Does the bp-groupblog have support for child themes? If so, can I copy my BP child theme, set it as a child theme for Group Blogs, and (hopefully) not have to re-theme bp-groupblog?
It has support for child themes, however in order for buddypress group related content to show you will need to set some function to pull in the group id. It should not be hard for you to adjust your bp child-theme. Just make a copy of it and do a quick study of the groupblog theme on how I pull in the group id belonging to the blog.
The readme instructs custom bp-groupblog themes to be put into the BP child theme folder and modified. Is there a bit more specific info on that?
If I understand you correctly, this has to to do with the theme pages that actually load inside the group component. Namely the two files blog.php and blog-latest.php. Both are loaded within the group context. Also both these files use the bp template plugin to make installing the plugin easier. However, if you wish to customize this, I encourage to move that folder to your active buddypress theme and adjust them as necessary.
So, just to be clear, these two files are not related to the blog theme, but belong to the group and active buddypress theme.
is there a way to add a link to the group’s blog’s dashboard under the “Blog” link the group side bar?
Sure there is, something like this might work:
<?php if ( bp_group_is_member() )
if ( get_groupblog_blog_id() ) {
$blog_details = get_blog_details( get_groupblog_blog_id() );
} else {
global $current_blog;
$blog_details = get_blog_details( $current_blog->blog_id );
<a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_root_domain() . $blog_details->path ?>wp-admin"><?php _e('Dashboard', 'buddypress') ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
This checks the member is part of the group. Then get the blog id and parse it in to get the blog details. Alternatively if we are on a blog page we pass in the current blog id. Now we can use that to fetch the blog path. So wether you are on a group page or a blog page the link should always point to the dashboard, but only show for members of the group.
You can further enhance this code to pull in the user role and show post links depending on their role cap.
Let me know if you need more help…I will do my best to help when I can.
Looking at this code, we may actually create some more template functions to make constructing relevant blog links easier, but go ahead if you feel comfortable with juggling some code around.