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BuddyPress-Links 0.4.x Releases and Support

  • @mrmaz


    I just tagged BuddyPress links 0.4-beta. Please test in your development environment and report any issues on this thread. Please do not post a bug unless you see the behavior with the default theme activated to rule out child theme issues.

    !!! This version upgrade updates every link entry in the database to populate a new field, so back up your data !!!

    Here are the changes for this version:

    * Initial group integration support added

    * Added profile and group sharing features

    * Create link directly from user profile and group pages

    * Moved link list update/error messages to inside the current link’s LI block

    * Added external link icon next to main link URL on the link list

    * All link list targets and rels are no longer set by default and must be explicitly set with a filter

    * All link list content is now separately filterable for finer control over URLs and content

    * Load members profile links using plugins template instead of members home action

    * Link description can be configured as optional with a constant.

    * Usability fixes to the link create/admin form (props Mike Pratt)

    * Heavy duty javascript refactoring

    Download here:



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  • @mrmaz


    I just tagged 0.4 final.

    Thank you very much to everyone who helped with the testing, translations, and bug reports.

    Not much has changed since the beta.

    * Changing the component slug is now officially supported

    * Do not show my group links or create link form unless user is a group member

    As soon as the repo updates you can upgrade from your dashboard. If you have a ton of links, make sure you let the page load all the way after upgrading since every link needs to be updated to populate a new field.

    Only two languages are up to date for 0.4. Those would be FR and NL. If you are interested in updating or adding a translation, you can download the .pot file here…

    Enjoy the 0.4 branch!

    Hi MrMAz

    Ive upgraded – how do you change the component slug?





    put this in wp-config.php

    define( ‘BP_LINKS_SLUG’, ‘yourslug’ );

    A warning. If you already have activity in the activity stream for links, they will have the old slug.

    no probs thanks! :o)



    testing this on 1.2.3 and 2.9.2

    The comments don’t change always display (0) for the links

    Is this a known issue





    I too have “0” listed as comments, even though there are 6 comments. Curious.. many people are asking me why the thumbnail doesn’t show in the activity stream. Is this a bug? Kinda strange




    That looks like a bug. I can’t believe that nobody caught that during the beta testing.


    Since the link thumb can be edited it is not possible to synch it up with the activity stream which is one reason why I have not added it yet. I hope to add that feature when 1.4 comes out with some API improvements.



    glad it was spotted now ;-)



    Since the link thumb can be edited it is not possible to synch it up with the activity stream

    Ahh… that answers my question too. Thanks!



    possible to filter on bp_get_activity_avatar and replace that with the link thumbnail?



    Thanks MrMaz, I figured there was a reason.

    Received this strange error after submitting a link:

    Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #2 should be an array in xxxxxxxxx/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-links/bp-links-core.php on line 1805

    not yet active

    Also, is there a way to change the default display on the widget from popular to newest?

    I found the cause, Links does not work with WP File Cache.



    I just noticed that one of my users created a link, and used one of the two ‘thumbnails’ offered as avatars (I’m still very hazy on how that UI for choosing avatars is intended to work), and the one he chose was a 200+ kb png file. Because I had the Links widget in the sidebar, every pageload was pulling in a 200Kb file resized in HTML down to a 20×20 icon.


    I wonder if some logic might be built in to that thumbnail thingy to keep the images it offers under a reasonable filesize…




    If you check out the 3rd or 4th post in this thread I gave the details on how it selects the images. It should not have allowed them to pick a 200kb file, so not sure what happened there. I would need some more details to try and replicate that.



    Hi MrMaz

    thanks for your answer

    but i still have a problem with ajax with default theme and any other theme as you can see on :

    I’ve searched for a solution that you apparently gave some weeks ago but haven’t found it

    thanks for your help and for this helpful plugin !




    I just tested that link and it loaded the image just fine using FF. What browser and version are you seeing the problem with?





    Hey, just a reminder here that not everyone uses the BP groups feature. So your plugin breaks if it’s disabled. You need to at least modify buddypress-link.php (0.4.1) at around line 162 to something like this:

    if (class_exists('BP_Group_Extension')) {

    require_once 'bp-links-groupext.php';


    Note that I didn’t check the entire plugin for other possible breakage points. So you might want to do that.



    Another suggestion: Add a “processing” icon that is temporarily displayed when fetching remote page data so people know that something is happening after they click the button to “fetch page details”.

    An easy way to add that feature is to add a div to the default theme form (bp-links-default/single/forms/details.php) right under the nonce field, like so:

    <?php wp_nonce_field( 'bp_links_save_link-auto-embed', '_wpnonce-link-auto-embed' ) ?>

    <div id="waiting"> </div>

    Then add some CSS for the div in the bp-links-default/_inc/css/forms.css file:

    #waiting {

    background: transparent url('../images/loading.gif') no-repeat scroll 0 0;

    height: 33px;

    width: 33px;

    margin: 0 auto;




    Next, drop a loading.gif image into the _inc/images folder. (here’s one as an example: — not sure whose site that is though)

    And finally, modify the forms.js file to show and hide the div at the appropriate time. Somewhere around line 190 [ right before… ] add this:


    And somewhere around line 240 [ after e_loader.toggle() ] hide the div:


    That ought to do it ;-)




    I use a waiting/loader icon in several other places. There is supposed to be one there, and I’m not sure what happened to it. The e_loader.toggle() is actually the ajax-loading icon call.



    ah – well in 0.4.1, on my test platform, it never appears.

    Are there any changes to the themes from 0.4 beta to 0.4.1?




    No, nothing has changed.




    I deleted the user’s link in question because ouch, so I can’t check, but as I recall it was indeed 200Kb+, and it was hosted on the remote server. I have no idea how the user did it. They might have created the link in the 0.3 version… were the filesize checks already in effect then?

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