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[New Plugin] BuddyPress Group Forum Extras

  • @nuprn1


    Download from WordPress Plugin Repo: BuddyPress Group Forum Extras

    A collection of bbPress plugins to bring a little more forum feel to the group forums.

    • Signatures (html tags are still limited to: a strong i )
    • BBCode Lite (or option for Shortcode if internal only bbpress)
    • Ajaxed Quote (requires theme edit on topic.php)

    I’m also looking to add the following:

    • Report Post to Mod (use notification/messaging system to group mods)
    • Support Forums (run nongroup forums)
    • Best Answer or bb-reputation (Karma)
    • Signatures administration to include defines set of html tag or bbcode

    Theme Edit is Required to use Ajax Quote


    Before the link:

    <a href="#post-<?php bp_the_topic_post_id() ?>" title="<?php _e( 'Permanent link to this post', 'buddypress' ) ?>">#</a>

    Please add this action:

    <?php do_action( 'bp_forum_extras_topic_links' ) ?>

    If you run an external bbPress – the bbcode subplugin will convert bbcode to html whereas the shortcode subplugin is for internal bbpress as it just hooks the wordpress shortcode filter on the post content. Also – the signature subplugin will use the same bb_get_option name as _ck_’s original bbpress plugin.

    Please let me know about any issues and any bbpress plugin requests to convert

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  • @avi-m


    Question to anyone who can help.

    Seems that all links added using bbcodes are having a whole bunch on stuff added to them.

    For example –

    It should be –

    I dont think this was happening before I upgraded to the lateset version. Any ideas on who to fix this?

    Thanks in advance!




    1) what version of the plugin now?

    2) shortcode bbcode or bbcode to html?

    if bbcode to html, then proper formatting of a link is like so Google It

    if shortcode bbcode, then you’ll need to speak with the plugin author who provided the shortcodes



    I’m using

    BBCode plugin Version 1.0.1 | By Viper007Bond

    BuddyPress Forums Extras Version 0.1.5 | By rich fuller – etiviti (rich!)

    Should I be using some other plugin?



    ok, so the shortcode way. try this one: (has the rules on the plugin page too)



    Ok will try this and report back!



    Thanks I’m all fixed up!



    @etiviti – cheers for plugging the plugin :)

    Any news on getting the buttons enabled with my plugin.

    Also my plugin uses standard bbcode (the _CK_ buttons use [*] for list items, whilst mine use [li] ) – reason being is that [*] is not picked up by the wordpress API :)

    If you need any help I’m sure I could get _CK_s buttons in for you.





    buttons already in the development version



    i have updated the development version again to 1.6b3 which now includes RSS Feed for public group forum topics and topic posts.

    also included a few extra functions which require theme edits but give a little more bbpress feel

    Link the freshness time_since to the last post

    edit theme /bp-default/forums/forums-loop.php


    <?php bp_the_topic_time_since_last_post() ?>


    <a href="<?php echo bp_forum_extras_topic_last_post_link( 15 ); ?>"><?php bp_the_topic_time_since_last_post() ?></a>

    Note: 15 per_page is default for bp_has_forum_topic_posts – you may need to change this if you use a different per_page in the loop.

    Add pagination next to topic title

    theme edit /bp-default/forums/forums-loop.php

    After the topic title, Add:

    <?php bp_forum_extras_topic_page_links( 15 ) ?>

    You may pass additional args – refer to paginate_links codex

    if you would like to test it out… grab the download from ‘development version’ at:



    This is great – I was just about to add a “freshness” link to the last column on my install (just like they have on this forum). Thanks!



    i’ll tag up a stable version later today – just adding in a few extra functions



    Please consider opening a ticket with a patch for new actions to put in the bp-default template, that way you can reduce/remove the template editing step.




    I’ll comb over and submit something this week. I just think a few which mimic some of the same hook positions that bbPress had (topic meta, post links – outside of admin-links, etc)

    forgot: tagged up 0.1.8

    also outlined some additional hacks using the plugin



    Thank you for the update and ‘forum index’ feature!

    it really is great! :)

    one thing, if it was possible to be able to change

    is the order in which forums are displayed, in my case, it should be the other way round.. bottom forums should be on the top,

    is there anything I can do to change it?



    ah shoot, sorry. I missed that.

    you can quickly edit this file


    and replace

    ORDER BY f.forum_order DESC


    ORDER BY f.forum_order ASC

    I updated the trunk and 0.1.8 tag but did not increase the version number

    if you need to readjust the order in a custom way – you can modify the database table wp_bb_forums (or whatever prefix is used) and change up the forum_order column.



    Thank you, it looks great now

    and it is really one of the most useful plugins for me,

    small suggestions for the future

    1) it would be nice in the future, to have the option to display active topic below forums

    in wp-admin settings to give users a choice,


    2) to have a widget which would display ‘forums’

    without many details, like description, but simply a list with forums names,

    3) (least important new features, would be to have forums icons in the forum index



    it would be nice in the future, to have the option to display active topic below forums

    in wp-admin settings to give users a choice,

    As Andy mention above with getting more hooks into the template – this is just a restriction on what I could find on that template to insert the html. either add_action( 'bp_directory_forums_content', 'bp_forum_extras_index_screen' ); or add_action( 'bp_after_directory_forums_list', 'bp_forum_extras_index_screen' ) (but if you are not afraid of hacking up your own template – you could easily move things around)

    I’ll sit down (hopefully tomorrow) and look over bbPress templates and BP and see what/where can be added.

    to have a widget which would display ‘forums’

    without many details, like description, but simply a list with forums names

    I need to look into how to create widgets (something on the bp site?) – the functionality is already there and would be very easy for me to add it in.

    3) (least important new features, would be to have forums icons in the forum index

    This would be the group avatar correct?



    From your plugin page:

    Future Consideration:

    * Report Post to Mod (use notification system to group mods)

    * Support Forums (run nongroup forums)

    * Best Answer or bb-reputation (Karma)

    * bbPress Favorites functionality (renamed due to conflict of activity stream?)

    Report Post w/notifications to group mods: That is excellent, and exactly what I had in mind here. Would there be some “admin” screen for reported posts, or would the notification just link you to the reported post?



    Report Post is a must for me – so something I will look into. Unfortunately my mind suffers from scope creep and Activity comments would benefit from this as well (not sure if I’ll create a new plugin for an encompassing functionality)



    thank you for your reply,

    I will try/investigate and move things around myself,

    i am new to buddypress

    yes, by icons i meant, group avatars (which incidentally, would also look nice in the future forum widget )

    i have no idea how to create widgets, but if you install group widget, you will see what I meant re forum widget with icon,

    kind regards




    Hi @etiviti I’ve updated to the latest stable release (and tried the latest dev release) but there’s still no button support for bbshort code :(

    I will mod 0.1.8 as I want to try the new stuff out.

    Also the readme has vipers plugin still in it as well.

    Good work though!





    it is on there, when you enable the shortcode filter – under the admin settings there is a checkbox to enable the buttons.



    re: forum index

    etiviti (rich!), I spiffed up the forum index by adding Group/Forum avatars beside the forum title/description (see code below)

    Question: can you think of an easy way to include a link to the last active post, say, in a final column? I looked at the code last night didn’t get that far.

    Add Avatar to BP Forum Extras – Forum Index


    <td class=”num td-title”>


    <div class=”item-avatar”>

    <?php $width=50;$height=50;$type=’thumb’; echo bp_core_fetch_avatar( array( ‘item_id’ => $listing->id, ‘object’ => ‘group’, ‘type’ => $type, ‘avatar_dir’ => ‘group-avatars’, ‘width’ => $width, ‘height’ => $height ) ) ?>




    Hi @etiviti – I stand corrected :)

    The buttons do need a slight change for my bbcode plugin.

    under lists it needs to be

    echo "BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ul','UL','[ul]','[/ul]','u','','unordered list')); BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_ol','OL','[ol]','[/ol]','o','','ordered list')); BBcodeButtons.push(new BBcodeButton('ed_li','LI','[li]','[/li]','l','','list item'));";

    as my plugin handles lists with the correct bbcode codes.

    Just might be worth putting this in a future update (a statement if bbcode short-codes enabled use that for lists, else use the original items)

    Cheers! its looking good.




    The buttons do need a slight change for my bbcode plugin.

    I’ll add this to the next update.

    Question: can you think of an easy way to include a link to the last active post, say, in a final column? I looked at the code last night didn’t get that far.

    this function will return the link to the last post for a given topic (inside the loop) (where 15 is the default posts per_page setting)

    bp_forum_extras_topic_last_post_link( 15 )

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