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bp-events plugin ported to 1.2.x ?

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  • r-a-y


    There’s a link to the code in the blog post.. give it a shot ;)

    There’s also a demo link to their implementation of BP Events:



    Tried to install the plugin but I get a fatal error when activating.. d’oh!!



    Ok.. I failed to follow the instructions:

    1: Before activating the plugin, comment out in the bp-events.php (plugin directory):

    * 21-24 row (require..)

    2: Activate the plugin

    3: You receive the error message You receive the error message

    4: Uncomment the lines of paragraph 1, and refresh the page

    Now it does work! But I get page not found errors for my child theme.. I’ll look into that :)

    edit: that problem is now solved.. don’t know why it did not work earlier but I’ve moved the “events” folder to both the default theme and my child theme root, and it appears to work.. It still requires a lot of work, but it’s something!

    Sven Lehnert


    Interesting! I have a nearly finished version from Erwin, I start fixing bugs and adding the calendar view.

    But I won’t have time to continue before next week.

    I have set up a test site today, but this is all early beta.

    If someone have done a complete working rewrite for 1.2 that would be fantastic and save a lot of work..



    1: Before activating the plugin, comment out in the bp-events.php (plugin directory):

    * 21-24 row (require..)

    2: Activate the plugin

    3: You receive the error message You receive the error message

    4: Uncomment the lines of paragraph 1, and refresh the page

    OK, something is ‘lost in translation’ for me… I commented out rows 21-24, tried to activate the plugin and got this message:

    Fatal error: Class 'BP_Events_Event' not found in /home/website22/public_html/bp/wp-content/plugins/bp-events/bp-events.php on line 215

    Bowe, what did you do at this point?

    UPDATE: OK, they mean uncomment row 21 so BP can see the classes file. I then got a “function not found” error, so I uncommented the rest of the includes, and it seems to work now.

    Wow! Very cool.



    That’s great news Sven! I’m really looking forward to it.. this version works, but it’s simply a mod to get it running on 1.2, and seriously lacks in CSS/Design/1.2+ features we’ve come to expect :D

    Hey people, I never said it was a release version/mod…;-P

    Glad it is useful !




    After you activate the plugin you get a white screen.. then activate the lines you just uncommented/removed again.. then it should be activated and working :)



    Got it! Thanks Bowe.



    Nice to see some forward movement on this. Going to wait for something that’s a bit more fully-baked, I think, though. ;-)



    Hope, there is hope :) It is so good to read that there seems to be movement on the development of this useful plug-in!



    There’s another BP Events solution for BP 1.2+ per this topic




    Maybe be should should gather donations so that a capable developer will code a kickass full featured buddypress events plugin and he should be willing to maintain upgradeability. The events plugin is too important for many of us leaving it not to a hobbyist coder.

    Features I’d like to see integrated:
    – group admin can send message to all attending event members
    – group events
    – show event location on a map (google maps)
    – comatibilty to CubePoints Buddypress (
    > gaining points for attending
    > gaining points for logging in at the event via a smartphone geolocation feature (e.g. iphone, android phones, …)

    – people who attended the event should be able to rate the event



    And also support API ‘Eventbrite empowers you with simple but powerful tools to manage, promote, and sell out your event’
    Wordpress plugin:



    I am pretty resigned to the fact that i am not going to be upgrading my BP sites any time soon if ever. I am really disappointed by this because until 1.2 things were going great with the platform. That would not be so bad except for the fact that the invite system on BP events never really worked so many of my users are just not using the events section at all which was a major hub of activity on my former Ning based sites. On that note I have to be honest and admit that i have told many soon to be Ex Ning folks that if Events functions are important to their site they will need to look elsewhere because at this time BuddyPress is not a good solution for them.

    Yes i have looked at the “Eventpress” solution that is being worked on but unfortunately it uses the dDshboard to create and mange events which is entirely the wrong track IMHO. Unless someone is higher than a Subscriber to your site they really should never see the dashboard.

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