[New Plugin] BuddyPress Group Forum Extras
Download from WordPress Plugin Repo: BuddyPress Group Forum Extras
A collection of bbPress plugins to bring a little more forum feel to the group forums.
- Signatures (html tags are still limited to: a strong i )
- BBCode Lite (or option for Shortcode if internal only bbpress)
- Ajaxed Quote (requires theme edit on topic.php)
I’m also looking to add the following:
- Report Post to Mod (use notification/messaging system to group mods)
- Support Forums (run nongroup forums)
- Best Answer or bb-reputation (Karma)
- Signatures administration to include defines set of html tag or bbcode
Theme Edit is Required to use Ajax Quote
Before the link:
<a href="#post-<?php bp_the_topic_post_id() ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Permanent link to this post', 'buddypress' ) ?>">#</a>
Please add this action:
<?php do_action( 'bp_forum_extras_topic_links' ) ?>
If you run an external bbPress – the bbcode subplugin will convert bbcode to html whereas the shortcode subplugin is for internal bbpress as it just hooks the wordpress shortcode filter on the post content. Also – the signature subplugin will use the same bb_get_option name as _ck_’s original bbpress plugin.
Please let me know about any issues and any bbpress plugin requests to convert
@etiviti – the new version of the plugin appeared on my dashboard – thanks for this!
I clicked on the upgrade plugin for the umbrella plugin of te Forum Extras and got this:
Downloading update from https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/buddypress-group-forum-extras.0.1.5.zip.
Unpacking the update.
Installing the latest version.
Deactivating the plugin.
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home1/fromvict/public_html/comunidade/wp-admin/admin-header.php:18) in /home1/fromvict/public_html/comunidade/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868
Removing the old version of the plugin.
Plugin upgraded successfully.
Attempting reactivation of the plugin
Plugin reactivated successfully.
Do you think this can cause any problem?
The buttons are appearing on Forum discussions of Groups -thanks!
However the buttons do not appear on Group wire or when sending direct messages of one user to another.
One great improvement for the future could be adding images straight from our computer, instead of using a URL.
1.5 fixed my issues w/signatures.
Can you please wrap the signature in a <div> with a special ID or class so that we can style it appropriately?
Right now it just looks like part of the forum reply.
One thing I did track down is that forum extras is conflicting with
(other than bp probably the most important plugin I use and the best in it’s class) Allows me to easily create my own custom meta boxes on a per post_type basis.
a quick look at the plugin and reveals the problem i had earlier with wpmu and creating new blogs/admin. Seems some plugins call
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/template.php');
outside of WP_ADMIN (in ‘init’ action) which will causes a function conflict with bp-internal-bbPress. I’m not sure if I have a solution for this – might be a wait until bbPress is a plugin (so they can resolve the naming conflicts)A hacking the core solution would be wrapping the checked and selected functions in /wp-admin/includes/template.php and wp-content\plugins\buddypress\bp-forums\bbpress\bb-admin\includes\functions.bb-admin.php
if ( !function_exists('checked') ) {
if ( !function_exists('selected') ) {
However the buttons do not appear on Group wire or when sending direct messages of one user to another.
One great improvement for the future could be adding images straight from our computer, instead of using a URL.
That is expected behavior – this only modifies stuff in the group forums
as for uploading – that would be more of an album plugin to handle the process and hosting – this is just basic bbcode
Are you able to edit the signature admin items now?
Can you please wrap the signature in a <div> with a special ID or class so that we can style it appropriately?
Right now it just looks like part of the forum reply.
i kept it the same as _ck_’s for external bbpress, so it should be:
<div class="signature">
but the css style is hardcoded into her plugin
i’m all ears for a better way so that anyone can style it.
I’m looking at my source code and am not seeing <div class=”signature”></div> wrapped around my sigs.
Here’s an example of a post:
<div class="post-content">
<p>signature line couldn’t be installed. reported: https://buddypress.org/forums/topic/new-plugin-buddypress-group-forum-extras/page/2?replies=46#post-43269</p>
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live
-Albus Dumbledore
I do see this thrown into my header:
<style type="text/css">#item-meta-signature { margin-top: 50px } .signature { width: 75%; padding:5px 0px 0px 5px; border-top:1px solid #ccc; font-size:90%; color:#444; }</style>
the function explicitly appends a div around the sig when called – although only if a sig is saved against the profile. but also check if the sig per-person per-page option is enabled (maybe it was already displayed on the current page?)
@etiviti you rock. Thanks for your speedy replies.
I’ve had your forum extras installed for a couple days and things were fine. I just tried to install a TinyMCE plugin – https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bp-tinymce/ – which works great as well.
Unfortunately with BP-TinyMCE activated the Quote function no longer loads any text in the comment box. It just changes to “quoted” but that’s all that seems to happen.
Do you know what’s causing the conflict? Is it something you can change or is it a problem with BP-TinyMCE? I *need* a way for my users to format their topics so if it comes down to it I’ll just leave Quote deactivated…but it would be cool to have both. Perhaps if you get it working you can include BP-TinyMCE in forum extras?
WP 2.9.2 BP
here is the javascript that updates the textarea, maybe tinymce renames/overwrites it? i’m not sure. i’ll install it and see if it is anything simple
previous_content = jQuery("textarea#reply_text").val();
jQuery("textarea#reply_text").val( previous_content + data );where data is the quoted text.
also i notice bp-tinymce does hook on
add_filter( 'bp_forums_allowed_tags'
this may cause another problem with extra html i add for bbcode (strike, cite, u, etc….)Hey @etiviti,
I’ve been putting the Buddypress Group Forum Extras on http://www.x-3dfx.com
after messing and modding a little bit I have some questions.
The bbcode for [color] doesn’t work, so I modded the bbcode plugin to support this, This now works.
(Shown here : http://www.x-3dfx.com/groups/off-topic/forum/topic/sexy-new-look/#post-63 )
Next “BuddyPress Forums Extras – BBCode (noshortcode)” enabled
After posting something with bbshort codes and then going to edit this becomes HTML due to this plugin, Is this correct? As this conversion is not needed due to the bbcode pluging running as well.
Now if this is intended could there be an option to turn the conversion off, (I’ve modded the php file manually to stop doing it as I like the bbcode _ck_ buttons it adds but didn’t like the back to HMTL it was doing…)
also the HTML it was doing is breaking the color codes anyway for some reason. – they didn’t work when displayed but showed correct as <font color=””> when editing…
BuddyPress Forums Extras – ShortCodes -> will retain the bbcode style markup when editing. You could use Viper BBCode shortcode set and then modify that to include more bbcodes rules
As for font color – i just realized it is not in the allowed_tags list – i’ll add it in for the BBCode (noshortcode) and Signatures
here is the javascript that updates the textarea, maybe tinymce renames/overwrites it? i’m not sure. i’ll install it and see if it is anything simple
ok, tried it out – it won’t work as tinymce is some iframe whatever stuff.
though, i do have markitup on bbpress with ajax quote – works with no problems
Ajax quote’s working nicely, but I do have a bug report.
Looks like activating the BuddyPress Forums Extras wrapper makes clicking on the Groups navigation tab redirect me to the home (activity stream, in my case) page. The link is correct (ie /groups), but it just redirects home.
Navigating directly to a group page (ie /groups/groupname) is OK. Just the top level not going.
All other nav items are OK, except the one for Links from MrMaz’s BP-Links plugin, which does the same. Odd.
Disable the wrapper, and navigation is OK again.
any other plugins installed (try disabling them until it works again)? maybe something is causing another conflict. please let me know (and if wpmu or single)
or test out the development version of the plugin, i have changed up the loading of the plugin
Possible conflict. Not really sure.
I think this is conflicting with the tweetstream plugin each time a post gets sent to twitter it causes a \ before every ‘
This did not happen before I started using this plugin. so if you have a word: we’ll ends up as we\’ll
any thoughts?
i’m not sure (i’d really need more info from you and the steps, data entered into a post reply, raw db data for the post content, etc)… the only common filter is
in which this plugin replaces the bbcode with html before db insert.looking at tweetstream and the function
that pushes out to twitter – maybe it is not escaping properly.twitter revoked my api access for using tweetstream – so not something i can test out.
I did notice one thing tweetstream sets the _before_save filter at priority 9 – where as bbcode is at priority 11. And it looks like tweatstream only sends the topic_title content (something i’m not filtering on at all)
Problem with quoting when a forum topic is paginated.
The reply form is only on the last page so you can only quote what page has the form at the bottom
Just a short program note…
This plugin causes WP/MU to die when BuddyPress is disabled:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_register_page() in /home/mysite/public_html/beta/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-group-forum-extras/bp-forum-extras.php on line 33
I think there a way to add something that loads/not loads based on whether bp_is_installed… I think I saw Andy post about this recently. With the right trip wire in place, the error looks like:
BuddyPress Like requires the BuddyPress plugin to work. Please install BuddyPress first, or deactivate BuddyPress Like.
Problem with quoting when a forum topic is paginated.
The reply form is only on the last page so you can only quote what page has the form at the bottom
you’ll need to modify your template to display the reply textarea on each page (simple as removing an if statement on topic.php)
Just a short program note…
This plugin causes WP/MU to die when BuddyPress is disabled
yeah i noticed this yesterday… fix in the development version (if i checked it in otherwise i have it locally for the next update)
BuddyPress Forums Extras – ShortCodes -> will retain the bbcode style markup when editing. You could use Viper BBCode shortcode set and then modify that to include more bbcodes rules
I see this, but could it be possible to have the _ck_ buttons enabled on this plugin so that they are above the reply box window. – my members like having the buttons and the bbcode, not buttons + html edit.
They only seem to be on the plugin (noshortcodes).
i see the point and since viper’s bbcode shortcode does not include the same set – not all the buttons would work.
i’ll write a new set of bbcode shortcodes that will work with the buttons and update that subplugin.
Vipers Plugin has these options….
add_shortcode( ‘b’ , array(&$this, ‘shortcode_bold’) );
add_shortcode( ‘i’ , array(&$this, ‘shortcode_italics’) );
add_shortcode( ‘u’ , array(&$this, ‘shortcode_underline’) );
add_shortcode( ‘url’ , array(&$this, ‘shortcode_url’) );
add_shortcode( ‘img’ , array(&$this, ‘shortcode_image’) );
add_shortcode( ‘quote’ , array(&$this, ‘shortcode_quote’) );
I added this last night. (messy I know but it works and it was late)
add_shortcode( 'color' , array(&$this, 'shortcode_color') );
// bOingball - color shortcode
function shortcode_color( $atts = array(), $content = NULL ) {
if ( NULL === $content ) return '';
//convert color by making the array a string
$attribs = implode("",$atts);
//then take the start and start it at the color start.
$subattribs = substr ( $attribs, 1);
return '<font color=' . $subattribs . '>' . do_shortcode($content) . '</font>';
So what do we need in there….
Strike Through… Underline…. List… Li?… center and code.
I could update that plugin to do the following I’m sure. – Maybe tonight or tomorrow.
If I update the bbcode plugin with these features could I upload it to wordpress? and then you wouldn’t need to modify all the buttons?
I’m doing it now – got strikethrough working.
working on list’s now.
or alternatively place support in for https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gorzeks-bbcode-plugin/
as this supports
/* Supported codes:
[li]…ordered list…
[li]…unordered list…
I would prefer that as the other bbcode pluging requires some work for lists
I’m releasing an update to the the bbcode plugin – it’s not online yet but coming soon : https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/boingball-bbcode/
The only thing I couldn’t get to support was the lists at the present time….
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