@mercime: Someone just approved that comment. I’m not sure about the URL rerouting not working properly because I haven’t actually run it in a ms environment yet. I haven’t seen the maintenance mode plugin, will check that out.
I’ve repaired the calendar javascript — code not up yet, but will be along with other bug fixes soon.
Thanks for the feedback!
I have a semi-virgin wp 3.0.1 multisite subdomain install of bp 1.2branch if you need somewhere to do further testing. Primarily I am just using it for testing gsoc projects on, so damaging it won’t matter. It’s a dedicated server, so you have the resources needed. Simply get me your email address if your interested and I’ll send over ftp and login info. (it’s the least I can do to help out)
@kunalb @johnjamesjacoby I get this error message in the wp admin side:”The plugin generated 294 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice ‘headers already sent’ messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.” … I did but it keeps occurring.
Also, it pushes my “Jooc” theme header down when I click on the Events link: http://i34.tinypic.com/15dnmnb.png and the word “Called” appears in the upper left of the screen. Anyone know how I can overcome this minor issue? Thanks. If I overcome this I’ll use it on my live site! 
@PJ: Just eliminated the called — that debug fn slipped through the cracks — had used it while modifying the posts query for sorting thru eventpress. That would probably also explain the issue with the theme, I guess.
I’ve removed that call — can you check if that stops breaking the theme: http://kunal-b.in/0.1/debug/EventPress.tar.gz . (This is a bleeding edge version of EventPress, so it might be better if you wait till this weekend is over before going live).
@kunalb – I suspect EventPress is going to be a very important plugin – congrats on the work.
Given this – It might an idea to make a specific group for EventPress, rather than posting in the general third party components and plugins group
Looking forward to using it. Cheers, Roger
I got the same message as @PJ ‘The plugin generated 294 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice ‘headers already sent’ messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”
This led to this…any ideas?
Warning: include() [function.include]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/collabbo:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp) in /home/collabbo/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php on line 43
Warning: include(/) [function.include]: failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /home/collabbo/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php on line 43
Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/collabbo/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php on line 43
Just want to reinforce Rogers suggestion, this plugin needs to be a group really.
@hnla, won’t BP group be automatically created when plugin EventPress is uploaded to WP repo?
@kunalb @hnla I was getting the same 294 error as @markhahnel with the 0.1 from the website.
@kunalb the bleeding version you sent me took down my site and gave me an error: “Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /wp-content/plugins/bp_custom_posts/themes/tags.php on line 9” …So I uninstalled it. I can hang out til the new update this weekend. I’m excited to help out in any way or use it with my test users. Keep up the great work.
@PJ: If you haven’t yet, try getting a new version of EP and BPCP from the plugin repos. That should solve the problems.
Where are the plugin repos located?
My bad.. I knew about the plugins at wp, thought maybe you had an svn setup for nightly builds or something. For awhile there, I was downloading a new vs. almost every day from the gsoc svn. Sorry for the confusion
@Anointed: Ah, ok. I haven’t actually updated the gsoc repository for quite some time now. I also thought about moving to git but decided against it in the end — WordPress’s repositories will be the sole location for up to date versions of EventPress and BuddyPress Custom Posts.
1. Are there different permissions for creating events based on the user’s Role in the back-end?
For example, I created an event with a “Test User 01” who was recently registered and carried the default role of Subscriber. No problem creating the event, but after it was published there was no Invite tab for this user to use.
2. Also, it seems when I invite other members to an Event, they automatically become registered without logging in to accept the invite. This happens even when the “automatically register” box is left unchecked. I assumed that check box held registrations as pending for approval by an Admin.
Thanks for the great work on this!
1. I’ll check about the invite tab, that is strange behaviour (I haven’t been able to to do that much as I have exams this week — I’ll be addressing all bugfixes for 0.1.2 from Monday onwards.
2. If an event creator invites someone, then the registrations get auto approved. If someone else (apart from the creator) invites people, then they get the “pending” status. ( I had assumed that anyone invited by the event-creator himself shouldn’t be given a pending status.)
Also, I’ve started using Google Code hosting for EventPress and related issues — that way I don’t have to keep checking this forum, the plugin forum, the wordpress plugin form (as EP also runs without BP) and my blog for feedback — http://code.google.com/p/eventpress/ . So, beyond this point, I’ll be checking the google project more often (and more of a chance to see a reply there).
Is there any documentation for this plugin? I can’t get the listing page to work at all. How do you get a list of events? When I go to /events/ it always brings me to the detail page of the most recently added event. Getting very frustrated. I’m using the latest versions of WP, BP, EP and BP custom posts. No other plugins.
Nevermind. I deleted the database from my test install and started fresh. Works now with the BP default theme.
@David Lewis, It’s a page template in your standard theme directory. You just need to select it in your page edit screen as template for the site where you want the calendar or event list to be displayed.
Look in your theme for a file: page-events-list.php
If you can’t see the template, check the page-events-list.php and add the missing Template name.
Template Name: Events Calendar List
@kunalb, first of all, thanks for the nice powerful plugin. Brilliant work!
I have a question. how can I display the event categories?
I like to display The event categories in the sidebar. But with the eventspress templates for the entry. Not as a normal entry.
I couldn’t find anything in your files. Will this function be developed soon? It’s an important part for me.
Hi Sven — Thanks! I replied to your question on the google group. Copy/pasting here for the sake of completion:
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 3:10 PM, svenl77 wrote:
> first of all, thanks for the nice powerful plugin. Brilliant work!
> I have a question. how can I display the event categories?
> I like to display The event categories in the sidebar. But with the
> eventspress templates for the entry. Not as a normal entry.
> I couldn’t find anything in your files. Will this function be
> developed soon? It’s an important part for me.
Depends on whether you’re using EventPress on WordPress or EventPress on
BuddyPress — support for nicely displaying tags and categories hasn’t been
included at the moment, but for I can definitely add in templates for
WordPress by 0.1.3. Tag/Category support in BuddyPress needs much more work
and will take a bit of time.