BuddyPress-Links 0.3 FINAL is here at last
Sorry for yet another thread, but a lot of people are saying they are waiting for final to even test this out. Mods please feel free to close my other threads.
I just tagged 0.3 final. Read all about it here:
If you are upgrading from the 0.2.x branch, read the readme.txt VERY carefully!
Thanks to everyone who helped with this release! Also thanks to Andy for making BuddyPress Links a featured plugin.
Thanks for the awesome plugin.
Is anyone else getting this error though?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_ajax_querystring() in /home/richbest/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-links/themes/bp-links-default/links-loop.php on line 3
Many thanks
I’d love to say that this is a great plugin too, but unfortunately its not quite working.
The problem is, the boxes “edit avatar options” and “edit advanced settings” will not open, when I click on them nothing happens, thus I cannot save the link…
Would really appreciate feedback
Screenshot: http://szenemusik.davidscott.de/shot.jpg
It looks like you aren’t using the latest version of BuddyPress. You need to have 1.2 FINAL installed.
@Sunset Cowboy
There is a usability issue that Mike Pratt brought to my attention that may be happening to you. Its not worth explaining here, but what you need to do is after you enter the URL, tab out of that textbox, or click somewhere else on the screen to make sure the onBlur() event fires.
Nothing in the avatar or advanced settings boxes are required, so that is not causing your problem.
well, thanks for getting back to me so soon MrMaz. I tried it out as you described, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the problem… still the boxes are not opening.
I have this problem on 3 different sites by the way, so I’m just a little baffled. Could there be server or browser settings or anything like that interfering? I’ve checked the php-version (5.2.1) so it doesnt appear to be that…
Would be a pity if I couldnt use this
@Sunset Cowboy
Tried to PM you but not able to reach your profile.
Can you please PM me with a URL and user account where I can take a look? It also would be helpful to know what browser you are using. Try a different browser as well and see if you get different results.
WP 2.9.2 Single install and BP 1.2 – when on a member profile under the links tab the voting mechanism appears but it does not record votes or allow user to vote.
Otherwise – excellent
Tested in Firefox, IE and Chrome.
I just tested this and was not able to duplicate it. Do you have a link where I can see it?
@MrMaz – Dropped you a pm with some account details
i like the tool, i’m ready to invest a little in it… Marshall, tell me…
i read that you want to mimic the way we can add links to the facebook activity… if i may… i hate how facebook deal with links, as sometimes it work, some times it wont… when we post a link in a comment or our feed it interact differently, and i’d like to see a different technique.
also, when we provide a new link, if we have nothing in the description we have the alert to fill all fields… could we avoid this, as the description may not suite all needs?? like for each category, enable force description?
I didn’t mean to give the impression that I will copy how facebook handles links in regards to their activity stream. I want to do it in the most user friendly way possible, just not sure exactly what that is yet. The main goal of this entire plugin for me is to enable people to share stuff they find on the internet as fast as possible. So however we need to make it work to meet that goal is what we are going to do.
I don’t think it would be too hard to make description an optional field with a configuration constant. Per category I don’t think is worth the effort unless a ton of people request it.
thanks Marshall, for the optional field, could it be possible to do the same for the thumbnail?… i’d like my links repository to be without thumbs when i need it..
I’m watching your threads for a few days now and I wanted to thank you for this awesome plugin.
After installing it, this is what I noticed: when choosing a category, sometimes it works, sometimes it shows all links not only those from the selected category.
Also, the timer for when a link was submitted begins at 6 hours.
It works ok, I didn’t notice anything else.
And I have a question: Is there a page where I can access a specific category, like website.com/links/category/news? … and is it possible to make the category name before the title clickable, pointing to a page where only the links from that category are?
I also wanted to make it my homepage, like someone else here. I can see that if I make the homepage a static one, I can chose for site activity, why not links too?
Thanks again for the plugin. I used the previous version too and this one is obviously nicer
The way that youtube videos are opening is just great.
I just noticed that the only categories which are working right are those 3 which come by default: news, humor, other.
The others I added are not filtering the links, but display all.
You want to be able to disable avatars in the link list only, or make it so they can’t even be created? If you want a custom link list item, then you can override link-loop-item.php.
I am not able to duplicate any of your category issues. I need a link where I can see the problem, and detailed info about WP, Links, browser versions, etc.
There are no “pages” for categories, although there is a slug created just in case it is ever needed. The concentration moving forward in BP seems to be on filters, so I wouldn’t develop this feature unless there was a lot of demand.
It is possible to make links your homepage, but that is out of the scope of my support. You will need to create a custom page template and set that to your home page.
@MrMaz … not disabling, but see, when we create a link, we have the choice to use the default one or upload a new thumb… would be good in the admin side of things to enable/disable a default thumbnail. there is actually no default settings for your engine, some of them could be done simply:
– default thumbnail (choose, yes, no)
– force description or force metadata
– list categories as dropdown or menu *(kinda like google http://www.google.com/dirhp?hl=en ?)
– choice of metadata to auto-catch (title, desc, keywords,author, language, etc)…
… i know that most of these can be plugins, but as suggestions posted, someone can take-over.
The website is noutate.info/links
Everything is last version WPMU, BuddyPress, BP-Links.
On the previous version I use on social.reallyfuckedup.com/links, categories work perfectly.
And… where can I find or how can I use that ‘slug’ ?
Thank you
I am making a note of these suggestions for configuration options. Not sure if you have noticed, but there are already quite a few constants for overriding the default settings, just not any of the ones you have mentioned (yet). Look in buddypress-links.php and you will see which ones are available. They are pretty well documented there in the source.
Thanks for the report. I will take a look at your issue later today or tomorrow when I have more time.
@MrMaz … sure i know about the settings, but they are not set in a admin panel… that’s what i mean..
would be great, as many admins know nothing about file edits, so you bring more requests to have support by not providing a panel.
oh, btw, redirects still does not fix… on my side, it’s not blank pages, i’m always redirected to the main page of the site as the permalink does not work…missing loop maybe.
also, i can’t get the language to work… is there something i have to check? my site is in french, and the language files seems to be compatible, even if some missing phrases…
My focus now is on adding features, as this software is still very young. Just like with BuddyPress I don’t plan to create a huge admin settings page for configuration options that hardly anyone will use (for instance default avatar sizes, etc). In the future I plan to create a settings page in the admin, but not until the software is more mature. Lots of things could change, and I don’t want to worry about supporting lots of old configuration options.
I can’t help with your redirects issue without a lot more info, and a link would be the most helpful.
The language files are out of date. I have updated FR and DE translations that will ship with the next version. You can always create your own translation file if you are unhappy with the ones that have been donated.
about the translations i don’t mean they are outdated, they are not active at all… just english.
i pm you my details… play as you wish
When sorting by “Most Popular” it doesn’t always sort in descending order.
Also, could the link categories be on individual lines? If one has more than 4 or so, or the words are long, they smush together in one or two rows and can get confusing.
You are the only person who has reported a problem with the translations. Chouf1 is the person who is my translation expert who helped me set it up. Maybe he can help you?
Most popular sorts based on a popularity algorithm similar to Digg. The filter you want is Highest Rated.
I have been getting a TON of requests for minor tweaks that may or may not be useful to everyone. I am making notes of these, but for now my focus is on adding core features. If I spend too much time tweaking the templates development will stall.
Anyone who needs small changes to the interface I would encourage to play with the templates and template tags. If you think your modifications could be useful to everyone, send me the code and I will adapt it for the core if its acceptable
sugg: screenshot of website *(like websnapr, etc ) — i don’t need it but it is a major feature..
sugg: detection of rss feed and display of link to it
sugg: deadlink check, cronjob based or anything…
sugg: switch to require approval
sugg: featured link to stick on top of list *(or not, just featured)
sugg: list in multiple categories *(i have more than 500 links to add and some goes in different cats, like in google)
sugg: switch to minimized listing for viewer
Sticky link is a really good idea. I think I will add that one sooner than later.
List in multiple categories is on the long term development time line. Some time in the future I will be attempting (again) to switch the categories to the internal WP api which is almost impossible to hook into, and at the same time I will be adding tag support. This is going to be a while though.
Strange as Admin after I active the plugin and add some links and try to log out I’m getting a blank page breaking the blog. Only when I deactivate the plugin evrything is back to normal. Any idea? Running WP 2.9.1 with BP1.2
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