag.

    Becomes a bit of a mess

    Oh… I Second this :)

    +1 for upload to album (choose from list or create new) and tag/name later or at upload time.



    @Modemlooper, @Travel-Junkie, @paulhastings0, @21cdb, @Sadr, @Mike Pratt, and @lukeroge

    Okay, well it looks like we have 95% in favor of an “album based” workflow and 5% undecided …so I’m going to go ahead and add this functionality to this coming Monday’s beta.




    Wise choice, mate :) I think tag based albums are awesome, but the vast majority of our users wouldn’t know what to do with it. When I look at the images of my Facebook friends, then maybe 1 image in 10 has a description attached to it, so expecting a user to tag every image isn’t gonna work, especially not if the use of this isn’t immediatly apparent to the user. It’s a great addon, though, and there’ll be some communities where it’ll work brilliantly…

    Mike Pratt


    @foxly your flexibility and willingness to work with everyone is commendable. This will a strongly highlighted feature at my WP Meetup presentation this Sat

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    if anyone is around DFW and interested

    As a possible feature to add: is it possible to allow individual users to create/import albums from their flickr account, I ask as there was a bpdev flickr plugin that allowed users to very simply import an album from their flickr account, which I guess suits many as it’s quick and easy and they may not have their photos readily available, sadly that plugin and site appears to be completely moribund and another community ‘feature’ that will need to be removed upsetting those members who have used the feature.



    I feel like a Junkie. I can’t wait for the next release to get my “fix” on Monday. :)



    Kudos! can’t wait to test on Monday :)



    @Mike Pratt – Good luck on your presentation. DFW rocks… spent way, way too much time in the DWF airport back when I was helping create the 3D terrain maps Google uses for their mapping products, a few years back.




    @hnla – Just post a link to where I can download the plugin you’re talking about, and I’ll go take a look at it and see how easy to work with it.




    Is there a function to display the only uploaded image. In my case, I need it for when a user uploads an image (only 1 allowed), it shows up in the profile. Any ideas? I really need this.


    – Just post a link to where I can download the plugin you’re talking about, and I’ll go take a look at it and see how easy to work with it.


    The plugin is at this link it required a parent plugin bpdev-core to function

    I had a skim through the file to try and see what actually would require updating to make it compatible with 1.2.* but I’m not really anywhere up to speed with plugin coding.

    I guess I was thinking hat it might be relatively easy to isolate the flickr api and provide an option to either upload photos or to simply connect and display a flickr album set, but the phrase ‘relatively easy’ is one of those that is easy to write :-)



    @Anointed – Much of the tings you describe are already scheduled for a future upgrade.

    @hlna. Only one upload for now, it will be * magnificent * Thumb generation on the user site. Color correction, rotating imaged, I’l be like a whole remote end for BP album!


    Oh: yes, and we can automatically import Flickr Albums to Album. But the user has to send them an API key to make sure they have permission.!

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